Domenic-MZS / Essential-ARscape

AR journey from day one! This repository chronicles my initial encounter and learning experiences with Augmented Reality tech since my first dive. Explore my discoveries, experiments, and foundational lessons as I step into the captivating world of AR for the first time.
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Creating the Inaugural Detailed Roadmap for Clear Project Direction #3

Closed Domenic-MZS closed 7 months ago

Domenic-MZS commented 7 months ago

Creating the Inaugural Detailed Roadmap for Clear Project Direction

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

There is a lack of clarity regarding the project's direction and key milestones. We're facing challenges in establishing a clear and effective progress structure.

Describe the Solution You'd Like

We need to develop a detailed Roadmap that clearly defines the project scope, major milestones, and development phases. This will provide a step-by-step guide to follow during the project development process.

Describe Alternatives You've Considered

We've considered creating a broad plan without a detailed structure, but this might lead to a lack of clarity and direction in the project. We also contemplated relying on a more flexible planning, but we believe a detailed Roadmap will be more beneficial for the team and project.

Additional Context

Our main goal is to ensure that everyone involved in the project clearly understands the goals, stages, and key timelines. This will help align expectations and provide a clear roadmap for the project to develop.

Todo List:

Key Notes:

  • Keep it Visual: Visual aids like charts, graphs, or infographics can make the roadmap more understandable and accessible for everyone.
  • Stay Agile: Adjustments will be needed. Flexibility and Adaptation are important.
  • Regular Updates: Update the roadmap regularly as needed to reflect progress, changes, or any shifts in priorities.
Domenic-MZS commented 7 months ago

What a chore! But it seems very critical. I'll look it up tomorrow.

Domenic-MZS commented 7 months ago

Q: Define Objectives and Goals: Identify the overarching goals and objectives of the project. What is the aim to achieve, and what outcomes are expected?

A: After some research on requirements and other introductions i got to think that this project aims to empower developers by sharing basic to advanced resources for augmented reality development, generating an impact all over the world to ship projects and develop more into the extended reality (XR -> AR, VR, MR).

As starting point i can highlight some key points as Types of Extended Reality, Hardware Specific needs, Software Specific needs, Ar Development Tools & Libraries, AR Techniques, Limitations and Other Resources to generate an impact on the market.

External Resources:

Domenic-MZS commented 7 months ago

Q: Gather Requirements and Resources: List the necessary resources, including tools and technologies required to accomplish the project objectives.

I've been considering composing the documentation using Markdown (.md) files via Obsidian. This choice primarily originates from Obsidian's ability to smooth the process by aiding in data linking. It greatly assists in understanding the data connections and identifying specific areas that need further work on (seriously), also markdown files are intuitive and easy to learn, and it can be easily ported to pdf or web.

Domenic-MZS commented 7 months ago

Resources will primarily consist of documentation and open articles, I suppose. However, this heavily relies on the specific topic. It's important that each resource is endorsed by an organization or published by a reputable source, although there might be some exceptions and flexibility with online articles, they still require verification of their sources.

Domenic-MZS commented 7 months ago

Also i18n is a problem tho, hmm....

Domenic-MZS commented 7 months ago

Current priorities are:

Domenic-MZS commented 7 months ago

The timeline is approximately a month.

Domenic-MZS commented 7 months ago

First milestone will be:

Understanding XR and AR/VR/MR Concepts

  • Research on XR Categories
  • Identifying Use Cases
  • Key Components of XR
  • Understanding User Interaction

Key deliverables are:

graph TD;
    style A fill:#000000,stroke:#000000,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;
    style E fill:#000000,stroke:#000000,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;

    A(Understanding XR)

   subgraph Areas;
        B[Virtual Reality]
        C[Mixed Reality]
        D[Augmented Reality]

    A -->|Fundamental Concepts| B
    A -->|Fundamental Concepts| C
    A -->|Fundamental Concepts| D

    B -->|Constituent Aspects| E
    C -->|Constituent Aspects| E
    D -->|Constituent Aspects| E

    I[Hardware Limitations]
    K[Current Projects and Use Cases]
