Dogfalo / materialize

Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
MIT License
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Fix for new security vulnerabilities? CVE-2019-11002, CVE-2019-11003, CVE-2019-11004 #6331

Open kiere opened 5 years ago

kiere commented 5 years ago

Github is alerting us that materialize-css 1.0.0 has vulnerabilities. Are you aware of this and do you know when a fix will be released?

Screenshot 2019-04-09 16 18 21
FINDarkside commented 5 years ago


DanielRuf commented 5 years ago

v0.x is not developed anymore. Only 1.x will get updates. There are no patches (yet) as this would break many things.

In general the whole situation was badly handled - no responsible disclosure or coordination, a missing understanding that all of them are no real XSS vulns (it's possible but only if the user / developer uses user input without sanitization).

So far you can ignore the security warning if you do not directly output and use user input in tooltip, toast and autocomplete.

kiere commented 5 years ago

I can ignore it, but my clients who see these in their Github repo are NOT happy about it. 😳

Not sure about the 0.x comment since we use 1.0.0.

DanielRuf commented 5 years ago

Also these 3 are low severity. Often not all vulns are patched or can be patched (so easily).

See for example.

DanielRuf commented 5 years ago

Also to make this right. These are no real XSS. Only if you use this the wrong way.

It is improper input validation in MaterializeCSS (CWE 20), not XSS (CWE 79). Only if you directly handle any user controllable data in there. This should not be mixed.


FINDarkside commented 5 years ago

These are no real XSS.

I'm not sure why you're still going with this narrative. Autocomplete vulnerability is almost textbook example of XSS, see DOM based XSS for reference. Autocomplete tries to strip HTML out before rendering, but fails to do it properly. It never supported having html as input, so it's very big stretch to call it a "feature".

It's also a bit alarming how you think that it's ok or normal to intentionally have open vulnerabilities. Sure, there are lots of packages with unpatched vulnerabilities, but pretty much all of those packages are packages that no one uses and nobody probably maintains anymore. I agree that changing tooltip behavior would be breaking change. Fixing autocomplete, however, wouldn't be breaking change as it didn't really support HTML in the first place as explained here. And as also explained there, to "sanitize" your input, you must double escape your user input, which will prevent XSS, but will break autocompletion. It's in no way reasonable to expect for developers to know that you're supposed to double escape your input. I'm also willing to bet this isn't intended feature like you claim it is.

Even in the very unlikely case that it was intended, it would still be a vulnerability, as it's completely undocumented. With libraries as popular as this, security should be taken very seriously.

lucianot54 commented 5 years ago

@kiere, you need just be careful if you use Tooltip, Autocomplete and Toast. If you didn't use this JavaScript feature, you can ignore warnings. The problem is MaterializeCss does not sanitize your HTML content and it's possible to inject a XSS.

v0.x is not developed. Only 1.x will get updates. There are no patches (yet) as this would break many things.

0.x is vulnerable too, I hope to see a v0.100.3.

tflori commented 5 years ago

I've read everything in both issues now. And it is really annoying to read everytime the same argument from @FINDarkside. DOM based XSS example is about <option> tags that don't support html by default. It would not make sense to allow html there.

Anyway: the website writes you should not output url input (an attacker could send this link to a victim). When using materializecss autocomplete the code (not manipulated; you have to write it on your website):

  data: {
    document.location.href.substring(document.location.href.indexOf("default=")+8): null,
    'English': null,

I agree to @DanielRuf that this is not a vulnerability coming from materializecss. The vulnerability comes from your code when it allows such input to be unsanitized hand over to materializecss..

But on the other hand: it is really supposed to only contain text (html is possible but will be searched and the highlighting is broken) - so it should just be escaped in the output. Sounds like a bug not a vulnerability.

lucianot54 commented 5 years ago

Of my point of view, MaterializeCSS is a popular framework and it can offer more securities by default. I found many vulnerables developments who can to be avoid with a better security policy about the render.

With this usage, you break Angular security just because a developper make a mistake. It's just one example. Developpers are responsables but MaterializeCSS can protect this bad usage.

Allow HTML it's a good idea but you can do many things with it, like inject javascript. I'll explain again Angular example. It manage HTML and all datas are sanitazed by default. Bootstrap sanitize all HTML content with DOMPurify and you can disable it with a configuration.

HTML is a risk, as a popular framework, MaterializeCSS can reduce this risk and use with the initial usage and more security.

I reviewed the code source and security problems are datas as HTML when the basic funtionality is a simple text. I found again more "bugs" because the code use innerHtml (example: i18n) or images allow a string/url/html.

tflori commented 5 years ago

@lucianot54 You are absolutely right. It can protect you from writing bad code. But it is not a security vulnerability but a feature. And now we have a CVE because of a feature request and that is sad because the people not having a security issue on their page get a warning from their package management system. And maybe they step back from using materializecss because they are afraid the library is unsecure.

Some developers make a great library and others destroy the reputation because they can't distinguish between a vulnerability they created and a vulnerability of the library itself. That makes me sad, sorry.

FINDarkside commented 5 years ago

Dogfalo already confirmed autocomplete rendering html is not a feature, so no point in continuing the argument over this.

That makes me sad, sorry.

I'm not going to waste my time on this anymore. I'll just point out that Snyk has classified this as XSS vulnerability. Having a vulnerability does not "destroy the reputation", not taking them seriously does. The point of this is not to shit on materialize or someone else, it's to keep people safe. You seem to think this is some kind of personal attack. Having vulnerabilities is nothing out of ordinary, even the most popular packages have vulnerabilities at some point. What comes to this being "just a bug", if a bug exposes users to security threat, it is by definition a vulnerability.

tflori commented 5 years ago

Having a vulnerability does not "destroy the reputation"

That's wrong. Of course your installation rate drops when you have a vulnerability.

Snyk has classified this as XSS vulnerability

And the code example shows a code that I have to execute in developer tools to be a victim. Can you send me a link to a page not under your control that executes javascript in my browser? That is the definition of a xss as you can read in the link you sent.

But I have to admit it is wasting of time to discuss if it is xss or not. Now there is an open ticket and it has to be fixed.

FINDarkside commented 5 years ago

So you're really going the route that Snyk doesn't know what a vulnerability and xss is? They've literally made a business of knowing these things.

Can you send me a link to a page not under your control that executes javascript in my browser?

Technically, of course, but that'd be unethical and possibly illegal. We can't use random people's sites to demonstrate security vulnerabilities.

And the code example shows a code that I have to execute in developer tools to be a victim.

I'll try one more time as other PoCs are already public. I'll hope you'll read this with open mind, forget your initial opinion on this topic and just read trough this. Let's assume there's a website which lets you search other users with autocomplete. Kinda like github when you @ them. getUsers will fetch usernames and they will be fed to the autocomplete component. Notice that there is really nothing wrong with those few lines of code in the fiddle. It's using autocomplete as it's supposed to be used according to the documentation. Now, try what happens when you type typethis.

Now you argue that users should sanitize their inputs. There's nothing inherently wrong with the username, so it should be stored as it is. As Dogfalo said, autocomplete is not supposed to render HTML, so there's also no reason to sanitize it before passing it to materialize, right? Materialize is expected to handle the input as text instead of html as shown in the examples. If materialize was handling those usernames as text, sanitizing them would not make sense. If you'd sanitize <Username> to &lt;Username&gt;, materialize should render it as &lt;Username&gt; which is obviously not what you'd want.

But fine, there's another site which actually sanitizes the input. You can confirm that it's now safe to type "typethis". But actually, by sanitizing your input now you've turned the previously safe user <img src=/ onerror="alert(\'xss\')">still not safe to another issue. Try typing still not safe and see the results.

How about double escaping all html characters? That would probably solve the issue, but it'd make autocompletion pretty unusable. So yes, it is completely user preventable, by double sanitizing the input. That however does not mean that this isn't a vulnerability. Autocompletion is not working as it's documented, and if it's used in a way it's documented you'll expose yourself to xss if you autocomplete any user given content. It's absolutely not reasonable to expect developers to somehow know to double escape their inputs, when even the project maintainers didn't know it was necessary.

Now if you still don't agree that this is a vulnerability, that's fine, I doubt there's much that will change you mind. But how many people do you think know that they need to double sanitize their inputs? Probably not many, as this issue was brought up just now. So I think we can agree that majority of people using this do not know it, which means their site is possibly vulnerable. And you're saying that you feel sad because @lucianot54 requested a couple CVE ids? You should instead be happy he found this issue and that people were alerted, so they can fix their site if needed.

Divine1 commented 5 years ago

i have been assigned a task to fix these 3 XSS attacks. But, i'm having a hardtime in understanding these XSS attacks.

yes there are many articles online to read about it but i'm able to reproduce only one of the XSS attacks. This is the one attack i was able to reproduceHaving a textField in a website and allowing user to enter text in the textField . How i reproduced this attack is described below

this is my code for textField <input type="text" id="firstname" value="" />

an user who visits my website enters below value into my textField a good user will enter this value firstname a bad user will enter this value firstname" ><script>alert("test");</script>

Usually we do this to handle the form information in the front end

in both cases, firstname data in the textField will be received by the server and validated for xss vulnerabilities in the server side code and then stored into the database .

if we consider the data entered by the bad user and If this validation is not done, then while the user via the same website tries to view the stored firstname information, the script which was stored along with firstname would definitely run in the browser. This is an XSS attack,

i'm not able to reproduce any XSS attacks other than this. kindly help me out

it appears to me that XSS attacks can be fixed only by handling the response data carefully in the server side code. i'm confused on why XSS attack vulnerability is reported on this materialize a client side library

FINDarkside commented 5 years ago

Text field is not one of the vulnerable components. If you render user input as html on server side, it's obviously your fault and doesn't really have much to do with materialize. The thing is, that some components in materialize do client side rendering, autocomplete for example. Have you read the comment above your comment, it has 2 PoCs for the autocomplete vulnerability. Here's one of them, type typethis to the autocomplete component.

Also, toast issue isn't really a vulnerability, so there's only 2 vulnerabilities. Both Snyk and npm have released public advisories of the vulnerabilities with autocomplete and tooltip.

Divine1 commented 5 years ago

@FINDarkside Thank you for your response, i understand it now. But, there is still some confusion.

when it comes to autocomplete in this materialize ,we have the data json object that is fed into autocomplete function. let's say i'm getting the content for data json object from my server via ajax, then i wouldn't need to worry about the XSS injection scenario which you've simulated , right!!? because data that is sent from my server will be 100% sanitized.

i'm still confused on, when this autocomplete feature of materialize will actually give raise to XSS problem.!!

In my opinion, if data json object of autocomplete feature somehow gets populated from the data stored in the browser (autofill), then there is a possibility of some scripts being in the data and it can result in XSS attack.

FINDarkside commented 5 years ago

let's say i'm getting the content for data json object from my server via ajax, then i wouldn't need to worry about the XSS injection scenario which you've simulated , right!!? because data that is sent from my server will be 100% sanitized.

No, you're not safe. It's not wrong for your api to return &lt;img src=/ onerror=&quot;alert(\'xss\')&quot;&gt;typethis. Everything is good and safe until you pass it to autocomplete component, which will first turn it to <img src=/ onerror="alert(\'xss\')">typethis and then add it to document as html.

i'm still confused on, when this autocomplete feature of materialize will actually give raise to XSS problem.!!

Look at both of the PoCs. The first one is probably how it'd usually go, as there's really no point in escaping html entities on server side if you're just returning text. The second one is a case when you do escape html entities client side but you'll still be vulnerable to xss attack. You can think these PoCs as if getUsers is the function fetching data from your ajax api and returning array of strings.

Divine1 commented 5 years ago

@FINDarkside i understand your point.

i was trying to simulate the xss attack say, i recieve data via ajax and i'm trying to render it in browser.

Incase of both innerText and innerHTML the script doesnot execute but it only prints in browser. How to make the script execute and show the alert message?

    <div id="content"></div>
        var content = document.getElementById("content");
        content.innerText='&lt;img src=/ onerror=&quot;alert(\'xss\')&quot;&gt;typethis';
        //content.innerHTML='&lt;img src=/ onerror=&quot;alert(\'xss\')&quot;&gt;typethis';
FINDarkside commented 5 years ago

Now you're on right tracks. innerText is indeed safe, you won't be able to execute any scripts using it, but autocomplete uses innerHTML equivalent. If you do

content.innerHTML='<img src=/ onerror="alert(\'xss\')">';

It should run immediately. If you want to run it trough autocomplete, it needs to be &lt;img src=/ onerror=&quot;alert(\'xss\')&quot;&gt; because autocomplete does equivalent to this:

var content = document.getElementById("content");
content.innerHTML = '&lt;img src=/ onerror=&quot;alert(\'xss\')&quot;&gt;';
// content.textContent is now <img src=/ onerror="alert(\'xss\')">
content.innerHTML = content.textContent;
lucianot54 commented 5 years ago

To understand the problem with autocomplete, you can check here

${} and {entry.key} is used without control. If you have a script in the array, you inject it in tags span/img .

I created an exemple to bugfix this point, I hope it will help you understand.

Without XSS

With XSS

After if you want allow HTML, with my exemple isn't possible.

I proposed to add news parameters like that

    html: true, // (default false)
    sanitaze: true, // (default true)
    data: {
        "Apple": null,
        "Microsoft": null,
        "Google": ''
  1. Use text type by default (In my exemple, you can easier replace text by html with the config)
  2. Sanitaze HTML by default

If you need more helps for others bugs vulnerabilities, you can contact me.

Divine1 commented 5 years ago

@FINDarkside i have a new perspective on certain things now because of you :). Please read my below comment

@lucianot54 i went through your js fiddles.

i have to fix these 3 cve's. incase of autocomplete to fix this vulnerability, i thought of modifying inside materialize.js library itself.

in my project we download the materialize library and host it from our server. So to fix the vulnerability for autocomplete, i thought of doing this In this file line 6817 i have planned to introduce below code

var span = document.createElement("SPAN");

innerText interprets string as text so if there is any js code it interprets everything as text only. so this would fix the XSS problem.

i tried below jQuery approach, but it doesnot seem to work, so i used plain js

    text : _entry.key
FINDarkside commented 5 years ago

Good to hear @Divine1. About your solution to fix it, I don't think it's enough, as the element is then passed to _highlight function which will rewrite the element innerHTML. In the end, line 6718 is the problem. Lines 6713 and below are also problem if you want autocomplete to work correctly (not a security problem though), as currently it's doing $el.text() which will change <div>User</div> to just User. It might be easier to just remove the highlight function completely and rewrite it yourself.

Divine1 commented 5 years ago

@FINDarkside i agree with you.

Personally , i don't prefer css library for simple features like tooltip autocomplete toast. Also, i'm not sure even if people are using this tooltip autocomplete toast in the project which i've been assigned to fix the vulnerabilities, mostly they aren't using it i think.

Since tooltip autocomplete toast are packed within thematerialize library people are concerned about the vulnerability. Just because this materialize library is present in the project codebase, some developer might use the tooltip or autocomplete or toast for implementing something. This shouldn't happen, that is why i want to fix these issues in the library itself.

i have below 2 questions about materialize library.. is jquery library used to build the materialize library? is jquery bundled within materialize library?

i think jquery is not used to build materialize library. i don't see jquery dependency in the materialize source code.

But jquery type syntaxes are used within materialize codebase and it makes me think like jquery is used here, that is why i wanted to clarify this.

@lucianot54 `

Divine1 commented 5 years ago

@FINDarkside @lucianot54 Among autocomplete tooltip toast , i think only autocomplete has XSS vulnerability.

i tried to reproduce the vulnerability for autocomplete tooltip toast. But i was able to see the vulnerability inaction only for autocomplete , that is because the code to reproduce the vulnerability for autocomplete was posted in this thread.

i have added the code snippet to check the vulnerability for autocomplete tooltip toast in this codepen link . Kindly let me know how to reproduce the vulnerability for tooltip toast. i feel like tooltip toast doesn't have any vulnerability but i know i'm missing something.

lucianot54 commented 5 years ago


If you want mores XSS examples:

If you want use 1, I recommend you this one: <IFRAME SRC="javascript:alert('XSS');"></IFRAME>

M.toast({html: `<IFRAME SRC="javascript:alert('XSS3');"></IFRAME>`});
    html : `<IFRAME SRC="javascript:alert('XSS2');"></IFRAME>`

And MaterializeCSS doesn't use Jquery but cash

Divine1 commented 5 years ago

Only via iframe XSS attack is possible for tooltip and toast ?

FINDarkside commented 5 years ago

Only via iframe XSS attack is possible for tooltip and toast ?

No, anything works there. It should be quite obvious though, since you're passing a field named html. If you're putting any user input there it should be obvious that you need to sanitize it. Also, it's not that syntax that was considered vulnerability by Snyk and npm, it's this:

<a class="btn tooltipped" data-tooltip="<IFRAME SRC='javascript:alert(document.cookie);'></IFRAME></script>">Hover me!</a>`

because it's not obvious that data-tooltip will be handled as html. If it was named something like tooltip-html, autocomplete would probably be the only vulnerability here.

Divine1 commented 5 years ago

@lucianot54 @FINDarkside Are there any plans to fix these vulnerabilities and release a new version of the materialize-css ? if yes, then what will be the approximate release date?

Initially i was planning to fix in this library code itself, but its not a proper approach.

i'm available to contribute to this activity if additional people are required.

Pierstoval commented 4 years ago

Well, I wanted to know why Github tells me there are vulnerabilities on this package, I decided to see the "reproducers" and I found they were "not that harmful" with the usage I have, but was still hoping to find a fix, and I see this big discussion without any fix coming :confused:

Is there anyone that plans to put an end to the warning, or at least some bits of a fix, at least for people that have a CI that blocks whenever there's a vulnerability?

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

You can't as there is no patched version. So your package manager will warn until npm inc gets a patched version and marks this as resolved.

Pierstoval commented 4 years ago

I noticed there's no patch version. As @kiere said, some clients don't really like the fact that we use a library with vulnerabilities, and even if I may not care (for a personal project for example), and I don't like enterprises' protocols, well, a project that's blocked because some QA says that "a package is vulnerable" is an issue anyway.

That's also a message of worry about the fact that the maintainers are "taking a break" but did not delegate the maintenance to anyone, therefore "abandoning the project" for a while. This has been the case a long time ago for some other projects and most of them delegated the maintenance to one trustworthy person at least "for a while", and eventually came back (this was the case for LeafletJS for instance)

Skopea commented 8 months ago

Could this issue be resolved, and could a patch version be created? Thank you!

jshster commented 8 months ago

Could this issue be resolved, and could a patch version be created? Thank you!

Note that this project has been abandoned. A fork has been created at which is being actively maintained.

Skopea commented 8 months ago

Could this issue be resolved, and could a patch version be created? Thank you!

Note that this project has been abandoned. A fork has been created at which is being actively maintained.

I've seen it, I am working on implementing that into my project, thanks!