DomiStyle / esphome-panasonic-ac

Open source alternative for Panasonic air condition wifi adapters that works locally without the Comfort Cloud
MIT License
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🎉 Tested and Confirmed: Working on an ESP8266 NodeMCU 🎉 #5

Open Expaso opened 3 years ago

Expaso commented 3 years ago

Perhaps not the correct place to share this information, but nice to hear anyway!

I still had some ESP8266 NodeMCU's laying around that I wanted to designate to this task. But.. as you already suggested, these only have 1 full UART (the second one is TX only).

This is fixable in the ESP Config, by moving the Log component to UART-1 (instead of the default UART-0):

# Enable logging
  hardware_uart: UART1 #Uses D4 (GPIO2) as LOG output!

And so we freed up UART-0 for our purpose:

  rx_pin: GPIO3
  tx_pin: GPIO1
  id: ac_uart
  baud_rate: 9600
  parity: EVEN

Yes, we loose logging on the default USB port, but hey, who cares! We have logging over WIFI. (and a fallback on Pin GPIO2 if we would ever need it).

No level shifter / Logic Converter

Next, I wanted to skip the level shifter. I don't think it's really needed, and here's why:

1) The ESP is 5v tolerant on it's IO pins. 2) Even if it's not (since the internet is 50/50 on this one) we can fix this.

Please note! This trick works because the Panasonic AC has resistors in series with it's TX and RX lines!


For the fanboys who read the ESP's 8266 datasheet: Yes, you can move the hardware UART to pin GPIO13 and 15 instead of GPIO3 and GPIO1. But.. Your ESP won't boot, because


So, connecting your AC (with idle-high tx and rx lines) to this pin will prevent booting your ESP. It's a pity, because from an electrical perspective, this would be the better option.

I also tried D4 and D5 pins with a soft-uart, but couldn't get it to work.

DomiStyle commented 3 years ago

Good to know that it works, logging via USB isn't needed anyway most of the time.

I also tried D4 and D5 pins with a soft-uart, but couldn't get it to work.

I'm surprised that it didn't work since the AC uses a fairly low baudrate of 9600, nothing a ESP8266 should struggle with.

The ESP8266 and ESP32 are both 5V tolerant, but it's out of spec so I still recommend a logic converter since it's not really complicated to connect through it and they are cheap.

Expaso commented 3 years ago

Agreed, if you have a logic converter, that is the best option. Problem was, I only had 2 left, and I needed to replace 4 wifi units.

I will retry the soft uart option using a scope, see if I can find anything weird.

Could you clarify out of spec? I always learned that TTL 5v and 3v3 were digitally compatible:

DomiStyle commented 3 years ago

Out of spec for the ESP8266 data sheet, which lists a working voltage of 2.5V to 3.6V. Doesn't really matter if it works though.

Expaso commented 3 years ago

Ah you mean that.

For the VSS, the nodemcu has ofcourse its own 3.3v regulator., so you will always stay in-spec there.

For the IO, above measures will make sure you also stay within specs, because of the 1k resistor on the RX line (forming a voltage divider) and the 3.3v zener on the TX line. No 5v will ever reach 3.6v or higher on any pin if you take these measures.

Indeed, working out of specs is asking for trouble, so I value your caution.

foxy82 commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to consolidate this info into Or perhaps better an doc linked from README rather than in the issue tracker? I'm going to look to try this as soon as I can.

foxy82 commented 2 years ago

This worked for me without a logic converter.

I needed a 500 ohm resistor instead of the 1k mentioned (I actually didn't have any 500 ohms to hand so used a 470 ohms which worked as well).

zioCristia commented 2 years ago

I confirm that it works fine as sad and it's possible to leave UART0 to debug logging. I've used GPIO13 for RX and GPIO2 for TX transmission

  rx_pin: GPIO13  
  tx_pin: GPIO2  
  baud_rate: 9600  
  parity: EVEN

In this way we don't risk boot failure as well as we can continue to use usb for debugging. I did it this way because I couldn't use UART0 to communicate with the AC conditioner but in the end it's even better.

alex-v-fraser commented 2 years ago

I confirm that it works fine as sad and it's possible to leave UART0 to debug logging. I've used GPIO13 for RX and GPIO2 for TX transmission

@zioCristia, Do you use logic converter? I use Wemos D1 mini with logic converter and GPO1 for TX and GPIO3 for RX, but it doesnt work (no reply for commands, no status receiving from AC). I've opened an issue here.

Can you help me to fix it?

kostrum commented 1 year ago

Hi @Expaso , could you please share your full script for this integration for nodeMCU. Trying to follow your steps but still can't understand why it doesn't work...

Expaso commented 1 year ago

Yeah sure!

  devicename: airco-zolderkamer
  use_address: $devicename.local
  human_devicename: Airco Zolderkamer

  board: nodemcuv2

  name: $devicename

  device_base: !include common/device_base.yaml
  wifi: !include common/wifi.yaml
  sensor_base: !include common/sensor_base.yaml

  # Enable logging
  hardware_uart: UART1 #Uses D4 (GPIO2) as LOG output!

  rx_pin: GPIO3 
  tx_pin: GPIO1 
  id: ac_uart
  baud_rate: 9600
  parity: EVEN

# Pull in the AC external component
  source: github://DomiStyle/esphome-panasonic-ac
  components: [panasonic_ac]

  - platform: panasonic_ac
    name: ${human_devicename}
    # For CZ-TACG1
    # type: cnt

    # For DNSK-P11
    type: wlan

      name: ${human_devicename} Horizontal Swing Mode
      name: ${human_devicename} Vertical Swing Mode
      name: ${human_devicename} Outside Temperature

    # Enable as needed
    #  name: Panasonic AC Eco Switch
      name: ${human_devicename} NanoeX Switch
    #  name: Panasonic AC Mild Dry Switch

    # Useful when the ac does not report a current temperature (CZ-TACG1 only)
    # current_temperature_sensor: temperature_sensor_id

Pay special attention to the logger! I use the hardware uart of that on, and move the logger out of the way.

Mrsash2020 commented 1 week ago

Hello everyone. Like you I picked the easy option but not.... I didnt go for the wifi option, so dont have either CZ-TACG1 or DNSK-P11.

I went the route of buying this for all my Aircons. All work ok except for Panasonic unit as I didnt see a Esphome Yaml on the Esphome website for it. After searching quite a while I got here. Basically wondering if I can use it with the right cable of course(based on what I have read) to control my Panasonic AC.

The AC is a Split Panasonic CS-E9NKR. Yes its old.

The other question is regarding the code. Its different to what I see here. I sorta need to understand it I guess but have no knowledge of coding. I was trying to amend it but failed since it does not even recognise panasoinic_ac.

Hope anyone is able to assist. thanks.

  name: living-ac
  friendly_name: Living AC

  board: esp01_1m

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "xxxxxxxx"

  - platform: esphome
    password: "xxxxxxxxxxxx"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Living-Ac Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "xxxxxxxx"


  - platform: wifi_info
      name: "living-ac IP Address"

  - platform: status
    name: "living-ac Connect"

  id: ir_receiver
    number: GPIO3
    inverted: True
      input: true
      pullup: true
  tolerance: 55%
  dump: all

  id: ir_transmit
  pin: GPIO4
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%

  - platform: panasonic_ac   # adjust to match your AC unit!
    name: "living-ac"
    id: climate_ac
    transmitter_id: ir_transmit
    receiver_id: ir_receiver
    sensor: temp

  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "living-ac-Temp"
    entity_id: sensor.living_aq_temperature
    id: temp
    internal: true

  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "living-ac WiFi Strength"
    update_interval: 60s

  - platform: uptime
    name:  "living-ac Uptime"

  - platform: restart
    name: "living-ac reboot"