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Cannot debug spring boot webservice #31

Closed danishgarg closed 6 years ago

danishgarg commented 7 years ago

I was able to get the debugger break in the main method (stopOnEntry=true). However I cant seem to be able to make it hit a breakpoint in the controller when a request is made on the server. I think there may be a problem with my configuration. I am using redhat extension for Java also for language support. I am using gradle for dependency resolution and as build script. Here's my launch configuration. I have one to run the fat jar and another to run the .class files by specifying the full classpath from gradle.

screen shot 2017-03-24 at 11 04 39 pm 1

Here's my task.json file. I have verified that the generated .class files do have all debug symbols (line numbers and vars)

screen shot 2017-03-24 at 11 10 09 pm

Your work on this debugger is already much appreciated. Can you help in resolving this issue?

faustinoaq commented 6 years ago

See #13