DocSpring / libreconv

Ruby gem that converts office documents to PDF using LibreOffice / OpenOffice.
MIT License
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getting error No such file or directory @ rb_file_s_stat - /tmp/test.docx #16

Closed Ramyani closed 5 years ago

Ramyani commented 8 years ago

After upgrading the LibreOffice 420m0(Build:2) to LibreOffice 10m0(Build:2), I am suddenly getting error during docx conversion using the following command.. Libreconv.convert("test.html", "test.docx", ClockworkConfiguration.libreoffice.path, "docx")

I have the /tmp folder also have permission to write on it. Also I had closed all open instances of libreoffice.

How can I resolve this? And if it is the version of libreoffice that is causing this, what latest version should I use for this gem?

joshualaboratories commented 7 years ago

did you ever get a resolution to this?

urkle commented 7 years ago

@Ramyani do you have multiple processes or threads doing conversions? If so, that is the issue. This gem uses the SAME tmp directory for all conversions and thus fails gloriously in that scenario.

  def convert
      Dir.mktmpdir do |target_path|
        orig_stdout = $stdout.clone
        $stdout.reopen'/dev/null', 'w')
        pid = Spoon.spawnp(@soffice_command, "--headless", "--convert-to", @convert_to, @source, "--outdir", target_path)
        $stdout.reopen orig_stdout
        target_tmp_file = "#{target_path}/#{File.basename(@source, ".*")}.#{File.basename(@convert_to, ":*")}"
        FileUtils.cp target_tmp_file, @target

Doing this ensures each process has it's own temp directory AND that it gets cleaned up. (this bit us as well).

Another issue is the blind waitpid. We had a user upload a document to our conversion server that caused libreoffice to HANG for over 13hours!!

I ended up doing this.

      pid = Spoon.spawnp(Commands.soffice, "--headless", "--convert-to", 'pdf', source, "--outdir", tmp_path)
      if ! max_duration.nil?
        start =
        ret = nil
        while ret.nil?
            ret = Process.waitpid(pid, Process::WNOHANG)
          rescue => ex
            raise IOError, 'Failed to convert document'

          break unless ret.nil?

          if ( - start) > max_duration
            # kill and reap the process
            Process::kill('KILL', pid)
            Process::waitpid(85415, Process::WNOHANG)
            raise IOError, 'Document took too long to convert'

          sleep 1
maheshd1991 commented 6 years ago

Dear @urkle, How can i replace your code to actual gem code? Please help me i am new to the Rails.

ndbroadbent commented 5 years ago

Hi sorry about this, this should be fixed in this commit:

But I just need to release a new version of the gem.