Domilz / d7017e-mesh-network

Implementing a mesh network for Epiroc in the course D7017E.
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Implemented prepInitialTagDataForGuiPlotter #148

Closed ivargruneau closed 1 year ago

ivargruneau commented 1 year ago

Implemented prepInitialTagDataForGuiPlotter the functions extracts the data regarding the tagReadings from the sentLog database and prepares to send them to the GUIPlotter, The function is tested and works for RSSIForms however the XYZForms might further looking over once the change from #147 is done.

Other: Function PopulateWithMockedData for ReferencePointCache changed to give better mocked-data (more random and in a smaller range) to improve demo showcasing and such. Made changes to the´state and sentLog databases to change the readings rpId (or Rp_Id) to be in the style of "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa" or "bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb"