DocOps / liquidoc-gem

The canonical gem source for LiquiDoc, a ruby-based documentation parsing and rendering utility enabling advanced builds with Asciidoctor, Jekyll, Liquid, and semi-structured data files.
MIT License
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0.10.0 Release Candidate #70

Closed briandominick closed 5 years ago

briandominick commented 5 years ago

These changes should be non backward-breaking, but it includes improved gemfile/gemspec function and instruction. Having gems unnecessarily listed in Gemfile should hurt nobody, but since this script became a gem, there is no reason to use an application's Gemfile to pull in LiquiDoc dependencies. Just gem 'liquidoc' will do.

Still, test this on multiple systems/repos.

To test, change your Gemfile's liquidoc reference to:

gem 'liquidoc' , git: "git://", branch: "dev-0.10.0" 

Then run bundle update.

Test without removing the unnecessary gems (listed below), but also after removing them.

Gems now pulled in automatically.

gem 'json'
gem 'liquid'
gem 'asciidoctor'
gem 'asciidoctor-pdf'
gem 'logger'
gem 'crack'
gem 'jekyll'
gem 'jekyll-asciidoc'
briandominick commented 5 years ago

@hpalacio Please give this branch a test against your current codebase, including if you can do a stage deployment. This change goes a long way to fixing how gems are managed, and I think the new requirements are well within the range you have installed, but be sure to check at least before you do a final deploy.

hpalacio commented 5 years ago

@briandominick I tested it while keeping the gems and it works fine. I then removed the gems (not only from the Gemfile but also uninstalled them) and it downloaded them:

Fetching json 2.2.0
Installing json 2.2.0 with native extensions
Fetching asciidoctor 1.5.8
Installing asciidoctor 1.5.8
Fetching asciidoctor-pdf 1.5.0.alpha.16
Installing asciidoctor-pdf 1.5.0.alpha.16
Fetching crack 0.4.3
Installing crack 0.4.3
Fetching liquid 4.0.3
Installing liquid 4.0.3
Fetching jekyll 3.8.5
Installing jekyll 3.8.5
Fetching jekyll-asciidoc 2.1.1
Installing jekyll-asciidoc 2.1.1
Fetching logger 1.3.0
Installing logger 1.3.0

Everything ok!

briandominick commented 5 years ago

Okay thanks @hpalacio ! Same results here. I'm going to merge and release!