DomeDD / BetterNick

Spigot Name & Skin change plugin + API
22 stars 7 forks source link

Nicked name doesn't show + Prefix problems #148

Open proximitynow2018 opened 5 years ago

proximitynow2018 commented 5 years ago

Minecraft Version: 1.7 - 1.14 Java Version: Java 8 (I think)

Once nicked the prefix doesn't change and the nicked username doesn't show, I've set in the config for the prefix to change I use pex and vault.


Better Nick by DomeDD


Config: Auto Update Check: true Auto Update Download: true Send Metrics: true

In API mode, all commands and listeners will be disabled that you can make your one ones

API Mode: false
# If true, you will get a nickname on join if the client enabled AutoJoin and has the permissions
Nick on Join: true
Skin Self Update: true
Nicked Actionbar: true
# If true, you will get a nickname and a skin on /nick; disabled this if your server runs in offline mode to only get a nickname
Nick And Skin Combination: true

MySQL: Enabled: false Username: root Password: password Database: nicknames Host: localhost Port: '3306' Nick Options:

If NametagEdit or ColoredTags is installed you can use longer prefixes than 2 chars

Nametag Prefix: ''
# If NametagEdit or ColoredTags is installed you can use this, otherwise leave it empty
Nametag Suffix: ''
# If Vault and a Vault compatible chat & permissions plugin is installed you can use this, otherwise leave it empty
Chat Prefix: '&7&lMember&r&7'
# If Vault and a Vault compatible chat & permissions plugin is installed you can use this, otherwise leave it empty
Chat Suffix: ''
Displayname Prefix: ''
Displayname Suffix: ''
Tablist Prefix: ''
Tablist Suffix: ''

Messages: Enabled: true Prefix: '&5[&dNick&5] ' Nick Name Set: '&dYour nickname is &5[NAME]&d.' Nick Name Removed: '&dYour nickname has been removed.' Nick Set Error: '&dYour name could not be changed.' Skin Set: '&dYou have a new skin now.' Skin Removed: '&dYour skin has been removed.' Skin Set Error: '&dYour skin could not be changed.'

Can be disabled at "Config.Nicked Actionbar"

Nicked Actionbar: '&eYou are nicked as &3[NAME]&e.'
# Can't be disabled
See Real Name: '&dThe real name of &3[PLAYER] &dis &e[NAME]&d.'
See Nick Name: '&dYour nickname is &e[NAME]&d.'
Get Nicked Players Header: '&dListing all nicked players and their real names...'
Get Nicked Players: '&6[ID]&d: The real name of &3[PLAYER] &dis &e[NAME]&d.'
AutoNick Turned On: '&dYou turned &2on &dautonick.'
AutoNick Turned Off: '&dYou turned &4off &dautonick.'
KeepNick Turned On: '&dYou turned &2on &dkeepnick.'
KeepNick Turned Off: '&dYou turned &4off &dkeepnick.'
No Player Nicked Error: '&dAt the moment no player is nicked.'
Player Not Nicked Error: '&dThis Player is not nicked.'
Player Not Online Error: '&dThis Player is not online.'
Files Reloaded: '&dYou successfully reloaded the config files.'
No Permissions: '&dYou don''t have the permissions to do that.'

Addons: Nick Options Item: Enabled: false Get On Server Join: true Get On World Change:

epicshawty commented 5 years ago

This is also happening to me too! I don't know what to do about this

Charixy commented 5 years ago

Yes I have the same issue and but I am using the ChatControl plugin.

MagicSecret commented 5 years ago

It also happens to me too, and I'm using luckperms also vault and it was working properly but now it is not.