Doctave / doctave

A batteries-included developer documentation site generator
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Is this project still being developed? #51

Open andersgs opened 2 years ago

andersgs commented 2 years ago

Just wondering if there is still active development on this project before I use it for my own docs.

Thank you.

begleynk commented 2 years ago

Fair question - I've been meaning to update the README but I may as well write up the state of the project here first for a more detailed explanation.

This project originally started as an open source component of Doctave, the company. However the company ended up going in a different direction with its product, and therefore this project isn't directly related any longer.

So what does that mean for this project?

Well, it works! Many people are hosting sites built with it. The core features are there, and you can use it in its current form. Will it receive the same love and care it did when it was part of "Doctave, the company's" product? Realistically, at least on my part, no. But the fact that there haven't been many commits recently doesn't mean it doesn't work.

So, my plan with this project for a while has been the following (but haven't got around to it yet):

There are some interesting places this project could still go, and it fills an interesting niche in this category of tools. I'd love to see it still have a life outside Doctave, the company.

If anyone reading this is interested in helping out with any of the above, feel free to comment here!

andersgs commented 2 years ago

@begleynk thank you for the answer. I appreciate the conundrum.

datdenkikniet commented 2 years ago

I'd like to answer to the call for core contributors! I think the project is interesting, and would like to help maintain it into the future :)

Edit: and I'd like to offer a name suggestion, docton (document a ton, but also sticking to doc t ave a little bit). Maybe a bit boring though :P

begleynk commented 2 years ago

Thanks @datdenkikniet! docton could work! I like it!

Not sure what a good first step here is. I'll have to do a bit of research about what the best way to migrate things in practice is. There's also the issue of the live documentation for the tool on which we'll have to move.

Any suggestions welcome!

datdenkikniet commented 2 years ago

I guess the important decision is if you'd like to host the project on your personal GH account or if we should see if we can somehow acquire ownership of the docton organisation here on github. I'll try to get into contact with someone that appears to be involved with it ATM, and figure out if they'd be willing to just give us the org.

For the docs we could use github pages.

LironHazan commented 1 year ago

Hey I'll be happy to help as well :)

alexanderccc commented 1 year ago

Has anything happened with this? I'd like to open a feature request for CHANGELOG handling just so it can be discussed but if the project is moving someplace else, I'd wait for it to be moved.

datdenkikniet commented 1 year ago

Seems like we're in a bit of a limbo RN. I was in contact with @begleynk some time ago and he seems to intend to continue the project, but nothing has happened in the 3 weeks since. AFAIK he is quite busy, so I assume that some patience is in order :) In the meantime: the owner of the docton org hasn't responded to our request for possibly taking over the name, so more name suggestions are very welcome :D

begleynk commented 1 year ago

Thanks @datdenkikniet for reaching out to the owner of the docton account. I was waiting for a response from there but sounds like another option indeed in order!

Suggestions are welcome :)

"Docwave" is one name that came to mind, but there is an inactive organization on Github with that name. However I'd be happy to call the repo/org docwave-rs docwave-docs etc, just so we can make the change. No need to bikeshed more than necessary :D

ammarahm-ed commented 1 year ago

Hey guys, just passing through. Some names I thought of are

ammarahm-ed commented 1 year ago

A fork of doctave that is now in active development.

baradhili commented 4 months ago

Thanks @datdenkikniet for reaching out to the owner of the docton account. I was waiting for a response from there but sounds like another option indeed in order!

Suggestions are welcome :)

"Docwave" is one name that came to mind, but there is an inactive organization on Github with that name. However I'd be happy to call the repo/org docwave-rs docwave-docs etc, just so we can make the change. No need to bikeshed more than necessary :D

any changes?

datdenkikniet commented 4 months ago

I never did get a reply from the owner of docton, so sadly that's a dead end. I guess the docgen fork is your best bet now :)