DocOps / liquidoc-gem

The canonical gem source for LiquiDoc, a ruby-based documentation parsing and rendering utility enabling advanced builds with Asciidoctor, Jekyll, Liquid, and semi-structured data files.
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Enable configuration of a jekyll build/serve/deploy operation #7

Open briandominick opened 7 years ago

briandominick commented 7 years ago

Jekyll is pretty well primed to run against many of the same files already in use by LiquiDoc and Asciidoctor. With the Jekyll plugin called jekyll-asciidoc, we can parse AsciiDoc "pages" and "posts" just like Jekyll parses Markdown. I think the key will be to feed a config file location to LiquiDoc, and that config file can do pretty much everything else, as with a direct call to bundle exec jekyll serve. We'll also want deploy options using Travis CI and GitHub pages, at least, by default. The more plug-and-play, the better.

- action: deploy
  base: pages/
  platform: jekyll
  config: _configs/jekyll-site.yml

This would call Jekyll operations natively and log to screen normally.

I've included the attribute base: just as a placeholder: I don't know if the config file can be stored outside the root from which Jekyll will crawl all non-excluded directories looking for valid files to parse into HTML or otherwise handle. This will take some research, but ideally we can store multiple custom-named config files for multiple Jekyll operations. I don't have a solid use case for this, but I can imagine some based on experience, such as needing different sites for internal docs and customer-facing docs, built from the same repo but needing totally different site deployments.

Any Jekyll operation will be a "deploy" action, since the jekyll serve operation is a final phase, even if it doesn't push to the web. A local docs site deployment is still a deployment.

I have not suggested the platform: attribute elsewhere, but its my way of demonstrating I would love to see LiquiDoc extended to other site-deployment or build/testing utilities. So platform: is where we can express what third-party utility we'll be engaging for a deployment. I don't want to make this optional now, even if it only works with Jekyll, because I really do see this changing.