DomT4 / homebrew-autoupdate

:tropical_drink: An easy, convenient way to automatically update Homebrew.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
968 stars 54 forks source link

Warning: Calling `Tap.names` is deprecated! There is no replacement. #138

Closed iAGorynT closed 1 month ago

iAGorynT commented 2 months ago

Since updating to MacOS 14.5, I'm receiving the following message when using the brew autoupdate version and brew autoupdate start commands:

Warning: Calling Tap.names is deprecated! There is no replacement. Please report this issue to the Homebrew/homebrew-autoupdate tap: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-autoupdate/lib/autoupdate/core.rb:32

Any insights / suggestions would be appreciated.

fschlegelone commented 1 month ago

same for me. Are you planning to publish homebrew-autoupdate as official formulae that doesn't require a tap at all?

allanscullion commented 1 month ago

Same here. Cannot confirm yet if it breaks anything.

DomT4 commented 1 month ago

I'll have a look at Homebrew, see which bit of the API they've changed. Work full time & in the process of moving house so this tap has been a bit neglected recently, apologies.

iAGorynT commented 1 month ago

Thanks @DomT4 for the update. Appreciate your efforts. As best I can tell, autoupdate continues to run properly with this issue. At this point, the message seems to be a warning only. If anyone else has had problems, I'd be interested in hearing what you've experienced.

Thanks to everyone for your insights and comments.

DomT4 commented 1 month ago

It's a little quick and dirty but this should be resolved now 🤞🏻 . Sorry about that. API change upstream caught me completely unaware.

iAGorynT commented 1 month ago

@DomT4 All seems good now. Autoupdate ran as expected and "Warning: Calling Tap.names is deprecated! " messages aren't appearing.

Thanks for the fix!

darkBuddha commented 1 month ago

Amazing, thanks for this great tool @DomT4 !

allanscullion commented 1 month ago

Nice one mate. Appreciate all the work.