Dollar-Dynasty / finance-app

Web Application that lets users create a budget and save financial goals.
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Continuously Update Demo Page to Match Current Users Dashboards Functionality #82

Open dinaolmelak opened 4 months ago

dinaolmelak commented 4 months ago

Feature Request


Have the Landing Page look like Dashboard page

User Story

As a [type of user], I want [an action] so that [benefit/value].

Acceptance Criteria

Technical Considerations (Optional)

[Discuss potential tech stacks, libraries, or frameworks that might be suitable for implementing this feature.]

Design Mockups (Optional)

IMG_1904 (1)

Implementation Steps (Optional)

  1. [List high-level steps or tasks to implement this feature. This can be updated as more details are determined.]

Testing Plan

[Outline a plan for testing the new feature, considering any available testing methods or manual testing procedures.]

Definition of Done

Additional Information (Optional)

[Include any additional information, resources, or context that may be helpful for the team.]
