[ ] number of alphabetic characters/total number of characters
[ ] number of uppercase alphabetic characters/total number of alphabetic characters
[ ] number of digit characters/total number of characters
[ ] number of space characters/total number of characters
[ ] number of vowel (a,e,i,o,u) characters/number of alphabetic characters
[ ] number of "a" (upper or lowercase) characters/number of vowel characters
[ ] number of "e" characters/number of vowel characters
[ ] number of "i" characters/number of vowel characters
[ ] number of "o" characters/number of vowel characters
[ ] number of "u" characters/number of vowel characters
[ ] number of most frequent consonant characters (t,n,s,r,h)/number of alphabetic characters
[ ] number of "t" characters/number of (t,n,s,r,h)
[ ] number of "n" characters/number of (t,n,s,r,h)
[ ] number of "s" characters/number of (t,n,s,r,h)
[ ] number of "r" characters/number of (t,n,s,r,h)
[ ] number of "h" characters/number of (t,n,s,r,h)
[ ] number of second most frequent consonant characters (l,d,c,p,f)/number of alphabetic characters
[ ] number of "l" characters/number of (l,d,c,p,f)
[ ] number of "d" characters/number of (l,d,c,p,f)
[ ] number of "c" characters/number of (l,d,c,p,f)
[ ] number of "p" characters/number of (l,d,c,p,f)
[ ] number of "f" characters/number of (l,d,c,p,f)
[ ] number of third most frequent consonant characters (m,w,y,b,g)/number of alphabetic characters
[ ] number of "m" characters/number of (m,w,y,b,g)
[ ] number of "w" characters/number of (m,w,y,b,g)
[ ] number of "y" characters/number of (m,w,y,b,g)
[ ] number of "b" characters/number of (m,w,y,b,g)
[ ] number of "g" characters/number of (m,w,y,b,g)
[ ] number of least frequent consonant characters (j,k,q,v,x,z) / number of alphabetic characters
[ ] number of consonant-consonant digrams/total number of alphabet letter digrams
[ ] number of "th" digrams/number consonant-consonant digrams
[ ] number of "st" digrams/number consonant-consonant digrams33.number of "nd" digrams/number consonant-consonant digrams
[ ] number of vowel-consonant digrams/total number of alphabet letter digrams
[ ] number of "an" digrams/ number of vowel-consonant digrams
[ ] number of "in" digrams/ number of vowel-consonant digrams
[ ] number of "er" digrams/ number of vowel-consonant digrams
[ ] number of "es" digrams/ number of vowel-consonant digrams
[ ] number of "on" digrams/ number of vowel-consonant digrams
[ ] number of "at" digrams/ number of vowel-consonant digrams
[ ] number of "en" digrams/ number of vowel-consonant digrams
[ ] number of "or" digrams/ number of vowel-consonant digrams
[ ] number of consonant-vowel digrams/total number of alphabet letter digrams
[ ] number of "he" digrams/ number of consonant-vowel digrams
[ ] number of "re" digrams/ number of consonant-vowel digrams
[ ] number of "ti" digrams/ number of consonant-vowel digrams
[ ] number of vowel-vowel digrams/total number of alphabet letter digrams
[ ] number of "ea" digrams/total number of vowel-vowel digrams
[ ] number of double-letter digrams/total number of alphabet letter digrams
[ ] number of one-letter words/total number of words (letter = alphabetic character, upper or lowercase)
[ ] number of two-letter words/total number of words
[ ] number of three-letter words/total number of words
[ ] number of four-letter words/total number of words
[ ] number of five-letter words/total number of words
[ ] number of six-letter words/total number of words
[ ] number of seven-letter words/total number of words
[ ] number of long words (eight or more letters)/ number of words
[ ] number of short words (one to three letters)/ number of words
[ ] average word length = number of letters in all words/total number of words
[ ] number of different words (vocabulary)/total number of words
[ ] number of words occurring once/total number of words
[ ] number of words occurring twice/total number of words
[ ] total number of the eight punctuation symbols (period, comma, question mark, exclamation point, semicolon, colon, single quote, double quote)/total number of characters
[ ] number of periods (.)/total number of the eight punctuation symbols
[ ] number of commas (,)/total number of the eight punctuation symbols
[ ] number of question marks (?) or exclamation points (!)/total number of the eight punctuation symbols
[ ] number of semicolons (;) or colons (:)/total number of the eight punctuation symbols
[ ] number of single quotes (') and double quotes (")/total number of the eight punctuation symbols
[ ] total number of non-alphabetic, non-punctuation, and non-space characters (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,@,#,$,%,etc.)/total number of characters
[ ] total number of digit characters/total number of non-alphabetic, non-punctuation, and non-space characters
[ ] total number of articles (a, an, the)/total number of words
[ ] total number of "the" articles/total number of articles
[ ] total number of "a" or "an" articles/total number of articles
[ ] total number of common conjunctions (after, although, and, as, because, before, both, but, either, even, for, how, however, if, neither, nor, now, once, only, or, provided, rather, since, so, than, that, though, till, unless, until, when, whenever, where, whereas, wherever, whether, while, yet)/total number of words
[ ] total number of common interrogatives (where, which, what, who, whom, whose, when, how, why, whether)/total number of words
[ ] total number of common prepositions (aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, anti, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, concerning, considering, despite, down, during, except, excepting, excluding, following, for, from, in, inside, into, like, minus, near, of, off, on, onto, opposite, outside, over, past, per, plus, regarding, round, save, since, than, through, to, toward, towards, under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon, versus, via, with, within, without)/total number of words
[ ] number of first-person personal pronouns (I, me, mine, my, myself, our, ours, ourselves, us, we)/total number of personal pronouns (first, second, and third person)
[ ] number of second-person personal pronouns (you, your, yours, yourself, yourselves)/total number of personal pronouns
[ ] number of third-person personal pronouns (he, her, hers, herself, him, himself, his, it, its, itself, she, their, theirs, them, themself, themselves, they)/total number of personal pronouns
[ ] total number of personal pronouns/total number of words
[ ] average number of characters per sentence (sentence-ending punctuation = period, question mark, exclamation point)