DoktorSAS / H1Mapvote

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered multiplayer mapvote
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 7 forks source link

Map images #1

Open TacTicTow opened 7 months ago

TacTicTow commented 7 months ago

When the mapvote comes up none of the map loadscreen images are present. Is there a way to make it so the images load and not a black cube? Also selecting the 6 maps to choose form does not seem to work either. It only shows 3 maps.

DoktorSAS commented 7 months ago

Both can't be possible with GSC only.

The loadscreen images can't be load without the use of a mod. To have it load the images we need a dump ofthe preview images of each map and we need to compile the mod that will force load it on the client side.

We can't get 6 maps with the current design. H1 have a low HUD elements limit. What i could do is make the mapvote scroll. But if we can load both loadscreen and lui (or .menu) in future i will create a mapvote not based on GSC that will look like more the IW5 Mapvote (;

dellmas commented 7 months ago

compile the mod that will force load it on the client side.

How we do that? I sent you the compiled loadscreens from all maps including usermaps. If I knew how to force load them I'd be on it already. Supply more information please.

TacTicTow commented 7 months ago

Where are the compiled loadscreens? I have not been able to find them nor even a compiler that works with H1. There seems to be very little info or help available. I am thinking if we have a mods folder with the compiled maps in it and that file on a redirect then the files should be available locally and work with the GSC script. Would need to be in an .iwd file most likely.

You would think if this were possible to do, it would have been done already. For here and s1x and iw6x etc...

dellmas commented 7 months ago

My mistake Tow, I dumped all the loadscreens and compiled them into a ff with zonetool. In hopes that the dok would use it to get us some loadscreens on his mapvote.

DoktorSAS commented 7 months ago

@dellmas if you can commit the files and the procedure to compile the mod feel free to do so. Is better to commit the new informations and allow user to compile thier own custom images.

dellmas commented 7 months ago

@dellmas if you can commit the files and the procedure to compile the mod feel free to do so. Is better to commit the new informations and allow user to compile thier own custom images.

I dont know how to compile the mod nor how it interacts with the script to display the loadscreens, That's why I was asking for more information.

DoktorSAS commented 7 months ago

Oh, dm me on discord. It should be the same as iw5 mapvote

dellmas commented 7 months ago

Oh, dm me on discord. It should be the same as iw5 mapvote


dellmas commented 7 months ago


DoktorSAS commented 7 months ago

Sended friend request

TacTicTow commented 7 months ago

Not sure why things always have to be so difficult. Personally, I am old school and am not a fan of discord. I dont understand why the image files cannot be compiled into an iwd file under an images folder and that file download from the server as a mod.

eg the MW2 mapvote mod from |UzD|GaZa has a z_mapvote.iwd file with the images folder inside and all the load screens. Why is it we cannot rip all the load screens from H1 et al, and I am assuming those will be the iwi files, then save them in an images folder that is compressed into an iwd file as part of a mod. All the image files and gsc scripts could be in that iwd file and the mod.ff file forces the download.

Maybe I am over simplifying things or just dont have a clue as to how this works. Just seems to me from what I have seen of other mods that this method should work for H1, s1X, IW6x. What am I missing?

DoktorSAS commented 7 months ago

Its a similar procedure except that we need to compile a mod (mod.ff) that will tell the game that it need to load those files. I don't know the mod support of H1 and how it work but on iw5 you need both the mod.ff and the iwd to load the images.

Probably is the same for iw5. At the moment i don't have much time to get all the things my self so if you want to help you can for sure. We need to undestand how to compile the mod and how to load the images.

Since there is no guide or steps is a matter of trial and error untill we find the correct path.

Now we habe a dump of loadscreen we need to force the clients to load the mod.

TacTicTow commented 7 months ago

Where is this dump of the load screen images? I see screenshots of some wiki's but those are probably actual screengrabs and not the iwi files.

dellmas commented 7 months ago

Where is this dump of the load screen images? I see screenshots of some wiki's but those are probably actual screengrabs and not the iwi files.

If you run zonetool in your MWR dir and type dumpzone mp_mapname_load

Replacing mapname with the actual map name it'll dump the assets for the loadscreen including the images. You have to do this for each map. Which I have done.

If you browse your folder to the zone folder in your MWR dir and search "load" you'll bring up the files to dump for the loadscreens.

TacTicTow commented 7 months ago

HOLY CRAP! Thank you. I have been dumping everything and looking thru like 500mb for each map. This was so much simpler. Now I just need to figure out how to view or convert a .h1image file BUT at least now I am 1 step closer. So thank you for that.

The documentation for zonetool is not the best.

DoktorSAS commented 6 months ago

To see the images as .dds you need to compile your self the zonetool x64 and edit this line

At the moment i dumped the images but unable to load it also in this way. I'm looking into a way to load it