DobyTang / LazyLibrarian

This project isn't finished yet. Goal is to create a SickBeard, CouchPotato, Headphones-like application for ebooks. Headphones is used as a base, so there are still a lot of references to it.
728 stars 72 forks source link

Unhandled exception in downloadResult #1582

Closed caloc-nz closed 5 years ago

caloc-nz commented 5 years ago

To help with identifying and fixing issues, please include as much information as possible, including:

LazyLibrarian version number (at the bottom of config page)


Operating system used (windows, mac, linux, NAS type)

thraxis/lazylibrarian-calibre linux docker / qbit is also a docker container

Interface in use (default, bookstrap)


Which api (Goodreads, GoogleBooks, both)


Source of your LazyLibrarian installation (git, zip file, 3rd party package)

thraxis/lazylibrarian-calibre linux docker

Relevant debug log with api keys and any passwords redacted

Please note - usually a single line of log is not sufficient. The lines just before the error occurs can give useful context and greatly assist with debugging.

There is a built-in debug log creator on the logs page which makes it easy to provide this information

I've just installed the docker container, added qbittorrent and jackett, added an author and searched for a book and have not yet been successful. Any ideas, am I missing something?

philborman commented 5 years ago

No, you're not missing anything, it's a bug. Fortunately it looks like a simple one to fix, just a communication error between LL and qbiittorrent. Should be fixed later today.

caloc-nz commented 5 years ago

Thanks for updating. I've applied the update however still running into the same/similar issue. I've attached the debug log.

philborman commented 5 years ago

Doesn't look like you are on latest version? The debug log shows 783107377a22c18c93f6cb9c798e9e810bbfaa49 when latest version is 4edcc80941f283635f89b35b6e89e352f41fc884 The line numbers look wrong, and your debug shows us still calling addTorrent instead of addFile

caloc-nz commented 5 years ago

Ok, I'll have a look at that.

caloc-nz commented 5 years ago

Still get the error, Check version says up to date and this is system info (am I pulling the wrong branch maybe)?

Startup cmd: ['/usr/bin/python', '/app/lazylibrarian/', '--datadir', '/config', '--nolaunch'] Interface: bookstrap Loglevel: 1 Sys_Encoding: UTF-8 git_repo: lazylibrarian git_user: dobytang git_branch: master latest_version: 4edcc80941f283635f89b35b6e89e352f41fc884 git_updated: Thu Oct 4 21:19:10 2018 current_version: 4edcc80941f283635f89b35b6e89e352f41fc884 commits_behind: 0 install_type: git auto_update: 0 Python version: ['2.7.15 (default, Aug 16 2018, 14:17:09) ', '[GCC 6.4.0]'] Distribution: ('', '', '') System: Linux Machine: x86_64 Platform: Linux-4.15.0-34-generic-x86_64-with uname: ('Linux', 'f208b244d0cc', '4.15.0-34-generic', '#37-Ubuntu SMP Mon Aug 27 15:21:48 UTC 2018', 'x86_64', '') version: #37-Ubuntu SMP Mon Aug 27 15:21:48 UTC 2018 mac_ver: ('', ('', '', ''), '') urllib3: 1.23 requests: 2.19.1 tls: TLS 1.2 cherrypy: 3.6.0 sqlite3: 3.24.0 unrar: DLL version 8 openssl: LibreSSL 2.7.4 pyOpenSSL: 18.0.0 cryptography: 2.3.1 magic: missing

philborman commented 5 years ago

You are now on 4edcc80 which is latest version on main branch, the last debug log was the wrong version though, so gave the wrong info. Can you run the test again and post a new debug log, thanks.

caloc-nz commented 5 years ago

Here you go (and thanks for looking into this)

philborman commented 5 years ago

Hmm, still something odd going on. Your latest debug log says it is running version: 783107377a22c18c93f6cb9c798e9e810bbfaa49 which is not current, and the line numbers still show it's the old code, eg 04-Oct-2018 22:16:52 - DEBUG :: SEARCHBOOK : : addTorrent(d8:announce68: we shouldn't be calling addTorrent in the new code, and that message isn't on line 261 any more, it's now line 265, so the upgrade appears not to have taken place???