DocOps / liquidoc-gem

The canonical gem source for LiquiDoc, a ruby-based documentation parsing and rendering utility enabling advanced builds with Asciidoctor, Jekyll, Liquid, and semi-structured data files.
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liquidoc uses deprecated (now removed) File.exists? API #96

Open mikewadsten opened 1 month ago

mikewadsten commented 1 month ago

I recently tried to use liquidoc on Ubuntu 24.04 (with Ruby 3.2), but was unable to proceed because of the uses of File.exists?, which was deprecated in Ruby 2.1.0 and removed in 3.2.0 in favor of File.exist?.

briandominick commented 1 month ago

I'm refactoring this entire gem and will hopefully release a 1.0 this year. For now I would suggest using an earlier version of Ruby if possible. If you're desperate to use this and constrained to 3.2+, I'll try to release a patch.

mikewadsten commented 1 month ago

We're definitely not constrained to 3.2 -- for now we're still using Ubuntu 18.04 (in a Docker container) as our primary build system, but I'd like to get us modernized as much as possible.

In the meantime, if you'd be able to generate a new small release with just swapping File.exists? for File.exist?, I (and the rest of Digi) would appreciate it greatly. :smile: