Add the button for Goal creation so the user can add more than one goal.
When user click the Goal Creation it button it should be added to the form and accessible to the dashboard
User Story
As a [user], I want [create goal] so that [it could be added to the database under the user].
Acceptance Criteria
the Goal creation page can be accessed from the dashboard
Technical Considerations (Optional)
Implementation Steps (Optional)
Testing Plan
The dashboard contains the link to the Goal Creation and Budget Creation pages.
Feature Request
Add the button for Goal creation so the user can add more than one goal. When user click the Goal Creation it button it should be added to the form and accessible to the dashboard
User Story
As a [user], I want [create goal] so that [it could be added to the database under the user].
Acceptance Criteria
Goal creation
page can be accessed from the dashboardTechnical Considerations (Optional)
Implementation Steps (Optional)
Testing Plan
Definition of Done
Additional Information (Optional)