Open cnqiuxue opened 5 years ago
@cnqiuxue I can't reproduce the issue sadly, can you create a small codesanbox / codepen with the issue reproduced ?
@DonNicoJs Hey, do you have a good solution?
@cnqiuxue try to just import { XlsxRead, XlsxSheets, XlsxTable, XlsxJson } from "vue-xlsx";
I'm having the same issue... I just imported that and installed xlsx with npm install --save xlsx
but still same error
@GonzaloGPF try to double check import, as I mentioned before
Hi, I know this may not solve the problem you had just about from 2019 but I fixed this problem by going to vue-xlsx/dist/ and commeting out line 5 that says: export { default as XlsxRead } from "./components/XlsxRead"; In my case I'm trying to export so I left it here in case someone else who's trying to export needs it. I hope there can be an update soon to solve this.
Is there any solution for that error?
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··· import { XlsxRead, XlsxSheets, XlsxTable, XlsxJson } from "vue-xlsx/dist/";