Closed fpav closed 9 months ago
This bug is related to an external module : TimeSheet
The 'projet_task_time' has been renamed in V18 : ALTER TABLE llx_projet_task_time RENAME TO llx_element_time; Timesheet module needs to be uptdated.
Dear KSAR, you're so right, version 5.0 of timesheet is solving the issue. Again, thx for your support.
This is a template to help you report good issues. You may use Github Markdown syntax to format your issue report. Please:
Error when trying to get a project report
Expected and actual behavior
No report, only error obtained
Steps to reproduce the behavior
go to project tab Try to generate a report for project between two dates
Attached files (Screenshots, screencasts, dolibarr.log, debugging informations…)
Dolibarr a détecté une erreur technique. Ces informations peuvent être utiles à des fins de diagnostic (vous pouvez définir l'option $dolibarr_main_prod sur '1' pour masquer les informations sensibles): Date: 20240127171940 Dolibarr: 18.0.4 - Niveau de fonctionnalités: 0 PHP: 7.4.33 Server: Apache OS: Linux h2web114 4.9.0-0.bpo.12-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.210-1~deb8u1 (2020-02-21) x86_64 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.2.1 Safari/605.1.15
Url sollicitée: /custom/timesheet/TimesheetReportProject.php?action=reportproject Referer: Gestionnaire de menu: eldy_menu.php
Modules/Applications: syslog, user, propal, workflow, accounting, agenda, bom, banque, cron, commande, ecm, expensereport, facture, fournisseur, dolistorefree, holiday, margin, salaries, service, societe, projet, timesheet, blockedlog, expedition, multicurrency, filemanager, supplier_proposal, productbatch, incoterm, ficheinter, product, tax, prelevement, stock, categorie, fckeditor, bookmark, mailing, contrat, export, altlogo Type gestionnaire de base de données: mysqli Requête dernier accès en base en erreur: SELECT prj.rowid as projectid, usr.rowid as userid, tsk.rowid as taskid, MAX(prj.title) as projecttitle, MAX(prj.ref) as projectref, MAX(usr.firstname) as firstname, MAX(usr.lastname) as lastname, MAX(tsk.ref) as taskref, MAX(tsk.label) as tasktitle, GROUP_CONCAT(ptt.note SEPARATOR '. ') as note, MAX(tske.invoiceable) as invoicable, DATE(ptt.task_datehour) AS task_date, SUM(ptt.task_duration) as duration FROM e9jm_projet_task_time as ptt JOIN e9jm_projet_task as tsk ON tsk.rowid = fk_task LEFT JOIN e9jm_projet_task_extrafields as tske ON tske.fk_object = tsk.rowid JOIN e9jm_projet as prj ON prj.rowid = tsk.fk_projet JOIN e9jm_user as usr ON ptt.fk_user = usr.rowid WHERE tsk.fk_projet IN ('6') AND DATE(task_datehour)>='2024-01-01 00:00:00' AND DATE(task_datehour)<='2024-01-31 00:00:00' GROUP BY usr.rowid, DATE(ptt.task_datehour), prj.rowid, tsk.rowid ORDER BY prj.rowid,DATE(ptt.task_datehour), usr.rowid, tsk.rowid ASC Code retour dernier accès en base en erreur: DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE Information sur le dernier accès en base en erreur: Table 'cgep_app_dolibarr.e9jm_projet_task_time' doesn't exist