This would be the real solution to #9, and would also allow users to fix #30.
Ideally, like vscode does, have a space where the user can click, press a key, and this would set the key combination.
Need to make sure keypresses involving the Win (or Command key on Mac) are correctly handled so that they work as a modifier, or else tell users that these keys are not available
relatedly (on a mac), in pdf viewer, the plugin hotkeys are overridden by the annotation tools. One cannot use hotkey to change the read status when in pdf viewer, only in the library.
This would be the real solution to #9, and would also allow users to fix #30.
Ideally, like vscode does, have a space where the user can click, press a key, and this would set the key combination.
Need to make sure keypresses involving the Win (or Command key on Mac) are correctly handled so that they work as a modifier, or else tell users that these keys are not available