Dominus77 / yii2-advanced-start

Yii2 Start Project Advanced Template
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User can not change password & First Name & Last Name in Frontend #6

Closed polinwei closed 6 years ago

polinwei commented 6 years ago

Debug :

    public function actionUpdatePassword()
        $model = $this->findModel();

        if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
            Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
            return ActiveForm::validate($model);
        if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
            \yii\helpers\VarDumper::dump($model, 10, 1);
        return $this->redirect(['update', 'tab' => 'password']);

message is below

    [currentPassword] => null
    [newPassword] => null
    [newPasswordRepeat] => null
    [role] => null
    [imageFile] => null
    [isDel] => null
    [yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:_attributes] => [
        'id' => 11
        'username' => 'msn'
        'auth_key' => '1tItNGtiGS8JqhN6HESDhKABrZ_S-bB-'
        'password_hash' => '$2y$13$1Cdtb7DMQwyDUF3.yQs8rONXPAdnRJC/f0DWzWsLWJDWZCkh75pUO'
        'password_reset_token' => 'GGbKY0Ga_7ooOSRdLh5T8ZBDWqEOupHr_1507797960'
        'email_confirm_token' => null
        'email' => ''
        'status' => 1
        'last_visit' => 1507802728
        'created_at' => 1507797770
        'updated_at' => 1507797960
        'avatar' => null
        'first_name' => null
        'last_name' => null
        'openid' => null
        'registration_type' => 0
    [yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:_oldAttributes] => [
        'id' => 11
        'username' => 'msn'
        'auth_key' => '1tItNGtiGS8JqhN6HESDhKABrZ_S-bB-'
        'password_hash' => '$2y$13$1Cdtb7DMQwyDUF3.yQs8rONXPAdnRJC/f0DWzWsLWJDWZCkh75pUO'
        'password_reset_token' => 'GGbKY0Ga_7ooOSRdLh5T8ZBDWqEOupHr_1507797960'
        'email_confirm_token' => null
        'email' => ''
        'status' => 1
        'last_visit' => 1507802728
        'created_at' => 1507797770
        'updated_at' => 1507797960
        'avatar' => null
        'first_name' => null
        'last_name' => null
        'openid' => null
        'registration_type' => 0
    [yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:_related] => []
    [yii\base\Model:_errors] => null
    [yii\base\Model:_validators] => ArrayObject#2
        [0] => yii\validators\RequiredValidator#3
            [skipOnEmpty] => false
            [requiredValue] => null
            [strict] => false
            [message] => '{attribute} cannot be blank.'
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'username'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [1] => yii\validators\RegularExpressionValidator#4
            [pattern] => '#^[\\w_-]+$#i'
            [not] => false
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'username'
            [message] => '{attribute} is invalid.'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [skipOnEmpty] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [2] => yii\validators\UniqueValidator#5
            [targetClass] => 'modules\\users\\models\\frontend\\User'
            [targetAttribute] => null
            [filter] => null
            [message] => 'This user name is already in use.'
            [comboNotUnique] => null
            [targetAttributeJunction] => 'and'
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'username'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [skipOnEmpty] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [3] => yii\validators\StringValidator#6
            [length] => null
            [max] => 255
            [min] => 2
            [message] => '{attribute} must be a string.'
            [tooShort] => '{attribute} should contain at least {min, number} {min, plural, one{character} other{characters}}.'
            [tooLong] => '{attribute} should contain at most {max, number} {max, plural, one{character} other{characters}}.'
            [notEqual] => null
            [encoding] => 'UTF-8'
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'username'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [skipOnEmpty] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [4] => yii\validators\RequiredValidator#7
            [skipOnEmpty] => false
            [requiredValue] => null
            [strict] => false
            [message] => '{attribute} cannot be blank.'
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'email'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [5] => yii\validators\EmailValidator#8
            [pattern] => '/^[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&\'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&\'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?$/'
            [fullPattern] => '/^[^@]*<[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&\'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&\'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?>$/'
            [allowName] => false
            [checkDNS] => false
            [enableIDN] => false
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'email'
            [message] => '{attribute} is not a valid email address.'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [skipOnEmpty] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [6] => yii\validators\UniqueValidator#9
            [targetClass] => 'modules\\users\\models\\frontend\\User'
            [targetAttribute] => null
            [filter] => null
            [message] => 'This email address has already been taken.'
            [comboNotUnique] => null
            [targetAttributeJunction] => 'and'
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'email'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [skipOnEmpty] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [7] => yii\validators\StringValidator#10
            [length] => null
            [max] => 255
            [min] => null
            [message] => '{attribute} must be a string.'
            [tooShort] => null
            [tooLong] => '{attribute} should contain at most {max, number} {max, plural, one{character} other{characters}}.'
            [notEqual] => null
            [encoding] => 'UTF-8'
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'email'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [skipOnEmpty] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [8] => yii\validators\NumberValidator#11
            [integerOnly] => true
            [max] => null
            [min] => null
            [tooBig] => null
            [tooSmall] => null
            [integerPattern] => '/^\\s*[+-]?\\d+\\s*$/'
            [numberPattern] => '/^\\s*[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\\s*$/'
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'status'
            [message] => '{attribute} must be an integer.'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [skipOnEmpty] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [9] => yii\validators\DefaultValueValidator#12
            [value] => 2
            [skipOnEmpty] => false
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'status'
            [message] => null
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [10] => yii\validators\RangeValidator#13
            [range] => [
                0 => 0
                1 => 1
                2 => 2
                3 => 3
            [strict] => false
            [not] => false
            [allowArray] => false
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'status'
            [message] => '{attribute} is invalid.'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [skipOnEmpty] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [11] => yii\validators\StringValidator#14
            [length] => null
            [max] => 45
            [min] => null
            [message] => '{attribute} must be a string.'
            [tooShort] => null
            [tooLong] => '{attribute} should contain at most {max, number} {max, plural, one{character} other{characters}}.'
            [notEqual] => null
            [encoding] => 'UTF-8'
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'first_name'
                1 => 'last_name'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [skipOnEmpty] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [12] => yii\validators\SafeValidator#15
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'role'
                1 => 'registration_type'
            [message] => null
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [skipOnEmpty] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [13] => yii\validators\RequiredValidator#16
            [skipOnEmpty] => false
            [requiredValue] => null
            [strict] => false
            [message] => '{attribute} cannot be blank.'
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'newPassword'
                1 => 'newPasswordRepeat'
                2 => 'currentPassword'
            [on] => [
                0 => 'passwordUpdate'
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [14] => yii\validators\StringValidator#17
            [length] => null
            [max] => null
            [min] => 6
            [message] => '{attribute} must be a string.'
            [tooShort] => '{attribute} should contain at least {min, number} {min, plural, one{character} other{characters}}.'
            [tooLong] => null
            [notEqual] => null
            [encoding] => 'UTF-8'
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'newPassword'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [skipOnEmpty] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [15] => yii\validators\CompareValidator#18
            [compareAttribute] => 'newPassword'
            [compareValue] => null
            [type] => 'string'
            [operator] => '=='
            [message] => '{attribute} must be equal to \"{compareValueOrAttribute}\".'
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'newPasswordRepeat'
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => true
            [skipOnEmpty] => true
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [16] => yii\validators\InlineValidator#19
            [method] => 'validateCurrentPassword'
            [params] => null
            [clientValidate] => null
            [attributes] => [
                0 => 'currentPassword'
            [message] => null
            [on] => []
            [except] => []
            [skipOnError] => false
            [skipOnEmpty] => false
            [enableClientValidation] => true
            [isEmpty] => null
            [when] => null
            [whenClient] => null
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
    [yii\base\Model:_scenario] => 'default'
    [yii\base\Component:_events] => [
        'beforeInsert' => [
            0 => [
                0 => [
                    0 => yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior#20
                        [createdAtAttribute] => 'created_at'
                        [updatedAtAttribute] => 'updated_at'
                        [value] => null
                        [attributes] => [
                            'beforeInsert' => [
                                0 => 'created_at'
                                1 => 'updated_at'
                            'beforeUpdate' => 'updated_at'
                        [skipUpdateOnClean] => true
                        [owner] => modules\users\models\frontend\User#1(...)
                    1 => 'evaluateAttributes'
                1 => null
        'beforeUpdate' => [
            0 => [
                0 => [
                    0 => yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior#20(...)
                    1 => 'evaluateAttributes'
                1 => null
    [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => [
        'timestamp' => yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior#20(...)
Dominus77 commented 6 years ago

Add scenario for methods like this: For update passwords For update profile

Dominus77 commented 6 years ago

If the tab does not open when you load it, fix it like this: and

polinwei commented 6 years ago

Update workable.