Open hongseokyoon opened 4 months ago
If I turn flame on in LiveDashboard and send a request to my Phoenix app, it printed errors.
>>>pid:#PID<0.1082.0> >>>tracer:#PID<0.1082.0> alive?:true >>>self:#PID<0.1087.0> alive?:true process_info:[ current_function: {Process, :info, 1}, initial_call: {:proc_lib, :init_p, 5}, status: :running, message_queue_len: 0, links: [#PID<0.1085.0>], dictionary: [ "$ancestors": [#PID<0.1085.0>, #PID<0.642.0>, #PID<0.641.0>, MyWeb.Endpoint, Owp.Supervisor, #PID<0.475.0>], "$meck_call": {:cowboy_handler, :execute}, "$initial_call": {:cowboy_stream_h, :request_process, 3} ], trap_exit: false, error_handler: :error_handler, priority: :normal, group_leader: #PID<0.474.0>, total_heap_size: 2208, heap_size: 1598, stack_size: 30, reductions: 408, garbage_collection: [ max_heap_size: %{error_logger: true, kill: true, size: 0}, min_bin_vheap_size: 46422, min_heap_size: 233, fullsweep_after: 65535, minor_gcs: 4 ], suspending: [] ] [error] ** can only have one tracer per process [error] Ranch protocol #PID<0.1087.0> of listener OwpWeb.Endpoint.HTTP (connection #PID<0.1085.0>, stream id 1) terminated an exception was raised: ** (ArgumentError) errors were found at the given arguments: * 1st argument: invalid spec for pid or port :erlang.trace(#PID<0.1087.0>, true, [{:tracer, #PID<0.1087.0>}, :call, :return_to, :running, :arity, :timestamp]) (flame_on 0.7.0) lib/flame_on/capture/mock_function.ex:12: FlameOn.Capture.MockFunction.start_if_not_started/1 (flame_on 0.7.0) lib/flame_on/capture/mock_function.ex:27: anonymous fn/3 in FlameOn.Capture.MockFunction.generate/3
Added some log to /lib/flame_on/capture/trace.ex.
defmodule FlameOn.Capture.Trace do alias FlameOn.Capture.Server @flags [:call, :return_to, :running, :arity, :timestamp] def start_trace(tracer) do IO.puts ">>>tracer:#{inspect(tracer, limit: :infinity, pretty: true)} alive?:#{Process.alive?(tracer)}" match_spec = [{:_, [], [{:message, {{:cp, {:caller}}}}]}] :erlang.trace_pattern(:on_load, match_spec, [:local]) :erlang.trace_pattern({:_, :_, :_}, match_spec, [:local]) IO.puts ">>>self:#{inspect(self(), limit: :infinity, pretty: true)} alive?:#{Process.alive?(self())} process_info:#{inspect(, limit: :infinity, pretty: true)}" :erlang.trace(self(), true, [{:tracer, self()} | @flags]) end def stop_trace do :erlang.trace(self(), false, [:all]) Server.stop_trace() end end
It says that the pid is valid and why does it keep complaining that the first argument is not valid?
@hongseokyoon what version of Elixir/Erlang are you running?
If I turn flame on in LiveDashboard and send a request to my Phoenix app, it printed errors.
Added some log to
.It says that the pid is valid and why does it keep complaining that the first argument is not valid?