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html with css to pdf #15

Closed fezfez closed 11 years ago

fezfez commented 11 years ago


Im trying to convert html with css to pdf but css is ignored.

the command : curl -F from=html -F to=pdf -F css=@fdr.css -F input_files[]=@fdr_latin.html > test.pdf

Best regards

peterkeen commented 11 years ago

The css option doesn't work with html -> pdf, since it doesn't get run through pandoc at all. You can include it in the other_files[] option:

curl -F from=html -F to=pdf -F input_files[]=@fdr_latin.html -F other_files[]=@fdr.css > test.pdf

and then in your HTML include it as a stylesheet reference:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="fdr.css" media="print"></link>
fezfez commented 11 years ago

Thanks you, i resolve my probleme :). Just another question, can i use this command in production environnement ?

peterkeen commented 11 years ago

For a production environment I would ask you go through the steps to install it on your own heroku account as documented in the README. The public instance is mostly for testing things out.


fezfez commented 11 years ago

Ok, anyway thanks you for this awesome tools !

Best regards