My setup is WSL2-ubuntu on Windows 11. I installed LaTeX Workshop and TeXpresso:
The setup works fine for small size tex files:
However, I have encountered the problem Remote Extension host terminated unexpectedly 3 times within the last 5 minutes" when compiling the tex file arXiv-2205.14808v1.tar.gz:
On the other hand, this tex file is compiled perfectly with WinEdt11. Could you run this tex file and have a check on this issue?
Update: the problem is possibly due to other extensions in VSCode. The solution that works for me is to disable other LaTeX-related extensions except for the one for TeXpresso.
My setup is WSL2-ubuntu on Windows 11. I installed
LaTeX Workshop
:The setup works fine for small size tex files:
However, I have encountered the problem
Remote Extension host terminated unexpectedly 3 times within the last 5 minutes"
when compiling the tex file arXiv-2205.14808v1.tar.gz:On the other hand, this tex file is compiled perfectly with WinEdt11. Could you run this tex file and have a check on this issue?
Update: the problem is possibly due to other extensions in VSCode. The solution that works for me is to disable other LaTeX-related extensions except for the one for TeXpresso.