After play does /nick, the prefix will still be there and it will not change.
Here is the Config of betternick:
Auto Update Check: true
Auto Update Download: true
MySQL: true
API Mode: false
If true, you won't get a nickname on join (if the client enabled AutoJoin and has the Permissions)
BungeeCord Lobby Mode: true
Use Vault: true
# Nick Name Prefix for chat messages; I recommend to leave Display Name Prefix empty
Display Name Prefix: ''
# Nick Name Prefix for nametag; I recommend to leave Name Tag Prefix empty
Name Tag Prefix: ''
# Nick Name Prefix for tablist
Tablist Name Prefix: ''
# Overwrites the Player Prefix, on unnick the Player will get his old Prefix
Permissions System Prefix: ''
# Be aware of that the Client gets killed and respawned when Skin Self Update is true
Skin Self Update: false
Nicked Actionbar: true
Enabled: true
Nick Name Set: '&8[&e&lPots &b&lNetwork&8] &7Your nickname is &5[NAME]&7.'
Nick Name Removed: '&8[&e&lPots &b&lNetwork&8] &7Your nickname has been removed.'
Nick Set Error: '&8[&e&lPots &b&lNetwork&8] &7Your name could not be changed.'
Skin Set: '&8[&e&lPots &b&lNetwork&8] &7You have a new skin now.'
Skin Removed: '&8[&e&lPots &b&lNetwork&8] &7Your skin has been removed.'
Skin Set Error: '&8[&e&lPots &b&lNetwork&8] &7Your skin could not be changed.'
See Real Name: '&8[&e&lPots &b&lNetwork&8] &7The real name of &3[PLAYER] &7is &e[NAME]&7.'
See Real Name Error: '&8[&e&lPots &b&lNetwork&8] &7This Player is not online!'
Get Nicked Players Header: '&8[&e&lPots &b&lNetwork&8] &7Listing all nicked players and their real names...'
Get Nicked Players: '&8[&e&lPots &b&lNetwork&8] &6[ID]&7: The real name of &3[PLAYER] &7is &e[NAME]&7.'
Get Nicked Players Error: '&8[&e&lPots &b&lNetwork&8] &7At the moment no player is nicked.'
Nicked Actionbar: '&eYou are nicked as &3[NAME]&e.'
Here is the plugins that I am using: Plugins (40): AsyncWorldEditInjector, MinecraftMarket, WorldEdit, Essentials, PlaceholderAPI, Craftconomy3, PlayerVisibilityReborn, ChatControl, PlugMan, NametagEdit, BetterNick, Votifier, WorldGuard, BetterNick-Addon, PotsLobby, AfkTp, VotingPlugin, AsyncWorldEdit, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsChat, EssentialsGeoIP, PermissionsEx, ReporterGUI, AACBungeeConnectSpigot, ViaVersion, Vault, EssentialsSpawn, CrazyCrates, ProtocolLib, LibsDisguises, SuperLobby, AAC, Citizens, eZProtector, ServerSigns, CommandNPC, SuperVanish, GadgetsMenu, AACAdditionPro, HolographicDisplays
After play does /nick, the prefix will still be there and it will not change.
Here is the Config of betternick: Config: Auto Update Check: true Auto Update Download: true MySQL: true API Mode: false
If true, you won't get a nickname on join (if the client enabled AutoJoin and has the Permissions)
Here is the plugins that I am using: Plugins (40): AsyncWorldEditInjector, MinecraftMarket, WorldEdit, Essentials, PlaceholderAPI, Craftconomy3, PlayerVisibilityReborn, ChatControl, PlugMan, NametagEdit, BetterNick, Votifier, WorldGuard, BetterNick-Addon, PotsLobby, AfkTp, VotingPlugin, AsyncWorldEdit, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsChat, EssentialsGeoIP, PermissionsEx, ReporterGUI, AACBungeeConnectSpigot, ViaVersion, Vault, EssentialsSpawn, CrazyCrates, ProtocolLib, LibsDisguises, SuperLobby, AAC, Citizens, eZProtector, ServerSigns, CommandNPC, SuperVanish, GadgetsMenu, AACAdditionPro, HolographicDisplays