Dobot-CR-Tec-CEM / TecCEM_DobotCR5

This is a repository of an implementation for Dobot CR5 with a DH Gripper for a pick & place project with a camera at the top of the workspace.
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I solved it: Joints of gripper free in gazebo #4

Closed DannyAvilaL closed 1 year ago

DannyAvilaL commented 1 year ago
          I solved it:

There are two ways to go about it. Do the following for panda_arm_hand and panda_hand groups. I am explaining here panda_hand group for reference.

Solution 1 Under /catkin_ws/src/panda_simulation/config/panda_control.yaml there are panda_finger_joint1 and panda_finger_joint2 under _panda_handcontroller: Remove the panda_finger_joint2 as we are mimicking joint1. Make sure that /your_moveit_package/config/ros_controllers.yaml also has the same names as in panda_control.yaml

This might cause a different error as discussed here

Solution 2 Do not mimic joints but treat them as separate active joints. For that go to /catkin_ws/src/franka_ros/franka_description/robots/hand.xacro and remove the mimic element under panda_finger_joint2 Also go to /your_moveit_package/robots/hand.urdf and remove the mimic element under panda_finger_joint2

Check for any additional hand.urdf or srdf files that gazebo is dependent on and remove the mimic element or the word passive for panda_finger_joint2 thus treating it as an independent joint

_Originally posted by @venkateshsripada in

DannyAvilaL commented 1 year ago

Used Solution 1 for this repository