Open grrigore opened 3 years ago
Do your CSV files only contain a column of numbers? Or do they include other columns as well? Also what operating system are you using?
My .csv files contain tweet's ID.I am using Ubuntu.
Do the CSV files have a column header? Or are the files just lines of numbers?
This is a preview from a .csv file: ID, TextBlob score (I can remove this)
I am using data from here
You will want to ensure that your input file is a text file where each line contains a tweet id and nothing else. So that TextBlob score will need to be removed as will any column headers.
I don't actually see data with that format in the dataset you linked to. If you are working with a very large dataset (hundreds of millions of tweets) you might want to use twarc instead of Hydrator.
Sorry i should have left this open to see if you have any more questions.
No problem. 🙂 I think twarc it's a better tool for what I want. Thank you.
I have a folder with 100 .csv files of different sizes. Is there a way to hydrate those files without manually adding each file into the Hydrator app?