DocSpring / craco-antd

A craco plugin to use Ant Design with create-react-app
MIT License
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Using antd less variables in components #72

Open nerdess opened 2 years ago

nerdess commented 2 years ago

I am customizing my ant design app using craco-antd which works very well :)

Now I'd like to use antd less variables inside the various .less files of my components. So that I can do stuff like e.g:

.card { padding-top: @padding-md; }

I am able to get it to work when I add

@import 'antd/dist/antd.less';

at the top of each .less file that uses an antd variable but that seems quite cubersome. Is there no way to add the variables globally?

floatrx commented 2 years ago

add the variables globally?

I prefer SASS\SCSS instead of LESS. I use craco-sass-resources-loader for that.

my config be like:

module.exports = {
      plugin: sassResourcesLoader,
      options: {
        resources: './src/styles/core.scss',


@import "";
@import "mixins";
@import "helpers";
@import "animations";

Just replace sass with less & google

Try craco-plugin-style-resources-loader