Doctorbal / zabbix-postgres-partitioning

Zabbix PostgreSQL version 11 Native Partitioning
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Upgrade to PSQL12 and Zabbix 5.0.x #13

Open mjtrangoni opened 4 years ago

mjtrangoni commented 4 years ago

Hi @Doctorbal,

While trying to prepare the upgrade to Zabbix 5.0, I faced the issue of the new double precision.

This requires PSQL >= 12, as said here. See the patch here.

What is your opinion about this? Would you mind making a paragraph for this case here.

I have also to test this well before the final move. Is this correct?

-- history
CREATE TABLE public.history
    itemid bigint NOT NULL,
    clock integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    ns integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0

CREATE INDEX history_1 ON public.history USING btree (itemid, clock);

-- trends
CREATE TABLE public.trends
    itemid bigint NOT NULL,
    clock integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    num integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    CONSTRAINT trends_pkey PRIMARY KEY (itemid, clock)
rustequal commented 4 years ago

Are "btree" indexes still relevant ? or is it better to use "BRIN" ?

Doctorbal commented 4 years ago

@mjtrangoni ,

Great to hear that you are taking the initiative of upgrading to Zabbix 5.0! I attended some of their online webinars and it looks fantastic. I have not tried to upgrade yet.

My opinion is that you are making a good choice. It is feasible to upgrade BUT always test the upgrade first! Test at least for a few weeks and ensure all your custom scripts and integrations work correctly. Otherwise you risk spending more time fixing issues and AFAIK there is no way to downgrade. Take a pg_dump of the production instance, pg_restore it on your dev instance and run through some common scenarios. Also check that pg_partman and other postgres modules work correctly.

Regarding SCHEMA changes in Zabbix 5.0 (create.sql.gz), it appears you are right:

CREATE TABLE history (
    itemid                   bigint                                    NOT NULL,
    clock                    integer         DEFAULT '0'               NOT NULL,
    value                    DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT '0.0000'          NOT NULL,
    ns                       integer         DEFAULT '0'               NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX history_1 ON history (itemid,clock);

    itemid                   bigint                                    NOT NULL,
    clock                    integer         DEFAULT '0'               NOT NULL,
    num                      integer         DEFAULT '0'               NOT NULL,
    value_min                DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT '0.0000'          NOT NULL,
    value_avg                DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT '0.0000'          NOT NULL,
    value_max                DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT '0.0000'          NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (itemid,clock)

Thus what you mentioned should be correct. Partitioning on the clock column should work well.

I will look to upgrade my development instance to version 5.0 and PostgreSQL version 12 in the next few weeks and update the notes here.

@rustequal , regarding BRIN indexes that is purely subjective. The only reason I would suggest BRIN indexes would be if the partition table is very big. PostgreSQL index defaults to B-tree indexes.

Let me know if you have any more questions.

Thanks & Best Regards, Andreas

Doctorbal commented 4 years ago
Jonybat commented 4 years ago

I just upgraded PostgreSQL in my 4.4 installation from 11 to 12 and there was a small issue that i overlooked that might be worth mentioning.

You need to make sure you have pg_partman >= 4.2.0 and that you upgrade the extension in pg:

SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name = 'pg_partman';

name | default_version | installed_version | comment
pg_partman | 4.4.0 | 4.0.0 | Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID

ALTER EXTENSION pg_partman UPDATE TO '4.4.0';

Otherwise you will get errors like:

postgres@zabbix ERROR: column "relhasoids" does not exist

Doctorbal commented 4 years ago

@Jonybat ,

Thanks for mentioning that. I will make sure to include that in the notes.

Regards, Andreas

mjtrangoni commented 4 years ago

PSQL 12.3 delivers 4.4.0 already

zabbix=> select * from pg_available_extensions WHERE name = 'pg_partman';
    name    | default_version | installed_version |                       comment                        
 pg_partman | 4.4.0           | 4.4.0             | Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
(1 row)
Jonybat commented 4 years ago

Yes, as i said above, in my case it was an upgrade from PSQL 11, and i had to upgrade the extension manually in psql.

I also ran into the issue described here in

Scheduled partman maintenances were failing with deadlocks, but running maintenances manually from psql would work. I changed the constraint_valid to false for all partitions, as described in the last comment of that issue, and it started working. This never happened before the upgrade to PSQL 12, so i guess its also worth mentioning.

rouba002 commented 4 years ago

This is little off/topic, but I am really curious about the upgrade as there are few interesting changes in v12, performance and size of the tables. Still had no time to check in my test instance.

And for real bleeding edge - anyone bold enough to check v13?

Doctorbal commented 3 years ago

I still haven't had the time either to test out the upgrade process. PostgreSQL v13 also comes with some interesting native logical replication support for partitioned tables; reference.

Doctorbal commented 3 years ago

I haven't looked at this due to my priorities but hope to revisit this soon.

In particular I would like to migrate the Zabbix infrastructure to cloud (Azure) in order for a more reliable environment.

Right now Azure supports Single Server PostgreSQL version 11 with extensions pg_partman and TimescaleDB (single server extensions). That is awesome. BUT I wish it were PostgreSQL 12 supported too and available in the Flexible Server option; it isn't as of this writing (flexible server extensions).

Additionally writing the terraform templates for this will make migration easier.

IMHO using timescaleDB is a better option than pg_partman purely because:

  1. TimescaleDB has a whole team of developers supporting it opposed to the sole (but very savvy) individual for pg_partman.
  2. Zabbix supports it! Woah!

Again the only thing holding me back is PostgreSQL 11 only support for Azure in Single Server instance (not preferred) but I'll see where I can go with it.