Closed JonasFocke01 closed 2 years ago
Hi @JonasFocke01, I will get time to investigate this on Friday. Can you share your package.json
as well? Thanks!
Hi @drewchandler, here is my package.json
{ "name": "kundenportal", "version": "0.0.2", "custom": { "node-version": "16.10.0" }, "scripts": { "dev": "env-cmd svelte-kit dev --port 5000", "build": "npm run test && env-cmd svelte-kit build", "package": "svelte-kit package", "preview": "env-cmd svelte-kit preview", "prepare": "svelte-kit sync", "check": "svelte-check --tsconfig ./tsconfig.json", "check:watch": "svelte-check --tsconfig ./tsconfig.json --watch", "lint": "prettier --ignore-path .gitignore --check --plugin-search-dir=. .", "format": "prettier --ignore-path .gitignore --write --plugin-search-dir=. .", "test": "jest src --coverage --collectCoverageFrom=src/lib/**/*.svelte --silent", "test:watch": "npm run test -- --watch" }, "setupFilesAfterEnv": [ "@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect" ], "devDependencies": { "@babel/preset-env": "^7.18.6", "@sveltejs/adapter-auto": "next", "@sveltejs/kit": "v1.0.0-next.347", "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.16.4", "@testing-library/svelte": "^3.1.3", "@types/babel__core": "^7.1.19", "@zerodevx/svelte-toast": "^0.7.1", "autoprefixer": "^10.4.4", "babel-jest": "^28.1.2", "babel-plugin-svelte-inline-compile": "^0.1.0", "jest": "^28.1.1", "jest-environment-jsdom": "^28.1.1", "jest-fetch-mock": "^3.0.3", "postcss": "^8.4.12", "prettier": "^2.5.1", "prettier-plugin-svelte": "^2.5.0", "svelte": "^3.44.0", "svelte-check": "^2.2.6", "svelte-inline-compile": "^0.1.0", "svelte-jester": "^2.3.2", "svelte-preprocess": "^4.10.7", "tailwindcss": "^3.0.23", "ts-jest": "^28.0.5", "tslib": "^2.3.1", "typescript": "~4.6.2" }, "type": "module", "dependencies": { "date-fns": "^2.28.0", "env-cmd": "^10.1.0", "js-sha256": "^0.9.0", "mongodb": "^4.6.0", "node-fetch": "^3.2.6" } }
And here is my jest.config.cjs
module.exports = { transform: { '^.+\\.js$': 'babel-jest', // '^.+\\.svelte$': 'svelte-jester', '^.+\\.svelte$': [ 'svelte-jester', { preprocess: true } ], '^.+\\.ts$': 'ts-jest' }, moduleFileExtensions: ['js', 'ts', 'svelte'], coverageReporters: ['html', 'text-summary'], moduleNameMapper: { '^\\$lib(.*)$': '<rootDir>/src/lib$1' }, automock: false, setupFiles: ['./setupJest.js'], testTimeout: 60000 };
Here is my svelte.config.js
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-auto';
import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';
/* @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} / const config = { // Consult // for more information about preprocessors preprocess: preprocess(),
kit: { adapter: adapter() } };
export default config; `
I also have this little js file setupJest.js
with only one line:
Hi @JonasFocke01,
I have fixed the svelte-inline-compile doesn't appear to be written in CJS, but also doesn't appear to be a valid ES module
warning and published a new version on the npm package.
As for the error you are seeing, are you using TypeScript for your tests? If so, you'll need to use babel-jest
to transform them, not ts-jest
Can you try changing your jest.config.cjs
file's transform
to the following?
transform: {
"^.+\\.[j|t]s$": "babel-jest",
"^.+\\.svelte$": ["svelte-jester", { preprocess: true }],
Please let me know if this helps you!
Hey @drewchandler,
The Error with cjs - esmodule
is indeed fixed now! Thank you for that!
Unfortunately the other errors have transformed a bit.
when running npm run test
, it complains about ts tokens, and that is not fixed with you suggestion of altering the transform section.
when running npm run dev
, the console spills this error multiple times failed to load module for ssr: /.svelte-kit/runtime/app/Stores
. What is that and how can i fix this?
Hi @JonasFocke01, I am not quite sure what is going on here. Is your project available on GitHub? If so, I can try pulling it down to see what is up.
I tested a bit further and my problems were related to other issues. This is fixed. Thank you :+1:
I did everything your readme says to install svelte-inline-compile, but when i try to run npm test, the test failed with the Error
TypeError: (0, svelte_inline_comile_1.default) is not a function
Running npm run dev now spilles this errorsvelte-inline-compile doesn't appear to be written in CJS, but also doesn't appear to be a valid ES module
npm install --save-dev svelte-inline-compile
ran with no errorsThis is my .babelrc file
module.exports = { "presets": [["@babel/preset-env", { "targets": { "node": "current" } }]], "plugins": ["svelte-inline-compile"] }
What am i doing wrong? What do you need from me to understand what im trying to say?