Donders-Institute / PRESTUS

PREprocessing & Simulations for Transcranial Ultrasound Stimulation package
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ENH: implement function to create virtual transducers #32

Open mekman opened 3 months ago

mekman commented 3 months ago

Aim Include a new function that allows for the creation of new virtual transducers, based on the watertank measurements. An example on how to do that is currently shown in the PRESTUS tutorial, but the fitting does not work well for certain transducers with a near field peak.

Pseudo-code and figures that illustrate current issue, was provided by @KTZ228

example of axial profiles in plots

Large misfit for near-field peaks: example of plot containing error

Pseudo-code of how function could look like `% Change path to tuSIM folder cd /home/affneu/kenvdzee/Documents/PRESTUS

% add paths addpath('functions') addpath(genpath('toolboxes')) addpath('/home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/qsub') folder_locations.axial_profiles_location_csv = '/home/affneu/kenvdzee/Documents/axial_profiles/'; % link to attached csv folder location folder_locations.config_location = '/home/affneu/kenvdzee/Documents/acoustic_simulation_scripts/configs/'; folder_locations.output_location = '/home/affneu/kenvdzee/Documents/acoustic_simulation_scripts/'; % For figure output

% Should match the name of the axial profile csv = 'CTX-250-001_250KHz_4-channel';

% Requested transducer behaviour transducer.desired_peak_intensity_Isppa = 30; transducer.desired_steering_depth_cm = 54.8;

% Technical input (normally specified in config) transducer.n_elements: 4 # number of elements in the transducer transducer.Elements_ID_mm: [0, 30.1788, 42.1388, 51.1088] transducer.Elements_OD_mm: [29.62, 41.58, 50.55, 57.94] transducer.curv_radius_mm: 62.94 # radius of curvature of the bowl transducer.dist_to_plane_mm: 52.38 # distance to the transducer plane from the geometric focus

[source_phase_deg, source_amp] = create_virtual_transducer(transducer, folder_locations, 'run_water_simulations', 1)

% Desired output: source_phase_deg % Array of 4 phase angles [degrees] such as: [0, 0, 358.0546, 272.2390] (first is always 0) source_amp % 198300 [Pa] for example output figures (see example folder) csv with output: desired_steering_depth_cm max intensity at desired steering depth simulated steering depth_cm max intensity at simulated steering depth FLHM center intensity of measured axial profile FLHM center intensity of simulated axial profile`

mekman commented 3 months ago

This is a duplicate of #11 :)

KTZ228 commented 2 months ago

This is an adapted version of the tutorial that contains some small changes to account for a transducer with multiple elements. It could be a nice starting point.

mekman commented 1 month ago
