DobyTang / LazyLibrarian

This project isn't finished yet. Goal is to create a SickBeard, CouchPotato, Headphones-like application for ebooks. Headphones is used as a base, so there are still a lot of references to it.
730 stars 72 forks source link

Deluge connection not working? #1106

Closed Dulanic closed 6 years ago

Dulanic commented 6 years ago

When LL finds a book via torrent search, it fails to send to deluge. I am at a loss as to why this is happening. When I "test" deluge it works fine. All my other dockers have no problem working with deluge. I tested the redacted torrent link on line 621. It works fine.

I manually go to Deluge webui and loaded the torrent using the link from the log and it worked fine. So there seems to be some other disconnect.

To help with identifying and fixing issues, please include as much information as possible, including:

LazyLibrarian version number (at the bottom of config page)


Operating system used (windows, mac, linux, NAS type)

Ubuntu 16.04

Interface in use (default, bookstrap)


Which api (Goodreads, GoogleBooks, both)


Source of your LazyLibrarian installation (git, zip file, 3rd party package)

Relevant debug log with api keys and any passwords redacted

05-Nov-2017 09:24:52 - INFO    :: SEARCHBOOK : : Requesting eBook download: 101% Harry Potter EPUB Collection Books J K Rowling ShareRadius
05-Nov-2017 09:24:53 - DEBUG   :: SEARCHBOOK : : Sending J K  Rowling - Harry Potter Collection LL.(10) to Deluge
05-Nov-2017 09:24:53 - DEBUG   :: SEARCHBOOK : : Deluge: Got a URL:<redacted>>&path=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&file=Harry+Potter+EPUB+Collection+Books+1-7+J+K+Rowling+(ShareRadius).torrent
05-Nov-2017 09:24:53 - DEBUG   :: SEARCHBOOK : : Deluge: Adding URL
05-Nov-2017 09:24:53 - DEBUG   :: SEARCHBOOK : : Deluge: Response was None
05-Nov-2017 09:24:53 - ERROR   :: SEARCHBOOK : : Deluge: Adding torrent URL failed: Is the WebUI running?
05-Nov-2017 09:24:53 - INFO    :: SEARCHBOOK : : Deluge returned status None
05-Nov-2017 09:24:53 - ERROR   :: SEARCHBOOK : : Failed to download torrent from DELUGEWEBUI,<redacted>>&path=akJqelhUTVpQaU8yenN0UXFqS2dtSnAzWW5rbU1ud00xM0cvZHRTSDRmYzBZbmdiNkdrdVludHRNQkNoSDN6WWYyUE5MQ0pFcldCYm9mTDVjZ2FFaE4ya1l0aXNLZCtKNEp6N1JQWkNXSTJ4RUovVTBHeXpiME5EOEJ1aysyWVp2RmZvZVBtbk1nYitHVUo1UjZqdVR5VDJEdEEwWkRZVDQ0VUU0UDU3VTBiaFZYblhHMS83bTlUWUpESXFCa1ZuMzhVekVNRGxnRmZVMWpKb25mSGNkNUZYTXM1b2NRejRsZU1xM203RXNlNkNXamQ2bjlQRTNSYTc2TWlZWWdFS2VqV005ejZsTmVrdEFSNDVXZzJlTGJSditydEpkbWNiTEhYcHpnQ0s5YmZHR0JwTVBMem1pRnpnaWxTLzRwbHlUMHplUXVTOHdqTzh1MEEzQXZ6ZUVWOTFlb21WeGVyV1FtN0ZBN3pJVXA2ekFVTEQ2ZTZOeGxUL09xdEx0S2FsSlQ4ZGxvNjdCbHZzVng2b0Y3RXU0TTRvYW1LV2NrNE5jaTdNcnVZOTZVYz01&file=Harry+Potter+EPUB+Collection+Books+1-7+J+K+Rowling+(ShareRadius).torrent
05-Nov-2017 09:24:53 - INFO    :: SEARCHBOOK : : Search for Wanted items complete, found 0 books
05-Nov-2017 09:25:19 - DEBUG   :: SAVELOG : : Processing logfile [/config/log/lazylibrarian.log]

Deluge connection check:

2017-11-05 09:38:57 | DEBUG | Deluge: Connection successful
-- | -- | --
2017-11-05 09:38:57 | DEBUG | Deluge: Checking connection

philborman commented 6 years ago

Seems to be working ok here, I'm on ubuntu 17.10 but not using a docker, see log, so it's down to what's different between your system and mine...

Are you sure deluge host/port/password are ok? You are on default port, which should fine. Maybe default password too but we redacted it ;-)

Have you installed deluge/deluged/delugewebui, they are separate packages on ubuntu and you need all 3.

My deluge is on the same machine as lazylibrarian, so uses if you are talking to deluge from a different machine you need to enable "Allow Remote Connections" in deluge daemon

I see you are using jackett, does it work if you go direct rather than through jackett?

05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge: Adding magnet 05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge: Response was 97bc799bfaa126cbc328f005e843088dfe920008 05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - INFO :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge: Torrent sent to Deluge successfully (97bc799bfaa126cbc328f005e843088dfe920008) 05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge: Setting label 05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge: books label added to torrent 05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge label returned: True 05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge: Get torrent folder name 05-Nov-2017 18:01:07 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : DELUGEWEBUI setting torrent name to [Douglas Adams - So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish] 05-Nov-2017 18:01:07 - INFO :: WEBSERVER : : Downloading eBook So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish from TPB 05-Nov-2017 18:01:07 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Email notification: Started Download

Dulanic commented 6 years ago

Positive all settings Ok. It even confirms the connection when I test. It has all 3 in a docker package. Radarr sonarr etc all have no issues same settings.

On Sun, Nov 5, 2017, 11:11 AM philborman wrote:

Seems to be working ok here, I'm on ubuntu 17.10 but not using a docker, see log, so it's down to what's different between your system and mine... Are you sure deluge host/port/password are ok? You are on default port, which should fine. Have you installed deluge/deluged/delugewebui, they are separate packages on ubuntu and you need all 3.

05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge: Adding magnet 05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge: Response was 97bc799bfaa126cbc328f005e843088dfe920008 05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - INFO :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge: Torrent sent to Deluge successfully (97bc799bfaa126cbc328f005e843088dfe920008) 05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge: Setting label 05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge: books label added to torrent 05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge label returned: True 05-Nov-2017 18:00:46 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Deluge: Get torrent folder name 05-Nov-2017 18:01:07 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : DELUGEWEBUI setting torrent name to [Douglas Adams - So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish] 05-Nov-2017 18:01:07 - INFO :: WEBSERVER : : Downloading eBook So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish from TPB 05-Nov-2017 18:01:07 - DEBUG :: WEBSERVER : : Email notification: Started Download

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philborman commented 6 years ago

It's certainly odd that the communication test works but the real torrents don't. A few other possible differences between your setup and mine... I just tried access through jackett, which also worked so that's not relevant My tests tonight were with magnets, as that's what my providers send, your failed example was a torrent. Have you tried magnets and do they also fail on your setup? Do all torrents/magnets fail, or just some? I haven't managed to find a single torrent to test, I always get sent magnet links. The code for both sending to deluge is very similar though. Versions: I am using deluge 1.3.15 with libtorrent The current version of lazylibrarian does not report an error code from deluge, it just relies on deluge returning "None" as the id of the download. We can easily print the error code though, which might provide more info? Just a simple bit of editing in if you are up for it

Dulanic commented 6 years ago

Whatever I can do to help. Not sure if it's magnet too haven't run into one yet.

philborman commented 6 years ago

Thanks for helping, reproducing the issue is the problem at the moment. If you add these lines in lazylibrarian/ line 361 says


just below that put


Python is very fussy about spacing, all the "logger" lines need to be the same number of spaces at the front (8), and it must be spaces, not tabs. Next time you send something to deluge we should get details on exactly the command we sent (so we can check it looks valid) and an error code and the full response which will hopefully help track the problem down.

Dulanic commented 6 years ago

OK I added, it seems like it might only be some because now a couple worked fine. I'll let it run for a while and keep an eye on it.

Dulanic commented 6 years ago

OK I got the same one again. I'm still not sure the problem deluge is 100% running, I can still add things to it from sonarr and radarr but it still fails /w this. One thing I did note is a non Jackett download worked when it went through lime.

philborman commented 6 years ago

Interesting, something different about jackett ? The results from the extra debug lines are... 200
{"id": 2, "result": null, "error": null}

so 200 = "ok", and no result but no error either. I will need to think about this. What version of jackett are you using, I tried with also your jackett api looks odd, note after is another > before the &path=<redacted>>&path=bGtQbUl Does your jackett_apikey end in > or have we inserted an extra > somehow

Dulanic commented 6 years ago

Jackett Version 0.8.355.0

Api key is all alphanumerical. I use a jackett docker, shouldnt matter though. I checked all stages of the entry and there is no > anywhere.

Here is a less recacted version...**************o683zicc&path=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&file=Harry+Potter+EPUB+Collection+Books+1-7+J+K+Rowling+(ShareRadius).torrent

If I paste the httpinto my browser it popups properly to download the torrent.

I also searched my whole log for > and all I see was ..

Timestamp | Level | Thread | File | Method | Line No | Message
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
2017-11-06 08:30:06 | DEBUG | SEARCHBOOK | | _add_torrent_url | 362 | ]>
Dulanic commented 6 years ago

Adding my Jackett logs if it helps....

2017-11-06 10:50:57.4892 Info Found 0 releases from for: J.K. Rowling Harry Potter Collection (Harry Potter 1-6) 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.4902 Info ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor ExecuteAsync Action returned 'System.Web.Http.Results.ResponseMessageResult' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.4906 Info ApiControllerActionInvoker InvokeActionAsync  
2017-11-06 10:50:57.4906 Info RequiresValidQueryAttribute OnActionExecutedAsync Action filter for 'Torznab(TorznabRequest request)' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.4906 Info RequiresValidQueryAttribute OnActionExecutedAsync  
2017-11-06 10:50:57.4917 Info JackettAPINoCacheAttribute OnActionExecutedAsync Action filter for 'Torznab(TorznabRequest request)' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.4917 Info JackettAPINoCacheAttribute OnActionExecutedAsync  
2017-11-06 10:50:57.4917 Info ResultsController ExecuteAsync  
2017-11-06 10:50:57.4928 Info   Content-type='application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8', content-length=639 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.4928 Info ResultsController Dispose  
2017-11-06 10:50:57.4936 Info ResultsController Dispose  
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5186 Info**Redacted**kyj3o683zicc&path=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&file=Harry+Potter+EPUB+Collection+Books+1-7+J+K+Rowling+(ShareRadius).torrent 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5186 Info DefaultHttpControllerSelector SelectController Route='indexerID:1337x,controller:Download,action:Download' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5186 Info DefaultHttpControllerSelector SelectController Download 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5186 Info HttpControllerDescriptor CreateController  
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5186 Info DefaultHttpControllerActivator Create  
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5195 Info DefaultHttpControllerActivator Create Jackett.Controllers.DownloadController 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5195 Info HttpControllerDescriptor CreateController Jackett.Controllers.DownloadController 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5195 Info DownloadController ExecuteAsync  
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5195 Info ApiControllerActionSelector SelectAction  
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5195 Info ApiControllerActionSelector SelectAction Selected action 'Download(String indexerID, String path, String jackett_apikey, String file)' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5195 Info HttpActionBinding ExecuteBindingAsync  
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5206 Info ModelBinderParameterBinding ExecuteBindingAsync Binding parameter 'indexerID' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5206 Info ModelBinderParameterBinding ExecuteBindingAsync Parameter 'indexerID' bound to the value '1337x' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5206 Info ModelBinderParameterBinding ExecuteBindingAsync Binding parameter 'path' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5206 Info ModelBinderParameterBinding ExecuteBindingAsync Parameter 'path' bound to the value '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' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5206 Info ModelBinderParameterBinding ExecuteBindingAsync Binding parameter 'jackett_apikey' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5206 Info ModelBinderParameterBinding ExecuteBindingAsync Parameter 'jackett_apikey' bound to the value 'ns**Redacted**kyj3o683zicc' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5216 Info ModelBinderParameterBinding ExecuteBindingAsync Binding parameter 'file' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5216 Info ModelBinderParameterBinding ExecuteBindingAsync Parameter 'file' bound to the value 'Harry Potter EPUB Collection Books 1-7 J K Rowling (ShareRadius).torrent' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5216 Info HttpActionBinding ExecuteBindingAsync Model state is valid. Values: indexerID=1337x, path=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, jackett_apikey=ns**Redacted**kyj3o683zicc, file=Harry Potter EPUB Collection Books 1-7 J K Rowling (ShareRadius).torrent 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5216 Info JackettAPINoCacheAttribute OnActionExecutingAsync Action filter for 'Download(String indexerID, String path, String jackett_apikey, String file)' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5216 Info JackettAPINoCacheAttribute OnActionExecutingAsync  
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5225 Info ApiControllerActionInvoker InvokeActionAsync Action='Download(indexerID=1337x, path=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, jackett_apikey=ns**Redacted**kyj3o683zicc, file=Harry Potter EPUB Collection Books 1-7 J K Rowling (ShareRadius).torrent)' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5225 Info ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor ExecuteAsync Invoking action 'Download(indexerID=1337x, path=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, jackett_apikey=ns**Redacted**kyj3o683zicc, file=Harry Potter EPUB Collection Books 1-7 J K Rowling (ShareRadius).torrent)' 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.5426 Debug IWebClient.GetString(Url: 
2017-11-06 10:50:57.8453 Debug IWebClient: Returning OK => <!DOCTYPE html>
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function count(t){return $.ajax({async:!1,type:"POST",url:"/dltrack/1618155/",data:{dst:t.href,src:document.location.href,torid:"1618155"}}),!1}
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philborman commented 6 years ago

A deluge log may help, might show us what it received from lazylibrarian and why it reported 200 (ok) but no result and no error. See info here...

Dulanic commented 6 years ago

Here is the api call it receives. There is no follow up. The URL link is valid as I can click it no problem and download the torrent.

[DEBUG ] 08:17:06 json_api:270 json-request: {"params": ["*redacted*&path=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&file=Harry+Potter+EPUB+Collection+Books+1-7+J+K+Rowling+(ShareRadius).torrent", {}], "method": "core.add_torrent_url", "id": 2}

There is no record in the deluge log, just the web log.

philborman commented 6 years ago

I don't really understand what's going on here. Seems we send the right data to deluge, and we get a reply back that says 'ok' but nothing happens, no download.

There are two methods available in lazylibrarian to talk to deluge, you are using the webui (password only). Is it any different if you talk direct to the daemon, might be worth a try? Need a username and password for the daemon, see...

Dulanic commented 6 years ago

I'm glad I'm not alone in saying what the hell...

It's odd because there is no problem /w sonarr and radarr. Let me let things run for a little bit and I'll find a working non magnet one /w one of those and see if I can find any differences. My desktop client talks to the daemon and I can load that same URL no problem.

philborman commented 6 years ago

There are two separate libraries used in lazylibrarian for deluge, if you connect to the daemon using your desktop client, try talking to deluge via the daemon in lazylibrarian too. Different library might make a difference, might not...

Dulanic commented 6 years ago

Daemon works, so it has to be something /w the webui interface library. I wasn't even aware I could use the daemon connection. Well at least that's figure out. Wish I could help determine why it works one way but not the other.

philborman commented 6 years ago

Looks a bit more specific than that, something to do with the webui interface when using jackett to serve torrents. I think if you're working ok with the daemon I will put this on the back burner until we get more info, or maybe just document it and recommend using the daemon ;-)

Dulanic commented 6 years ago

Sounds good to me, thanks for your assistance and getting it working for me /w the daemon. If I see a webui connection from sonarr/radarr and it works, I'll come back and notate this /w that so you can see if there is something they do differently.