DoctorGester / crumbling-island-arena

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Wheel of Fortune (Ogre-Magi) #71

Open vocalpocal opened 7 years ago

vocalpocal commented 7 years ago

Here is my proposed concept of 2.0 Wheel of Fortune.

M1 - basic attack: 1 damage, refreshes W and E CD

Q: launch the concoction in aoe, affecting all units inside its radius. The effect is completely based on what effects you get from your W and E. You may have up to 3 concoction ingredients at a time.

W: Add one of the following effects to the concoction:

E: Add one of the following effects to the concoction:

R: Burst 15-25 random concoction ingredients in the surrounding area. Coming to close contact with them adds them to your concoction pool. Enemies and allies touching them recieve the effects immediately.

Q was originally two skills, so I merged them. W and E were originally one skill, so I separated them. Remade ulti and gave the old ulti effect to m1 in some way.

13lackHawk commented 7 years ago

I dont want to see RNG heroes in CIA so this is my version of Ogre Magi:

Passive: Elements of Two. You have 2 Elements availible - Fire and Water. Active Element is lights up over your head(heads?) and everyone can see it. Fire is always your initial Element.

M1: 1 dmg attack with long range(like ogre's attack from Siltbreaker Campaign or like Legion's Q). Everytime you use your M1 your Element changes to the next one. Attacking a basic(non-water or non-fire) totem would change its state from damage to heal and vice versa.

Q: Throw a concoction that deals 3 dmg and applies an effect in area which depends on current Element. This effect lasts for 3 sec. You cant deal damage to your allies or to yourself by throwing this concoction but everyone else in CIA are affected by subsequent area effects, except you.

W: Place a totem. Very low cast range(like Pugna's E in vanilla Dota). All totems have 3 health and CM's R AoE radius effect(to make it easier I would call it Totem Radius). Totems have unlimited duration but there can be only 1 totem per team simultaneously. There are 4 different possibilities of totems:

E: Ogre Magi enters Bloodlust and starts to moving faster. He follows your cursor movement for 3 sec with a little bit increased speed(same physics as Earth Spirit's R). Ogre Magi takes double damage from any attacks/spells while in Bloodlust. Hitting with any obstacle would stop Bloodlust. Hitting with enemy would knockback him and stop Bloodlust. Knockback power should be the same as Pudge's E or maybe a bit lower.

[Cooldown: 5 sec.]

R: Ogre makes a 'butt-attack'. Watch this at 0:15 to understand what I mean. Option 1: He can jump at medium distance and deal 3 dmg and stun after landing. Option 2: He can jump only right where he is but because it would be a lot harder to hit somebody with his butt it can deal 4 dmg and stun ofc. Option 3: Ogre dont makes a 'butt-attack'(damn). Instead of it he drinks his secret potion which gives him an ability to decrease all incoming damage by 1 and increasing his speed. Duration is 5 sec. Random cooldown between 10 and 20(lmao I lied about RNG).