DoctorD1501 / JAVMovieScraper

Scrape XBMC and Kodi movie metadeta and automatically rename files for Japanese Adult Videos (JAV), American Adult DVDs, and American Adult Webcontent
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Write the cover inside movie file #294

Open EvilKing3 opened 4 years ago

EvilKing3 commented 4 years ago

Hi is not a bug is just something that I don't see or is not implemented, I wanted to wrote the cover directly on the movie metadata, not external, like mp3tag does, is it possible in the actual version? Or I need some sort of app to do it on bulk after I scrap the covers? I have to do it for 13,000+ files that's why I need something that does it on bulk, thanks.

MattePainting commented 4 years ago

You're looking for MKV Merge / MKV Tool Nix:

It lets you add attachments, such as covers, to MKV files.

EvilKing3 commented 4 years ago

Thanks but the problem is that most files are mp4, avi, and tons of different format, only a small percentage has mkv format.. I need something more "universal"

Wizell commented 3 years ago

This is not possible in the current version.

It will need work to be done