Doichain / dapp

Doichan dApp - a Meteor.js implementation of the "Doichain Atomic Double-Opt-In" Protocol
MIT License
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generate / scan qr-code in mobile application #48

Closed silkroadnomad closed 4 years ago

silkroadnomad commented 6 years ago

When Alice logs into the dApp over her browser / or mobile App, she should:

  1. be able to generate a QR-Code containing VR-Card data (e.g. minimum Name, Firstname, Email, Doichain - PublicKey) (using the saved profile data)
  2. Another device (Bob) e.g. normal QR-Code-Reader-App and/or Doichain dApp/Wallet should scan the QR-Code which makes vCard visable.
  3. Name, Email and PublicKey should be imported into the local Address Book (*.vard) on the phone/desktop on download.
  4. The responsible Doichain - dApp (e.g. Doichain-Fallback or own dApp) will trigger a DOI-Request over the Doichain - dApp infrastructure using rpc name_doi command. (this must be described more detailed since a full doi contains the signature for a SOI and the signature for the DOI! In the very first step, Bob would use the standard basic opt-in request function which we already use for an email marketing approach.
silkroadnomad commented 6 years ago

Steps to implement: 1) add platform android/ios to meteor project 2) deploy android/ios app to mobile device (or emulator) 3) app connects to responsible dApp by giving to appropriate dapp host url 4) user can connect to their own dApp 5) every use can see his balance (further work is required here - dApp needs to support multiple wallets) 6) sendMoneyToAddress #53 7) display all given DOI - permission I gave from my email address to other email addresses 8) When starting the App 2 Buttons "Contact Permission Request" (Scan-QR-Code appears) and "Contact Permission Send" - QR-Code appears

silkroadnomad commented 4 years ago

see doiContact App for Details

silkroadnomad commented 4 years ago

The feature above described is a pre-step to a completely independed wallet which should have been developed later is already developed now. A custodial wallet will not be developed out of legal complications in German law.