DoctorMcKay / HSPI_LiftMasterMyQ

HS4 comes with a free MyQ plugin from HomeSeer, so this HS3 plugin is deprecated.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Change to How "Closing" state is set. #2

Open jvmahon opened 4 years ago

jvmahon commented 4 years ago

I think this is a great plugin. Thaks for releasing it. I would, however, like to suggest a change to how the plugin transitions between the "Open" -> "Closing" and -> "Closed" states.

Currently, if the door is open and you select "Close", the MyQ system starts beeping as a warning and then about 30 seconds later, the door moves. However, during that initial warning beeping, the HomeSeer interface still says "Open" and it can appear that nothing is happening.

My proposal: If the door is open and the user selects "Close", the plugin should immediately change the door to the "closing" state and a timeout set - i.e., move to "closing" as soon as the MyQ warning beep begins, not when the door starts moving. Normally, I would expect the door to eventually begin moving and eventually reach the "Closed" state. The timeout would be there just in case there was an obstruction or other reason why the door didn't move -- in which case, the door should return to the "Open" state (or maybe the "Stopped" state).

Thanks for giving this your consideration