DonBruce64 / MinecraftTransportSimulator

A Minecraft mod that adds planes and automobiles with realistic physics!
106 stars 59 forks source link

1.20.1 port #1810

Open slava110 opened 1 week ago

slava110 commented 1 week ago

Hi. I've started porting mod to 1.20.1 recently. Most of the stuff to make it compilable is done, but some things changed in MC a lot so I'm waiting for your opinion on some of then. I'm currently using ArchLoom instead of ForgeGradle, but it could be changed later on if you really want. I just really hate ForgeGradle c: P.S.: If you want, I can remake commits so it'll be clear what changes I've made from 1.16.5 version (by adding intermediate commit with unmodified 1.16.5 code on 1.20.1 branch).

Resources used

Changes to Gradle:

ToDo (opinion required):

Other ToDo:

~~- Controller class not found I guess it doesn't exist on that version? Should be replaced with something. Or maybe dependency like Controllable could be used~~

~~- mcinterface1201.InterfaceCore.getOredictMaterials I should just check how tag system works to fix this method~~

~~- mcinterface1201.BuilderTileEntity.tick Doesn't override anything. BlockEntityTicker should be registered~~

~~- mcinterface1201/BuilderItem mcinterface1201/InterfaceLoader mcinterface1201.BuilderCreativeTab Creative tabs changed in new MC. Should be registered using events IIRC~~

~~- JEI compat Is completely broken~~

slava110 commented 1 week ago

image If I directly replace materials with BlockTags there's not enough of them lol. Maybe predicate could be used to check if block is instance of clay, grass, etc. . What do you think? P.s.: Also I will probably need your help with things left in ToDo if you can c:

dldev32 commented 1 week ago

Great work! This is the best attempt so far to port this mod to a new version. Will you continue to help with mod develop? There is only one person making the mod, and it would be nice to have someone else help with the mod.

slava110 commented 1 week ago

Great work! This is the best attempt so far to port this mod to a new version. Will you continue to help with mod develop? There is only one person making the mod, and it would be nice to have someone else help with the mod.

I probably won't. I just want to finish port and maybe add some features for the server I'm working on if server owner will need them. Also:

  1. Working on multiversion mods is hell. I would prefer working on 1.20.1 version only personally
  2. I prefer not to work on ARR-licensed mods and usually try to avoid them 🙃
dldev32 commented 1 week ago

Great work! This is the best attempt so far to port this mod to a new version. Will you continue to help with mod develop? There is only one person making the mod, and it would be nice to have someone else help with the mod.

I probably won't. I just want to finish port and maybe add some features for the server I'm working on if server owner will need them. Also:

  1. Working on multiversion mods is hell. I would prefer working on 1.20.1 version only personally
  2. I prefer not to work on ARR-licensed mods and usually try to avoid them 🙃

Well, good luck! I just wanted to say that there are some issues that the dev of this mod cannot solve, and it would be nice if someone else solved them. In any case, thanks for the answer!

DonBruce64 commented 1 week ago

@slava110 try looking at the 1.18.2 branch for a lot of your issues here. I've started porting to that version and a lot of the things are likely to be similar between these two versions. The 1.18.2 branch will actually compile and boot, and you can even spawn in vehicles, though the GUI doesn't work, collision is wonky, and trying to render anything just kills the game. But, you at least can get most of the bulk of the code and methods converted.

DonBruce64 commented 1 week ago

Also, the mod isn't techincally ARR, but it's certianly not one that permits forking. I've seen what that does to modpacked mods with what has happend to Flansmod, where there's tons of different versions, none of which combine the best work of the others.

slava110 commented 1 week ago

try looking at the 1.18.2 branch for a lot of your issues here

Yep, I totally missed that branch when I've started porting 💀. I don't think there's much I can take from it at this point, but I'll check again anyway a bit later, thanks. Some of the stuff I've mentioned in ToDos actually differs from 1.18 though (absence of Material and addition of DamageSource registry). And not sure what to do with them rn 🤷

Also, the mod isn't techincally ARR, but it's certianly not one that permits forking

Custom license is technically ARR. But anyway, forking is the thing that matters the most. Had a lot of mods that I cannot use anymore because developer is no longer active anywhere / developer doesn't want port to specific version/modloader (forge/fabric/quilt/mc version). And sometimes I cannot add specific features I want because developer doesn't want them (but that's mostly solvable with mixins nowadays). So I tend to avoid ARR mods usually. Idk what happened to FlansMod specifically. I only know that sometimes people report issues of forked mods to original repo (even though you can have disclaimers everywhere) and that could be annoying. I don't really see issue with tons of different versions of specific mod (they usually still PR some features to original repo if developer isn't against it, no?). But you do you and I won't hate you for that or anything like that 🙂

Kaban4ik2023 commented 5 days ago

can you make the port to 1.19.2

slava110 commented 5 days ago

can you make the port to 1.19.2

Sorry, but as I've said earlier, I'm mostly doing this so our server could be ported to 1.20.1. I'm not interested in porting to any version we won't have our server on. Might port to 1.21 but only if we'll port our server to 1.21 🤷 (and we're currently targetting specifically 1.20.1). Maybe Don will port it to 1.19.2, 1.19.4, 1.20.4, idk, up to him