DockYard / ember-service-worker

A pluggable approach to Service Workers for Ember.js
MIT License
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App not building after installing ember-service-worker #110

Open caseyjenks opened 6 years ago

caseyjenks commented 6 years ago

After running ember install ember-service-worker, my app fails to build. I'm not really getting much in terms of console output, but this is what I see:

Could not start watchman
Visit for more info.
DEPRECATION: Addon files were detected in `/Users/caseyjenks/sites/fitbot-client/node_modules/ember-inject-script/addon`, but no JavaScript preprocessors were found for `ember-inject-script`. Please make sure to add a preprocessor (most likely `ember-cli-babel`) to in `dependencies` (NOT `devDependencies`) in `ember-inject-script`'s `package.json`.
Warning: failed to stat /Users/caseyjenks/sites/fitbot-client/tmp/autoprefixer_filter-tmp_dest_dir-2PQnDGhJ.tmp/assets/failed.png

The deprecation warning shows up in master branch of the project, but the Warning: failed to stat... is new.

Any ideas?

Version: 0.6.12

pvertenten commented 6 years ago

I see similar behavior, in that build times explode in length what might have taken 10+ seconds takes 10+ minutes. If I wait long enough I can use it.

Without ember-service-worker

time ember build ember build 13.71s user 2.88s system 114% cpu 14.487 total

With ember-service-worker

time ember-build ember build 855.88s user 236.00s system 117% cpu 15:32.75 total

pvertenten commented 6 years ago

So I solved the issue I believe. Thought I don't have a long term solution. Maybe report the issue to ember-rails, or see what ember-service-worker is doing with the tmp directory.

The issue seems to be that ember-rails seems to leave a lot of extra things behind in the tmp directory, and this only grows over time while developing the app. I had a few GB of left over data in the tmp directory from previous runs.

... asset_map-cache_path-hsRQ5VAH.tmp broccoli_merge_trees-cache_path-6LVndSRy.tmp broccoli_merge_trees-cache_path-6mz1PwG4.tmp ...

With all this left behind stuff and ember-service-worker the build seems to take very long. Not sure what the build is doing, but clearing out the tmp directory before building speeds everything up to basically normal build speed.

drouhard commented 6 years ago

I'm hitting the same issue. I'm using ember-cli-rails as well.

roelzkie15 commented 5 years ago

Same thing happen to my installation as well I can't rebuild the app

eshtadc commented 5 years ago

@roelzkie15 Was your situation the same as others in this issue in that the use of ember-cli-rails is leaving a lot in tmp?

koushik-radhakrishan commented 2 years ago

I don't use ember-CLI-rails but still this is happening. How you guys solved this? Any working solution?