Existing 3D human object interaction (HOI) datasets and models simply align global descriptions with the long HOI sequence, while lacking a detailed understanding of intermediate states and the transitions between states. In this paper, we argue that fine-grained semantic alignment, which utilizes state-level descriptions, offers a promising paradigm for learning semantically rich HOI representations. To achieve this, we introduce Semantic-HOI, a new dataset comprising over 20K paired HOI states with fine-grained descriptions for each HOI state and the body movements that happen between two consecutive states. Leveraging the proposed dataset, we design three state-level HOI tasks to accomplish fine-grained semantic alignment within the HOI sequence. Additionally, we propose a unified model called F-HOI, designed to leverage multimodal instructions and empower the Multi-modal Large Language Model to efficiently handle diverse HOI tasks. F-HOI offers multiple advantages: (1) It employs a unified task formulation that supports the use of versatile multimodal inputs. (2) It maintains consistency in HOI across 2D, 3D, and linguistic spaces. (3) It utilizes fine-grained textual supervision for direct optimization, avoiding intricate modeling of HOI states. Extensive experiments reveal that F-HOI effectively aligns HOI states with fine-grained semantic descriptions, adeptly tackling understanding, reasoning, generation, and reconstruction tasks.
Keyword: visual relation detection
There is no result
Keyword: object detection
Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of YOLOv10, YOLOv9 and YOLOv8 on Detecting and Counting Fruitlet in Complex Orchard Environments
Authors: Ranjan Sapkota, Zhichao Meng, Dawood Ahmed, Martin Churuvija, Xiaoqiang Du, Zenghong Ma, Manoj Karkee
This study performed an extensive evaluation of the performances of all configurations of YOLOv8, YOLOv9, and YOLOv10 object detection algorithms for fruitlet (of green fruit) detection in commercial orchards. Additionally, this research performed and validated in-field counting of fruitlets using an iPhone and machine vision sensors in 5 different apple varieties (Scifresh, Scilate, Honeycrisp, Cosmic crisp & Golden delicious). This comprehensive investigation of total 17 different configurations (5 for YOLOv8, 6 for YOLOv9 and 6 for YOLOv10) revealed that YOLOv9 outperforms YOLOv10 and YOLOv8 in terms of mAP@50, while YOLOv10x outperformed all 17 configurations tested in terms of precision and recall. Specifically, YOLOv9 Gelan-e achieved the highest mAP@50 of 0.935, outperforming YOLOv10n's 0.921 and YOLOv8s's 0.924. In terms of precision, YOLOv10x achieved the highest precision of 0.908, indicating superior object identification accuracy compared to other configurations tested (e.g. YOLOv9 Gelan-c with a precision of 0.903 and YOLOv8m with 0.897. In terms of recall, YOLOv10s achieved the highest in its series (0.872), while YOLOv9 Gelan m performed the best among YOLOv9 configurations (0.899), and YOLOv8n performed the best among the YOLOv8 configurations (0.883). Meanwhile, three configurations of YOLOv10: YOLOv10b, YOLOv10l, and YOLOv10x achieved superior post-processing speeds of 1.5 milliseconds, outperforming all other configurations within the YOLOv9 and YOLOv8 families. Specifically, YOLOv9 Gelan-e recorded a post-processing speed of 1.9 milliseconds, and YOLOv8m achieved 2.1 milliseconds. Furthermore, YOLOv8n exhibited the highest inference speed among all configurations tested, achieving a processing time of 4.1 milliseconds while YOLOv9 Gelan-t and YOLOv10n also demonstrated comparatively slower inference speeds of 9.3 ms and 5.5 ms, respectively.
Monocular pose estimation of articulated surgical instruments in open surgery
Authors: Robert Spektor, Tom Friedman, Itay Or, Gil Bolotin, Shlomi Laufer
This work presents a novel approach to monocular 6D pose estimation of surgical instruments in open surgery, addressing challenges such as object articulations, symmetries, occlusions, and lack of annotated real-world data. The method leverages synthetic data generation and domain adaptation techniques to overcome these obstacles. The proposed approach consists of three main components: (1) synthetic data generation using 3D modeling of surgical tools with articulation rigging and physically-based rendering; (2) a tailored pose estimation framework combining object detection with pose estimation and a hybrid geometric fusion strategy; and (3) a training strategy that utilizes both synthetic and real unannotated data, employing domain adaptation on real video data using automatically generated pseudo-labels. Evaluations conducted on videos of open surgery demonstrate the good performance and real-world applicability of the proposed method, highlighting its potential for integration into medical augmented reality and robotic systems. The approach eliminates the need for extensive manual annotation of real surgical data.
AFIDAF: Alternating Fourier and Image Domain Adaptive Filters as an Efficient Alternative to Attention in ViTs
We propose and demonstrate an alternating Fourier and image domain filtering approach for feature extraction as an efficient alternative to build a vision backbone without using the computationally intensive attention. The performance among the lightweight models reaches the state-of-the-art level on ImageNet-1K classification, and improves downstream tasks on object detection and segmentation consistently as well. Our approach also serves as a new tool to compress vision transformers (ViTs).
Exploring Deeper! Segment Anything Model with Depth Perception for Camouflaged Object Detection
Authors: Zhenni Yu, Xiaoqin Zhang, Li Zhao, Yi Bin, Guobao Xiao
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
This paper introduces a new Segment Anything Model with Depth Perception (DSAM) for Camouflaged Object Detection (COD). DSAM exploits the zero-shot capability of SAM to realize precise segmentation in the RGB-D domain. It consists of the Prompt-Deeper Module and the Finer Module. The Prompt-Deeper Module utilizes knowledge distillation and the Bias Correction Module to achieve the interaction between RGB features and depth features, especially using depth features to correct erroneous parts in RGB features. Then, the interacted features are combined with the box prompt in SAM to create a prompt with depth perception. The Finer Module explores the possibility of accurately segmenting highly camouflaged targets from a depth perspective. It uncovers depth cues in areas missed by SAM through mask reversion, self-filtering, and self-attention operations, compensating for its defects in the COD domain. DSAM represents the first step towards the SAM-based RGB-D COD model. It maximizes the utilization of depth features while synergizing with RGB features to achieve multimodal complementarity, thereby overcoming the segmentation limitations of SAM and improving its accuracy in COD. Experimental results on COD benchmarks demonstrate that DSAM achieves excellent segmentation performance and reaches the state-of-the-art (SOTA) on COD benchmarks with less consumption of training resources. The code will be available at this https URL.
GLARE: Low Light Image Enhancement via Generative Latent Feature based Codebook Retrieval
Authors: Han Zhou, Wei Dong, Xiaohong Liu, Shuaicheng Liu, Xiongkuo Min, Guangtao Zhai, Jun Chen
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Most existing Low-light Image Enhancement (LLIE) methods either directly map Low-Light (LL) to Normal-Light (NL) images or use semantic or illumination maps as guides. However, the ill-posed nature of LLIE and the difficulty of semantic retrieval from impaired inputs limit these methods, especially in extremely low-light conditions. To address this issue, we present a new LLIE network via Generative LAtent feature based codebook REtrieval (GLARE), in which the codebook prior is derived from undegraded NL images using a Vector Quantization (VQ) strategy. More importantly, we develop a generative Invertible Latent Normalizing Flow (I-LNF) module to align the LL feature distribution to NL latent representations, guaranteeing the correct code retrieval in the codebook. In addition, a novel Adaptive Feature Transformation (AFT) module, featuring an adjustable function for users and comprising an Adaptive Mix-up Block (AMB) along with a dual-decoder architecture, is devised to further enhance fidelity while preserving the realistic details provided by codebook prior. Extensive experiments confirm the superior performance of GLARE on various benchmark datasets and real-world data. Its effectiveness as a preprocessing tool in low-light object detection tasks further validates GLARE for high-level vision applications. Code is released at this https URL.
Close the Sim2real Gap via Physically-based Structured Light Synthetic Data Simulation
Despite the substantial progress in deep learning, its adoption in industrial robotics projects remains limited, primarily due to challenges in data acquisition and labeling. Previous sim2real approaches using domain randomization require extensive scene and model optimization. To address these issues, we introduce an innovative physically-based structured light simulation system, generating both RGB and physically realistic depth images, surpassing previous dataset generation tools. We create an RGBD dataset tailored for robotic industrial grasping scenarios and evaluate it across various tasks, including object detection, instance segmentation, and embedding sim2real visual perception in industrial robotic grasping. By reducing the sim2real gap and enhancing deep learning training, we facilitate the application of deep learning models in industrial settings. Project details are available at this https URL light 3D synthesizer/.
Embracing Events and Frames with Hierarchical Feature Refinement Network for Object Detection
Authors: Hu Cao, Zehua Zhang, Yan Xia, Xinyi Li, Jiahao Xia, Guang Chen, Alois Knoll
In frame-based vision, object detection faces substantial performance degradation under challenging conditions due to the limited sensing capability of conventional cameras. Event cameras output sparse and asynchronous events, providing a potential solution to solve these problems. However, effectively fusing two heterogeneous modalities remains an open issue. In this work, we propose a novel hierarchical feature refinement network for event-frame fusion. The core concept is the design of the coarse-to-fine fusion module, denoted as the cross-modality adaptive feature refinement (CAFR) module. In the initial phase, the bidirectional cross-modality interaction (BCI) part facilitates information bridging from two distinct sources. Subsequently, the features are further refined by aligning the channel-level mean and variance in the two-fold adaptive feature refinement (TAFR) part. We conducted extensive experiments on two benchmarks: the low-resolution PKU-DDD17-Car dataset and the high-resolution DSEC dataset. Experimental results show that our method surpasses the state-of-the-art by an impressive margin of $\textbf{8.0}\%$ on the DSEC dataset. Besides, our method exhibits significantly better robustness (\textbf{69.5}\% versus \textbf{38.7}\%) when introducing 15 different corruption types to the frame images. The code can be found at the link (this https URL).
Enhancing Wrist Abnormality Detection with YOLO: Analysis of State-of-the-art Single-stage Detection Models
Authors: Ammar Ahmed, Ali Shariq Imran, Abdul Manaf, Zenun Kastrati, Sher Muhammad Daudpota
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Diagnosing and treating abnormalities in the wrist, specifically distal radius, and ulna fractures, is a crucial concern among children, adolescents, and young adults, with a higher incidence rate during puberty. However, the scarcity of radiologists and the lack of specialized training among medical professionals pose a significant risk to patient care. This problem is further exacerbated by the rising number of imaging studies and limited access to specialist reporting in certain regions. This highlights the need for innovative solutions to improve the diagnosis and treatment of wrist abnormalities. Automated wrist fracture detection using object detection has shown potential, but current studies mainly use two-stage detection methods with limited evidence for single-stage effectiveness. This study employs state-of-the-art single-stage deep neural network-based detection models YOLOv5, YOLOv6, YOLOv7, and YOLOv8 to detect wrist abnormalities. Through extensive experimentation, we found that these YOLO models outperform the commonly used two-stage detection algorithm, Faster R-CNN, in bone fracture detection. Additionally, compound-scaled variants of each YOLO model were compared, with YOLOv8x demonstrating a fracture detection mean average precision (mAP) of 0.95 and an overall mAP of 0.77 on the GRAZPEDWRI-DX pediatric wrist dataset, highlighting the potential of single-stage models for enhancing pediatric wrist imaging.
CerberusDet: Unified Multi-Task Object Detection
Authors: Irina Tolstykh, Mikhail Chernyshov, Maksim Kuprashevich
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Object detection is a core task in computer vision. Over the years, the development of numerous models has significantly enhanced performance. However, these conventional models are usually limited by the data on which they were trained and by the category logic they define. With the recent rise of Language-Visual Models, new methods have emerged that are not restricted to these fixed categories. Despite their flexibility, such Open Vocabulary detection models still fall short in accuracy compared to traditional models with fixed classes. At the same time, more accurate data-specific models face challenges when there is a need to extend classes or merge different datasets for training. The latter often cannot be combined due to different logics or conflicting class definitions, making it difficult to improve a model without compromising its performance. In this paper, we introduce CerberusDet, a framework with a multi-headed model designed for handling multiple object detection tasks. Proposed model is built on the YOLO architecture and efficiently shares visual features from both backbone and neck components, while maintaining separate task heads. This approach allows CerberusDet to perform very efficiently while still delivering optimal results. We evaluated the model on the PASCAL VOC dataset and additional categories from the Objects365 dataset to demonstrate its abilities. CerberusDet achieved results comparable to state-of-the-art data-specific models with 36% less inference time. The more tasks are trained together, the more efficient the proposed model becomes compared to running individual models sequentially. The training and inference code, as well as the model, are available as open-source (this https URL).
Toward INT4 Fixed-Point Training via Exploring Quantization Error for Gradients
Authors: Dohyung Kim, Junghyup Lee, Jeimin Jeon, Jaehyeon Moon, Bumsub Ham
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Network quantization generally converts full-precision weights and/or activations into low-bit fixed-point values in order to accelerate an inference process. Recent approaches to network quantization further discretize the gradients into low-bit fixed-point values, enabling an efficient training. They typically set a quantization interval using a min-max range of the gradients or adjust the interval such that the quantization error for entire gradients is minimized. In this paper, we analyze the quantization error of gradients for the low-bit fixed-point training, and show that lowering the error for large-magnitude gradients boosts the quantization performance significantly. Based on this, we derive an upper bound of quantization error for the large gradients in terms of the quantization interval, and obtain an optimal condition for the interval minimizing the quantization error for large gradients. We also introduce an interval update algorithm that adjusts the quantization interval adaptively to maintain a small quantization error for large gradients. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our quantization method for various combinations of network architectures and bit-widths on various tasks, including image classification, object detection, and super-resolution.
Keyword: transformer
A Multimodal Transformer for Live Streaming Highlight Prediction
Recently, live streaming platforms have gained immense popularity. Traditional video highlight detection mainly focuses on visual features and utilizes both past and future content for prediction. However, live streaming requires models to infer without future frames and process complex multimodal interactions, including images, audio and text comments. To address these issues, we propose a multimodal transformer that incorporates historical look-back windows. We introduce a novel Modality Temporal Alignment Module to handle the temporal shift of cross-modal signals. Additionally, using existing datasets with limited manual annotations is insufficient for live streaming whose topics are constantly updated and changed. Therefore, we propose a novel Border-aware Pairwise Loss to learn from a large-scale dataset and utilize user implicit feedback as a weak supervision signal. Extensive experiments show our model outperforms various strong baselines on both real-world scenarios and public datasets. And we will release our dataset and code to better assess this topic.
SignSpeak: Open-Source Time Series Classification for ASL Translation
The lack of fluency in sign language remains a barrier to seamless communication for hearing and speech-impaired communities. In this work, we propose a low-cost, real-time ASL-to-speech translation glove and an exhaustive training dataset of sign language patterns. We then benchmarked this dataset with supervised learning models, such as LSTMs, GRUs and Transformers, where our best model achieved 92% accuracy. The SignSpeak dataset has 7200 samples encompassing 36 classes (A-Z, 1-10) and aims to capture realistic signing patterns by using five low-cost flex sensors to measure finger positions at each time step at 36 Hz. Our open-source dataset, models and glove designs, provide an accurate and efficient ASL translator while maintaining cost-effectiveness, establishing a framework for future work to build on.
Understanding Transformers via N-gram Statistics
Authors: Timothy Nguyen
Subjects: Subjects:
Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
Transformer based large-language models (LLMs) display extreme proficiency with language yet a precise understanding of how they work remains elusive. One way of demystifying transformer predictions would be to describe how they depend on their context in terms of simple template functions. This paper takes a first step in this direction by considering families of functions (i.e. rules) formed out of simple N-gram based statistics of the training data. By studying how well these rulesets approximate transformer predictions, we obtain a variety of novel discoveries: a simple method to detect overfitting during training without using a holdout set, a quantitative measure of how transformers progress from learning simple to more complex statistical rules over the course of training, a model-variance criterion governing when transformer predictions tend to be described by N-gram rules, and insights into how well transformers can be approximated by N-gram rulesets in the limit where these rulesets become increasingly complex. In this latter direction, we find that for 78% of LLM next-token distributions on TinyStories, their top-1 predictions agree with those provided by our N-gram rulesets.
Exploring Advanced Large Language Models with LLMsuite
Authors: Giorgio Roffo
Subjects: Subjects:
Computation and Language (cs.CL); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
This tutorial explores the advancements and challenges in the development of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and Gemini. It addresses inherent limitations like temporal knowledge cutoffs, mathematical inaccuracies, and the generation of incorrect information, proposing solutions like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), Program-Aided Language Models (PAL), and frameworks such as ReAct and LangChain. The integration of these techniques enhances LLM performance and reliability, especially in multi-step reasoning and complex task execution. The paper also covers fine-tuning strategies, including instruction fine-tuning, parameter-efficient methods like LoRA, and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) as well as Reinforced Self-Training (ReST). Additionally, it provides a comprehensive survey of transformer architectures and training techniques for LLMs. The toolbox for implementing these techniques is publicly available at this https URL
Integrating Query-aware Segmentation and Cross-Attention for Robust VQA
This paper introduces a method for VizWiz-VQA using LVLM with trainable cross-attention and LoRA finetuning. We train the model with the following conditions: 1) Training with original images. 2) Training with enhanced images using CLIPSeg to highlight or contrast the original image. 3) Training with integrating the output features of Vision Transformer (ViT) and CLIPSeg features of the original images. Then, we ensemble the results based on Levenshtein distance to enhance the prediction of the final answer. In the experiments, we demonstrate and analyze the proposed method's effectiveness.
MaskVD: Region Masking for Efficient Video Object Detection
Authors: Sreetama Sarkar, Gourav Datta, Souvik Kundu, Kai Zheng, Chirayata Bhattacharyya, Peter A. Beerel
Video tasks are compute-heavy and thus pose a challenge when deploying in real-time applications, particularly for tasks that require state-of-the-art Vision Transformers (ViTs). Several research efforts have tried to address this challenge by leveraging the fact that large portions of the video undergo very little change across frames, leading to redundant computations in frame-based video processing. In particular, some works leverage pixel or semantic differences across frames, however, this yields limited latency benefits with significantly increased memory overhead. This paper, in contrast, presents a strategy for masking regions in video frames that leverages the semantic information in images and the temporal correlation between frames to significantly reduce FLOPs and latency with little to no penalty in performance over baseline models. In particular, we demonstrate that by leveraging extracted features from previous frames, ViT backbones directly benefit from region masking, skipping up to 80% of input regions, improving FLOPs and latency by 3.14x and 1.5x. We improve memory and latency over the state-of-the-art (SOTA) by 2.3x and 1.14x, while maintaining similar detection performance. Additionally, our approach demonstrates promising results on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and provides latency improvements over the SOTA up to 1.3x using specialized computational kernels.
Co-Designing Binarized Transformer and Hardware Accelerator for Efficient End-to-End Edge Deployment
Authors: Yuhao Ji, Chao Fang, Shaobo Ma, Haikuo Shao, Zhongfeng Wang
Transformer models have revolutionized AI tasks, but their large size hinders real-world deployment on resource-constrained and latency-critical edge devices. While binarized Transformers offer a promising solution by significantly reducing model size, existing approaches suffer from algorithm-hardware mismatches with limited co-design exploration, leading to suboptimal performance on edge devices. Hence, we propose a co-design method for efficient end-to-end edge deployment of Transformers from three aspects: algorithm, hardware, and joint optimization. First, we propose BMT, a novel hardware-friendly binarized Transformer with optimized quantization methods and components, and we further enhance its model accuracy by leveraging the weighted ternary weight splitting training technique. Second, we develop a streaming processor mixed binarized Transformer accelerator, namely BAT, which is equipped with specialized units and scheduling pipelines for efficient inference of binarized Transformers. Finally, we co-optimize the algorithm and hardware through a design space exploration approach to achieve a global trade-off between accuracy, latency, and robustness for real-world deployments. Experimental results show our co-design achieves up to 2.14-49.37x throughput gains and 3.72-88.53x better energy efficiency over state-of-the-art Transformer accelerators, enabling efficient end-to-end edge deployment.
Tiled Bit Networks: Sub-Bit Neural Network Compression Through Reuse of Learnable Binary Vectors
Authors: Matt Gorbett, Hossein Shirazi, Indrakshi Ray
Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) enable efficient deep learning by saving on storage and computational costs. However, as the size of neural networks continues to grow, meeting computational requirements remains a challenge. In this work, we propose a new form of quantization to tile neural network layers with sequences of bits to achieve sub-bit compression of binary-weighted neural networks. The method learns binary vectors (i.e. tiles) to populate each layer of a model via aggregation and reshaping operations. During inference, the method reuses a single tile per layer to represent the full tensor. We employ the approach to both fully-connected and convolutional layers, which make up the breadth of space in most neural architectures. Empirically, the approach achieves near fullprecision performance on a diverse range of architectures (CNNs, Transformers, MLPs) and tasks (classification, segmentation, and time series forecasting) with up to an 8x reduction in size compared to binary-weighted models. We provide two implementations for Tiled Bit Networks: 1) we deploy the model to a microcontroller to assess its feasibility in resource-constrained environments, and 2) a GPU-compatible inference kernel to facilitate the reuse of a single tile per layer in memory.
GoldFinch: High Performance RWKV/Transformer Hybrid with Linear Pre-Fill and Extreme KV-Cache Compression
Authors: Daniel Goldstein, Fares Obeid, Eric Alcaide, Guangyu Song, Eugene Cheah
Subjects: Subjects:
Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
We introduce GoldFinch, a hybrid Linear Attention/Transformer sequence model that uses a new technique to efficiently generate a highly compressed and reusable KV-Cache in linear time and space with respect to sequence length. GoldFinch stacks our new GOLD transformer on top of an enhanced version of the Finch (RWKV-6) architecture. We train up to 1.5B parameter class models of the Finch, Llama, and GoldFinch architectures, and find dramatically improved modeling performance relative to both Finch and Llama. Our cache size savings increase linearly with model layer count, ranging from 756-2550 times smaller than the traditional transformer cache for common sizes, enabling inference of extremely large context lengths even on limited hardware. Although autoregressive generation has O(n) time complexity per token because of attention, pre-fill computation of the entire initial cache state for a submitted context costs only O(1) time per token due to the use of a recurrent neural network (RNN) to generate this cache. We release our trained weights and training code under the Apache 2.0 license for community use.
Identifying Speakers in Dialogue Transcripts: A Text-based Approach Using Pretrained Language Models
Authors: Minh Nguyen, Franck Dernoncourt, Seunghyun Yoon, Hanieh Deilamsalehy, Hao Tan, Ryan Rossi, Quan Hung Tran, Trung Bui, Thien Huu Nguyen
Subjects: Subjects:
Computation and Language (cs.CL)
We introduce an approach to identifying speaker names in dialogue transcripts, a crucial task for enhancing content accessibility and searchability in digital media archives. Despite the advancements in speech recognition, the task of text-based speaker identification (SpeakerID) has received limited attention, lacking large-scale, diverse datasets for effective model training. Addressing these gaps, we present a novel, large-scale dataset derived from the MediaSum corpus, encompassing transcripts from a wide range of media sources. We propose novel transformer-based models tailored for SpeakerID, leveraging contextual cues within dialogues to accurately attribute speaker names. Through extensive experiments, our best model achieves a great precision of 80.3\%, setting a new benchmark for SpeakerID. The data and code are publicly available here: \url{this https URL}
A Graph-based Adversarial Imitation Learning Framework for Reliable & Realtime Fleet Scheduling in Urban Air Mobility
Authors: Prithvi Poddar, Steve Paul, Souma Chowdhury
The advent of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) presents the scope for a transformative shift in the domain of urban transportation. However, its widespread adoption and economic viability depends in part on the ability to optimally schedule the fleet of aircraft across vertiports in a UAM network, under uncertainties attributed to airspace congestion, changing weather conditions, and varying demands. This paper presents a comprehensive optimization formulation of the fleet scheduling problem, while also identifying the need for alternate solution approaches, since directly solving the resulting integer nonlinear programming problem is computationally prohibitive for daily fleet scheduling. Previous work has shown the effectiveness of using (graph) reinforcement learning (RL) approaches to train real-time executable policy models for fleet scheduling. However, such policies can often be brittle on out-of-distribution scenarios or edge cases. Moreover, training performance also deteriorates as the complexity (e.g., number of constraints) of the problem increases. To address these issues, this paper presents an imitation learning approach where the RL-based policy exploits expert demonstrations yielded by solving the exact optimization using a Genetic Algorithm. The policy model comprises Graph Neural Network (GNN) based encoders that embed the space of vertiports and aircraft, Transformer networks to encode demand, passenger fare, and transport cost profiles, and a Multi-head attention (MHA) based decoder. Expert demonstrations are used through the Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) algorithm. Interfaced with a UAM simulation environment involving 8 vertiports and 40 aircrafts, in terms of the daily profits earned reward, the new imitative approach achieves better mean performance and remarkable improvement in the case of unseen worst-case scenarios, compared to pure RL results.
Efficiently Training 7B LLM with 1 Million Sequence Length on 8 GPUs
Authors: Pinxue Zhao, Hailin Zhang, Fangcheng Fu, Xiaonan Nie, Qibin Liu, Fang Yang, Yuanbo Peng, Dian Jiao, Shuaipeng Li, Jinbao Xue, Yangyu Tao, Bin Cui
Nowadays, Large Language Models (LLMs) have been trained using extended context lengths to foster more creative applications. However, long context training poses great challenges considering the constraint of GPU memory. It not only leads to substantial activation memory consumption during training, but also incurs considerable memory fragmentation. To facilitate long context training, existing frameworks have adopted strategies such as recomputation and various forms of parallelisms. Nevertheless, these techniques rely on redundant computation or extensive communication, resulting in low Model FLOPS Utilization (MFU). In this paper, we propose MEMO, a novel LLM training framework designed for fine-grained activation memory management. Given the quadratic scaling of computation and linear scaling of memory with sequence lengths when using FlashAttention, we offload memory-consuming activations to CPU memory after each layer's forward pass and fetch them during the backward pass. To maximize the swapping of activations without hindering computation, and to avoid exhausting limited CPU memory, we implement a token-wise activation recomputation and swapping mechanism. Furthermore, we tackle the memory fragmentation issue by employing a bi-level Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) approach, optimizing the reuse of memory across transformer layers. Empirical results demonstrate that MEMO achieves an average of 2.42x and 2.26x MFU compared to Megatron-LM and DeepSpeed, respectively. This improvement is attributed to MEMO's ability to minimize memory fragmentation, reduce recomputation and intensive communication, and circumvent the delays associated with the memory reorganization process due to fragmentation. By leveraging fine-grained activation memory management, MEMO facilitates efficient training of 7B LLM with 1 million sequence length on just 8 A800 GPUs, achieving an MFU of 52.30%.
FoodMem: Near Real-time and Precise Food Video Segmentation
Authors: Ahmad AlMughrabi, Adrián Galán, Ricardo Marques, Petia Radeva
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Food segmentation, including in videos, is vital for addressing real-world health, agriculture, and food biotechnology issues. Current limitations lead to inaccurate nutritional analysis, inefficient crop management, and suboptimal food processing, impacting food security and public health. Improving segmentation techniques can enhance dietary assessments, agricultural productivity, and the food production process. This study introduces the development of a robust framework for high-quality, near-real-time segmentation and tracking of food items in videos, using minimal hardware resources. We present FoodMem, a novel framework designed to segment food items from video sequences of 360-degree unbounded scenes. FoodMem can consistently generate masks of food portions in a video sequence, overcoming the limitations of existing semantic segmentation models, such as flickering and prohibitive inference speeds in video processing contexts. To address these issues, FoodMem leverages a two-phase solution: a transformer segmentation phase to create initial segmentation masks and a memory-based tracking phase to monitor food masks in complex scenes. Our framework outperforms current state-of-the-art food segmentation models, yielding superior performance across various conditions, such as camera angles, lighting, reflections, scene complexity, and food diversity. This results in reduced segmentation noise, elimination of artifacts, and completion of missing segments. Here, we also introduce a new annotated food dataset encompassing challenging scenarios absent in previous benchmarks. Extensive experiments conducted on Nutrition5k and Vegetables & Fruits datasets demonstrate that FoodMem enhances the state-of-the-art by 2.5% mean average precision in food video segmentation and is 58 x faster on average.
A Scalable Real-Time Data Assimilation Framework for Predicting Turbulent Atmosphere Dynamics
Authors: Junqi Yin, Siming Liang, Siyan Liu, Feng Bao, Hristo G. Chipilski, Dan Lu, Guannan Zhang
Subjects: Subjects:
Machine Learning (cs.LG); Dynamical Systems (math.DS); Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics (physics.ao-ph)
The weather and climate domains are undergoing a significant transformation thanks to advances in AI-based foundation models such as FourCastNet, GraphCast, ClimaX and Pangu-Weather. While these models show considerable potential, they are not ready yet for operational use in weather forecasting or climate prediction. This is due to the lack of a data assimilation method as part of their workflow to enable the assimilation of incoming Earth system observations in real time. This limitation affects their effectiveness in predicting complex atmospheric phenomena such as tropical cyclones and atmospheric rivers. To overcome these obstacles, we introduce a generic real-time data assimilation framework and demonstrate its end-to-end performance on the Frontier supercomputer. This framework comprises two primary modules: an ensemble score filter (EnSF), which significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art data assimilation method, namely, the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF); and a vision transformer-based surrogate capable of real-time adaptation through the integration of observational data. The ViT surrogate can represent either physics-based models or AI-based foundation models. We demonstrate both the strong and weak scaling of our framework up to 1024 GPUs on the Exascale supercomputer, Frontier. Our results not only illustrate the framework's exceptional scalability on high-performance computing systems, but also demonstrate the importance of supercomputers in real-time data assimilation for weather and climate predictions. Even though the proposed framework is tested only on a benchmark surface quasi-geostrophic (SQG) turbulence system, it has the potential to be combined with existing AI-based foundation models, making it suitable for future operational implementations.
ClaimCompare: A Data Pipeline for Evaluation of Novelty Destroying Patent Pairs
A fundamental step in the patent application process is the determination of whether there exist prior patents that are novelty destroying. This step is routinely performed by both applicants and examiners, in order to assess the novelty of proposed inventions among the millions of applications filed annually. However, conducting this search is time and labor-intensive, as searchers must navigate complex legal and technical jargon while covering a large amount of legal claims. Automated approaches using information retrieval and machine learning approaches to detect novelty destroying patents present a promising avenue to streamline this process, yet research focusing on this space remains limited. In this paper, we introduce a novel data pipeline, ClaimCompare, designed to generate labeled patent claim datasets suitable for training IR and ML models to address this challenge of novelty destruction assessment. To the best of our knowledge, ClaimCompare is the first pipeline that can generate multiple novelty destroying patent datasets. To illustrate the practical relevance of this pipeline, we utilize it to construct a sample dataset comprising of over 27K patents in the electrochemical domain: 1,045 base patents from USPTO, each associated with 25 related patents labeled according to their novelty destruction towards the base patent. Subsequently, we conduct preliminary experiments showcasing the efficacy of this dataset in fine-tuning transformer models to identify novelty destroying patents, demonstrating 29.2% and 32.7% absolute improvement in MRR and P@1, respectively.
AFIDAF: Alternating Fourier and Image Domain Adaptive Filters as an Efficient Alternative to Attention in ViTs
We propose and demonstrate an alternating Fourier and image domain filtering approach for feature extraction as an efficient alternative to build a vision backbone without using the computationally intensive attention. The performance among the lightweight models reaches the state-of-the-art level on ImageNet-1K classification, and improves downstream tasks on object detection and segmentation consistently as well. Our approach also serves as a new tool to compress vision transformers (ViTs).
Dual-Hybrid Attention Network for Specular Highlight Removal
Specular highlight removal plays a pivotal role in multimedia applications, as it enhances the quality and interpretability of images and videos, ultimately improving the performance of downstream tasks such as content-based retrieval, object recognition, and scene understanding. Despite significant advances in deep learning-based methods, current state-of-the-art approaches often rely on additional priors or supervision, limiting their practicality and generalization capability. In this paper, we propose the Dual-Hybrid Attention Network for Specular Highlight Removal (DHAN-SHR), an end-to-end network that introduces novel hybrid attention mechanisms to effectively capture and process information across different scales and domains without relying on additional priors or supervision. DHAN-SHR consists of two key components: the Adaptive Local Hybrid-Domain Dual Attention Transformer (L-HD-DAT) and the Adaptive Global Dual Attention Transformer (G-DAT). The L-HD-DAT captures local inter-channel and inter-pixel dependencies while incorporating spectral domain features, enabling the network to effectively model the complex interactions between specular highlights and the underlying surface properties. The G-DAT models global inter-channel relationships and long-distance pixel dependencies, allowing the network to propagate contextual information across the entire image and generate more coherent and consistent highlight-free results. To evaluate the performance of DHAN-SHR and facilitate future research in this area, we compile a large-scale benchmark dataset comprising a diverse range of images with varying levels of specular highlights. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that DHAN-SHR outperforms 18 state-of-the-art methods both quantitatively and qualitatively, setting a new standard for specular highlight removal in multimedia applications.
Compound Expression Recognition via Multi Model Ensemble for the ABAW7 Challenge
Authors: Xuxiong Liu, Kang Shen, Jun Yao, Boyan Wang, Minrui Liu, Liuwei An, Zishun Cui, Weijie Feng, Xiao Sun
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Compound Expression Recognition (CER) is vital for effective interpersonal interactions. Human emotional expressions are inherently complex due to the presence of compound expressions, requiring the consideration of both local and global facial cues for accurate judgment. In this paper, we propose an ensemble learning-based solution to address this complexity. Our approach involves training three distinct expression classification models using convolutional networks, Vision Transformers, and multiscale local attention networks. By employing late fusion for model ensemble, we combine the outputs of these models to predict the final results. Our method demonstrates high accuracy on the RAF-DB datasets and is capable of recognizing expressions in certain portions of the C-EXPR-DB through zero-shot learning.
Facial Affect Recognition based on Multi Architecture Encoder and Feature Fusion for the ABAW7 Challenge
Authors: Kang Shen, Xuxiong Liu, Boyan Wang, Jun Yao, Xin Liu, Yujie Guan, Yu Wang, Gengchen Li, Xiao Sun
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In this paper, we present our approach to addressing the challenges of the 7th ABAW competition. The competition comprises three sub-challenges: Valence Arousal (VA) estimation, Expression (Expr) classification, and Action Unit (AU) detection. To tackle these challenges, we employ state-of-the-art models to extract powerful visual features. Subsequently, a Transformer Encoder is utilized to integrate these features for the VA, Expr, and AU sub-challenges. To mitigate the impact of varying feature dimensions, we introduce an affine module to align the features to a common dimension. Overall, our results significantly outperform the baselines.
In-Context Probing Approximates Influence Function for Data Valuation
Authors: Cathy Jiao, Gary Gao, Chenyan Xiong
Subjects: Subjects:
Computation and Language (cs.CL)
Data valuation quantifies the value of training data, and is used for data attribution (i.e., determining the contribution of training data towards model predictions), and data selection; both of which are important for curating high-quality datasets to train large language models. In our paper, we show that data valuation through in-context probing (i.e., prompting a LLM) approximates influence functions for selecting training data. We provide a theoretical sketch on this connection based on transformer models performing "implicit" gradient descent on its in-context inputs. Our empirical findings show that in-context probing and gradient-based influence frameworks are similar in how they rank training data. Furthermore, fine-tuning experiments on data selected by either method reveal similar model performance.
We present a new approach for generating 3D house wireframes with semantic enrichment using an autoregressive model. Unlike conventional generative models that independently process vertices, edges, and faces, our approach employs a unified wire-based representation for improved coherence in learning 3D wireframe structures. By re-ordering wire sequences based on semantic meanings, we facilitate seamless semantic integration during sequence generation. Our two-phase technique merges a graph-based autoencoder with a transformer-based decoder to learn latent geometric tokens and generate semantic-aware wireframes. Through iterative prediction and decoding during inference, our model produces detailed wireframes that can be easily segmented into distinct components, such as walls, roofs, and rooms, reflecting the semantic essence of the shape. Empirical results on a comprehensive house dataset validate the superior accuracy, novelty, and semantic fidelity of our model compared to existing generative models. More results and details can be found on https://vcc.tech/research/2024/3DWire.
When can transformers compositionally generalize in-context?
Authors: Seijin Kobayashi, Simon Schug, Yassir Akram, Florian Redhardt, Johannes von Oswald, Razvan Pascanu, Guillaume Lajoie, João Sacramento
Subjects: Subjects:
Machine Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Many tasks can be composed from a few independent components. This gives rise to a combinatorial explosion of possible tasks, only some of which might be encountered during training. Under what circumstances can transformers compositionally generalize from a subset of tasks to all possible combinations of tasks that share similar components? Here we study a modular multitask setting that allows us to precisely control compositional structure in the data generation process. We present evidence that transformers learning in-context struggle to generalize compositionally on this task despite being in principle expressive enough to do so. Compositional generalization becomes possible only when introducing a bottleneck that enforces an explicit separation between task inference and task execution.
Exploiting Inter-Image Similarity Prior for Low-Bitrate Remote Sensing Image Compression
Authors: Junhui Li, Xingsong Hou
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Image and Video Processing (eess.IV)
Deep learning-based methods have garnered significant attention in remote sensing (RS) image compression due to their superior performance. Most of these methods focus on enhancing the coding capability of the compression network and improving entropy model prediction accuracy. However, they typically compress and decompress each image independently, ignoring the significant inter-image similarity prior. In this paper, we propose a codebook-based RS image compression (Code-RSIC) method with a generated discrete codebook, which is deployed at the decoding end of a compression algorithm to provide inter-image similarity prior. Specifically, we first pretrain a high-quality discrete codebook using the competitive generation model VQGAN. We then introduce a Transformer-based prediction model to align the latent features of the decoded images from an existing compression algorithm with the frozen high-quality codebook. Finally, we develop a hierarchical prior integration network (HPIN), which mainly consists of Transformer blocks and multi-head cross-attention modules (MCMs) that can query hierarchical prior from the codebook, thus enhancing the ability of the proposed method to decode texture-rich RS images. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed Code-RSIC significantly outperforms state-of-the-art traditional and learning-based image compression algorithms in terms of perception quality. The code will be available at \url{this https URL
MEDFuse: Multimodal EHR Data Fusion with Masked Lab-Test Modeling and Large Language Models
Electronic health records (EHRs) are multimodal by nature, consisting of structured tabular features like lab tests and unstructured clinical notes. In real-life clinical practice, doctors use complementary multimodal EHR data sources to get a clearer picture of patients' health and support clinical decision-making. However, most EHR predictive models do not reflect these procedures, as they either focus on a single modality or overlook the inter-modality interactions/redundancy. In this work, we propose MEDFuse, a Multimodal EHR Data Fusion framework that incorporates masked lab-test modeling and large language models (LLMs) to effectively integrate structured and unstructured medical data. MEDFuse leverages multimodal embeddings extracted from two sources: LLMs fine-tuned on free clinical text and masked tabular transformers trained on structured lab test results. We design a disentangled transformer module, optimized by a mutual information loss to 1) decouple modality-specific and modality-shared information and 2) extract useful joint representation from the noise and redundancy present in clinical notes. Through comprehensive validation on the public MIMIC-III dataset and the in-house FEMH dataset, MEDFuse demonstrates great potential in advancing clinical predictions, achieving over 90% F1 score in the 10-disease multi-label classification task.
Frequency Guidance Matters: Skeletal Action Recognition by Frequency-Aware Mixed Transformer
Authors: Wenhan Wu, Ce Zheng, Zihao Yang, Chen Chen, Srijan Das, Aidong Lu
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Recently, transformers have demonstrated great potential for modeling long-term dependencies from skeleton sequences and thereby gained ever-increasing attention in skeleton action recognition. However, the existing transformer-based approaches heavily rely on the naive attention mechanism for capturing the spatiotemporal features, which falls short in learning discriminative representations that exhibit similar motion patterns. To address this challenge, we introduce the Frequency-aware Mixed Transformer (FreqMixFormer), specifically designed for recognizing similar skeletal actions with subtle discriminative motions. First, we introduce a frequency-aware attention module to unweave skeleton frequency representations by embedding joint features into frequency attention maps, aiming to distinguish the discriminative movements based on their frequency coefficients. Subsequently, we develop a mixed transformer architecture to incorporate spatial features with frequency features to model the comprehensive frequency-spatial patterns. Additionally, a temporal transformer is proposed to extract the global correlations across frames. Extensive experiments show that FreqMiXFormer outperforms SOTA on 3 popular skeleton action recognition datasets, including NTU RGB+D, NTU RGB+D 120, and NW-UCLA datasets.
Why Do You Grok? A Theoretical Analysis of Grokking Modular Addition
Authors: Mohamad Amin Mohamadi, Zhiyuan Li, Lei Wu, Danica J. Sutherland
We present a theoretical explanation of the grokking'' phenomenon, where a model generalizes long after overfitting,for the originally-studied problem of modular addition. First, we show that early in gradient descent, when thekernel regime'' approximately holds, no permutation-equivariant model can achieve small population error on modular addition unless it sees at least a constant fraction of all possible data points. Eventually, however, models escape the kernel regime. We show that two-layer quadratic networks that achieve zero training loss with bounded $\ell{\infty}$ norm generalize well with substantially fewer training points, and further show such networks exist and can be found by gradient descent with small $\ell{\infty}$ regularization. We further provide empirical evidence that these networks as well as simple Transformers, leave the kernel regime only after initially overfitting. Taken together, our results strongly support the case for grokking as a consequence of the transition from kernel-like behavior to limiting behavior of gradient descent on deep networks.
Deep Learning-based Sentiment Analysis of Olympics Tweets
Authors: Indranil Bandyopadhyay, Rahul Karmakar
Subjects: Subjects:
Computation and Language (cs.CL); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
Sentiment analysis (SA), is an approach of natural language processing (NLP) for determining a text's emotional tone by analyzing subjective information such as views, feelings, and attitudes toward specific topics, products, services, events, or experiences. This study attempts to develop an advanced deep learning (DL) model for SA to understand global audience emotions through tweets in the context of the Olympic Games. The findings represent global attitudes around the Olympics and contribute to advancing the SA models. We have used NLP for tweet pre-processing and sophisticated DL models for arguing with SA, this research enhances the reliability and accuracy of sentiment classification. The study focuses on data selection, preprocessing, visualization, feature extraction, and model building, featuring a baseline Naïve Bayes (NB) model and three advanced DL models: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM), and Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT). The results of the experiments show that the BERT model can efficiently classify sentiments related to the Olympics, achieving the highest accuracy of 99.23%.
Mamba-PTQ: Outlier Channels in Recurrent Large Language Models
Modern recurrent layers are emerging as a promising path toward edge deployment of foundation models, especially in the context of large language models (LLMs). Compressing the whole input sequence in a finite-dimensional representation enables recurrent layers to model long-range dependencies while maintaining a constant inference cost for each token and a fixed memory requirement. However, the practical deployment of LLMs in resource-limited environments often requires further model compression, such as quantization and pruning. While these techniques are well-established for attention-based models, their effects on recurrent layers remain underexplored. In this preliminary work, we focus on post-training quantization for recurrent LLMs and show that Mamba models exhibit the same pattern of outlier channels observed in attention-based LLMs. We show that the reason for the difficulty of quantizing SSMs is caused by activation outliers, similar to those observed in transformer-based LLMs. We report baseline results for post-training quantization of Mamba that do not take into account the activation outliers and suggest first steps for outlier-aware quantization.
Sharif-STR at SemEval-2024 Task 1: Transformer as a Regression Model for Fine-Grained Scoring of Textual Semantic Relations
Semantic Textual Relatedness holds significant relevance in Natural Language Processing, finding applications across various domains. Traditionally, approaches to STR have relied on knowledge-based and statistical methods. However, with the emergence of Large Language Models, there has been a paradigm shift, ushering in new methodologies. In this paper, we delve into the investigation of sentence-level STR within Track A (Supervised) by leveraging fine-tuning techniques on the RoBERTa transformer. Our study focuses on assessing the efficacy of this approach across different languages. Notably, our findings indicate promising advancements in STR performance, particularly in Latin languages. Specifically, our results demonstrate notable improvements in English, achieving a correlation of 0.82 and securing a commendable 19th rank. Similarly, in Spanish, we achieved a correlation of 0.67, securing the 15th position. However, our approach encounters challenges in languages like Arabic, where we observed a correlation of only 0.38, resulting in a 20th rank.
GeneralAD: Anomaly Detection Across Domains by Attending to Distorted Features
Authors: Luc P.J. Sträter, Mohammadreza Salehi, Efstratios Gavves, Cees G. M. Snoek, Yuki M. Asano
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
In the domain of anomaly detection, methods often excel in either high-level semantic or low-level industrial benchmarks, rarely achieving cross-domain proficiency. Semantic anomalies are novelties that differ in meaning from the training set, like unseen objects in self-driving cars. In contrast, industrial anomalies are subtle defects that preserve semantic meaning, such as cracks in airplane components. In this paper, we present GeneralAD, an anomaly detection framework designed to operate in semantic, near-distribution, and industrial settings with minimal per-task adjustments. In our approach, we capitalize on the inherent design of Vision Transformers, which are trained on image patches, thereby ensuring that the last hidden states retain a patch-based structure. We propose a novel self-supervised anomaly generation module that employs straightforward operations like noise addition and shuffling to patch features to construct pseudo-abnormal samples. These features are fed to an attention-based discriminator, which is trained to score every patch in the image. With this, our method can both accurately identify anomalies at the image level and also generate interpretable anomaly maps. We extensively evaluated our approach on ten datasets, achieving state-of-the-art results in six and on-par performance in the remaining for both localization and detection tasks.
On Initializing Transformers with Pre-trained Embeddings
Authors: Ha Young Kim, Niranjan Balasubramanian, Byungkon Kang
Subjects: Subjects:
Computation and Language (cs.CL)
It has become common practice now to use random initialization schemes, rather than the pre-trained embeddings, when training transformer based models from scratch. Indeed, we find that pre-trained word embeddings from GloVe, and some sub-word embeddings extracted from language models such as T5 and mT5 fare much worse compared to random initialization. This is counter-intuitive given the well-known representational and transfer-learning advantages of pre-training. Interestingly, we also find that BERT and mBERT embeddings fare better than random initialization, showing the advantages of pre-trained representations. In this work, we posit two potential factors that contribute to these mixed results: the model sensitivity to parameter distribution and the embedding interactions with position encodings. We observe that pre-trained GloVe, T5, and mT5 embeddings have a wider distribution of values. As argued in the initialization studies, such large value initializations can lead to poor training because of saturated outputs. Further, the larger embedding values can, in effect, absorb the smaller position encoding values when added together, thus losing position information. Standardizing the pre-trained embeddings to a narrow range (e.g. as prescribed by Xavier) leads to substantial gains for Glove, T5, and mT5 embeddings. On the other hand, BERT pre-trained embeddings, while larger, are still relatively closer to Xavier initialization range which may allow it to effectively transfer the pre-trained knowledge.
Evaluating the transferability potential of deep learning models for climate downscaling
Authors: Ayush Prasad, Paula Harder, Qidong Yang, Prasanna Sattegeri, Daniela Szwarcman, Campbell Watson, David Rolnick
Climate downscaling, the process of generating high-resolution climate data from low-resolution simulations, is essential for understanding and adapting to climate change at regional and local scales. Deep learning approaches have proven useful in tackling this problem. However, existing studies usually focus on training models for one specific task, location and variable, which are therefore limited in their generalizability and transferability. In this paper, we evaluate the efficacy of training deep learning downscaling models on multiple diverse climate datasets to learn more robust and transferable representations. We evaluate the effectiveness of architectures zero-shot transferability using CNNs, Fourier Neural Operators (FNOs), and vision Transformers (ViTs). We assess the spatial, variable, and product transferability of downscaling models experimentally, to understand the generalizability of these different architecture types.
EvSign: Sign Language Recognition and Translation with Streaming Events
Sign language is one of the most effective communication tools for people with hearing difficulties. Most existing works focus on improving the performance of sign language tasks on RGB videos, which may suffer from degraded recording conditions, such as fast movement of hands with motion blur and textured signer's appearance. The bio-inspired event camera, which asynchronously captures brightness change with high speed, could naturally perceive dynamic hand movements, providing rich manual clues for sign language tasks. In this work, we aim at exploring the potential of event camera in continuous sign language recognition (CSLR) and sign language translation (SLT). To promote the research, we first collect an event-based benchmark EvSign for those tasks with both gloss and spoken language annotations. EvSign dataset offers a substantial amount of high-quality event streams and an extensive vocabulary of glosses and words, thereby facilitating the development of sign language tasks. In addition, we propose an efficient transformer-based framework for event-based SLR and SLT tasks, which fully leverages the advantages of streaming events. The sparse backbone is employed to extract visual features from sparse events. Then, the temporal coherence is effectively utilized through the proposed local token fusion and gloss-aware temporal aggregation modules. Extensive experimental results are reported on both simulated (PHOENIX14T) and EvSign datasets. Our method performs favorably against existing state-of-the-art approaches with only 0.34% computational cost (0.84G FLOPS per video) and 44.2% network parameters. The project is available at this https URL.
ARTEMIS: A Mixed Analog-Stochastic In-DRAM Accelerator for Transformer Neural Networks
Transformers have emerged as a powerful tool for natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision. Through the attention mechanism, these models have exhibited remarkable performance gains when compared to conventional approaches like recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Nevertheless, transformers typically demand substantial execution time due to their extensive computations and large memory footprint. Processing in-memory (PIM) and near-memory computing (NMC) are promising solutions to accelerating transformers as they offer high compute parallelism and memory bandwidth. However, designing PIM/NMC architectures to support the complex operations and massive amounts of data that need to be moved between layers in transformer neural networks remains a challenge. We propose ARTEMIS, a mixed analog-stochastic in-DRAM accelerator for transformer models. Through employing minimal changes to the conventional DRAM arrays, ARTEMIS efficiently alleviates the costs associated with transformer model execution by supporting stochastic computing for multiplications and temporal analog accumulations using a novel in-DRAM metal-on-metal capacitor. Our analysis indicates that ARTEMIS exhibits at least 3.0x speedup, 1.8x lower energy, and 1.9x better energy efficiency compared to GPU, TPU, CPU, and state-of-the-art PIM transformer hardware accelerators.
Enhancing the Utility of Privacy-Preserving Cancer Classification using Synthetic Data
Authors: Richard Osuala, Daniel M. Lang, Anneliese Riess, Georgios Kaissis, Zuzanna Szafranowska, Grzegorz Skorupko, Oliver Diaz, Julia A. Schnabel, Karim Lekadir
Deep learning holds immense promise for aiding radiologists in breast cancer detection. However, achieving optimal model performance is hampered by limitations in availability and sharing of data commonly associated to patient privacy concerns. Such concerns are further exacerbated, as traditional deep learning models can inadvertently leak sensitive training information. This work addresses these challenges exploring and quantifying the utility of privacy-preserving deep learning techniques, concretely, (i) differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD) and (ii) fully synthetic training data generated by our proposed malignancy-conditioned generative adversarial network. We assess these methods via downstream malignancy classification of mammography masses using a transformer model. Our experimental results depict that synthetic data augmentation can improve privacy-utility tradeoffs in differentially private model training. Further, model pretraining on synthetic data achieves remarkable performance, which can be further increased with DP-SGD fine-tuning across all privacy guarantees. With this first in-depth exploration of privacy-preserving deep learning in breast imaging, we address current and emerging clinical privacy requirements and pave the way towards the adoption of private high-utility deep diagnostic models. Our reproducible codebase is publicly available at this https URL.
TransCAD: A Hierarchical Transformer for CAD Sequence Inference from Point Clouds
3D reverse engineering, in which a CAD model is inferred given a 3D scan of a physical object, is a research direction that offers many promising practical applications. This paper proposes TransCAD, an end-to-end transformer-based architecture that predicts the CAD sequence from a point cloud. TransCAD leverages the structure of CAD sequences by using a hierarchical learning strategy. A loop refiner is also introduced to regress sketch primitive parameters. Rigorous experimentation on the DeepCAD and Fusion360 datasets show that TransCAD achieves state-of-the-art results. The result analysis is supported with a proposed metric for CAD sequence, the mean Average Precision of CAD Sequence, that addresses the limitations of existing metrics.
CHOSEN: Compilation to Hardware Optimization Stack for Efficient Vision Transformer Inference
Authors: Mohammad Erfan Sadeghi, Arash Fayyazi, Suhas Somashekar, Massoud Pedram
Vision Transformers (ViTs) represent a groundbreaking shift in machine learning approaches to computer vision. Unlike traditional approaches, ViTs employ the self-attention mechanism, which has been widely used in natural language processing, to analyze image patches. Despite their advantages in modeling visual tasks, deploying ViTs on hardware platforms, notably Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), introduces considerable challenges. These challenges stem primarily from the non-linear calculations and high computational and memory demands of ViTs. This paper introduces CHOSEN, a software-hardware co-design framework to address these challenges and offer an automated framework for ViT deployment on the FPGAs in order to maximize performance. Our framework is built upon three fundamental contributions: multi-kernel design to maximize the bandwidth, mainly targeting benefits of multi DDR memory banks, approximate non-linear functions that exhibit minimal accuracy degradation, and efficient use of available logic blocks on the FPGA, and efficient compiler to maximize the performance and memory-efficiency of the computing kernels by presenting a novel algorithm for design space exploration to find optimal hardware configuration that achieves optimal throughput and latency. Compared to the state-of-the-art ViT accelerators, CHOSEN achieves a 1.5x and 1.42x improvement in the throughput on the DeiT-S and DeiT-B models.
LookupViT: Compressing visual information to a limited number of tokens
Authors: Rajat Koner, Gagan Jain, Prateek Jain, Volker Tresp, Sujoy Paul
Vision Transformers (ViT) have emerged as the de-facto choice for numerous industry grade vision solutions. But their inference cost can be prohibitive for many settings, as they compute self-attention in each layer which suffers from quadratic computational complexity in the number of tokens. On the other hand, spatial information in images and spatio-temporal information in videos is usually sparse and redundant. In this work, we introduce LookupViT, that aims to exploit this information sparsity to reduce ViT inference cost. LookupViT provides a novel general purpose vision transformer block that operates by compressing information from higher resolution tokens to a fixed number of tokens. These few compressed tokens undergo meticulous processing, while the higher-resolution tokens are passed through computationally cheaper layers. Information sharing between these two token sets is enabled through a bidirectional cross-attention mechanism. The approach offers multiple advantages - (a) easy to implement on standard ML accelerators (GPUs/TPUs) via standard high-level operators, (b) applicable to standard ViT and its variants, thus generalizes to various tasks, (c) can handle different tokenization and attention approaches. LookupViT also offers flexibility for the compressed tokens, enabling performance-computation trade-offs in a single trained model. We show LookupViT's effectiveness on multiple domains - (a) for image-classification (ImageNet-1K and ImageNet-21K), (b) video classification (Kinetics400 and Something-Something V2), (c) image captioning (COCO-Captions) with a frozen encoder. LookupViT provides $2\times$ reduction in FLOPs while upholding or improving accuracy across these domains. In addition, LookupViT also demonstrates out-of-the-box robustness and generalization on image classification (ImageNet-C,R,A,O), improving by up to $4\%$ over ViT.
VD3D: Taming Large Video Diffusion Transformers for 3D Camera Control
Authors: Sherwin Bahmani, Ivan Skorokhodov, Aliaksandr Siarohin, Willi Menapace, Guocheng Qian, Michael Vasilkovsky, Hsin-Ying Lee, Chaoyang Wang, Jiaxu Zou, Andrea Tagliasacchi, David B. Lindell, Sergey Tulyakov
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Modern text-to-video synthesis models demonstrate coherent, photorealistic generation of complex videos from a text description. However, most existing models lack fine-grained control over camera movement, which is critical for downstream applications related to content creation, visual effects, and 3D vision. Recently, new methods demonstrate the ability to generate videos with controllable camera poses these techniques leverage pre-trained U-Net-based diffusion models that explicitly disentangle spatial and temporal generation. Still, no existing approach enables camera control for new, transformer-based video diffusion models that process spatial and temporal information jointly. Here, we propose to tame video transformers for 3D camera control using a ControlNet-like conditioning mechanism that incorporates spatiotemporal camera embeddings based on Plucker coordinates. The approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance for controllable video generation after fine-tuning on the RealEstate10K dataset. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to enable camera control for transformer-based video diffusion models.
Contrastive Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Domain adversarial training has shown its effective capability for finding domain invariant feature representations and been successfully adopted for various domain adaptation tasks. However, recent advances of large models (e.g., vision transformers) and emerging of complex adaptation scenarios (e.g., DomainNet) make adversarial training being easily biased towards source domain and hardly adapted to target domain. The reason is twofold: relying on large amount of labelled data from source domain for large model training and lacking of labelled data from target domain for fine-tuning. Existing approaches widely focused on either enhancing discriminator or improving the training stability for the backbone networks. Due to unbalanced competition between the feature extractor and the discriminator during the adversarial training, existing solutions fail to function well on complex datasets. To address this issue, we proposed a novel contrastive adversarial training (CAT) approach that leverages the labeled source domain samples to reinforce and regulate the feature generation for target domain. Typically, the regulation forces the target feature distribution being similar to the source feature distribution. CAT addressed three major challenges in adversarial learning: 1) ensure the feature distributions from two domains as indistinguishable as possible for the discriminator, resulting in a more robust domain-invariant feature generation; 2) encourage target samples moving closer to the source in the feature space, reducing the requirement for generalizing classifier trained on the labeled source domain to unlabeled target domain; 3) avoid directly aligning unpaired source and target samples within mini-batch. CAT can be easily plugged into existing models and exhibits significant performance improvements.
Keyword: scene understanding
Dual-Hybrid Attention Network for Specular Highlight Removal
Specular highlight removal plays a pivotal role in multimedia applications, as it enhances the quality and interpretability of images and videos, ultimately improving the performance of downstream tasks such as content-based retrieval, object recognition, and scene understanding. Despite significant advances in deep learning-based methods, current state-of-the-art approaches often rely on additional priors or supervision, limiting their practicality and generalization capability. In this paper, we propose the Dual-Hybrid Attention Network for Specular Highlight Removal (DHAN-SHR), an end-to-end network that introduces novel hybrid attention mechanisms to effectively capture and process information across different scales and domains without relying on additional priors or supervision. DHAN-SHR consists of two key components: the Adaptive Local Hybrid-Domain Dual Attention Transformer (L-HD-DAT) and the Adaptive Global Dual Attention Transformer (G-DAT). The L-HD-DAT captures local inter-channel and inter-pixel dependencies while incorporating spectral domain features, enabling the network to effectively model the complex interactions between specular highlights and the underlying surface properties. The G-DAT models global inter-channel relationships and long-distance pixel dependencies, allowing the network to propagate contextual information across the entire image and generate more coherent and consistent highlight-free results. To evaluate the performance of DHAN-SHR and facilitate future research in this area, we compile a large-scale benchmark dataset comprising a diverse range of images with varying levels of specular highlights. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that DHAN-SHR outperforms 18 state-of-the-art methods both quantitatively and qualitatively, setting a new standard for specular highlight removal in multimedia applications.
InfoNorm: Mutual Information Shaping of Normals for Sparse-View Reconstruction
Authors: Xulong Wang, Siyan Dong, Youyi Zheng, Yanchao Yang
Subjects: Subjects:
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
3D surface reconstruction from multi-view images is essential for scene understanding and interaction. However, complex indoor scenes pose challenges such as ambiguity due to limited observations. Recent implicit surface representations, such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) and signed distance functions (SDFs), employ various geometric priors to resolve the lack of observed information. Nevertheless, their performance heavily depends on the quality of the pre-trained geometry estimation models. To ease such dependence, we propose regularizing the geometric modeling by explicitly encouraging the mutual information among surface normals of highly correlated scene points. In this way, the geometry learning process is modulated by the second-order correlations from noisy (first-order) geometric priors, thus eliminating the bias due to poor generalization. Additionally, we introduce a simple yet effective scheme that utilizes semantic and geometric features to identify correlated points, enhancing their mutual information accordingly. The proposed technique can serve as a plugin for SDF-based neural surface representations. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed in improving the surface reconstruction quality of major states of the arts. Our code is available at: \url{this https URL}.
Keyword: human object interaction
Keyword: visual relation detection
There is no result
Keyword: object detection
Keyword: transformer
grokking'' phenomenon, where a model generalizes long after overfitting,for the originally-studied problem of modular addition. First, we show that early in gradient descent, when the
kernel regime'' approximately holds, no permutation-equivariant model can achieve small population error on modular addition unless it sees at least a constant fraction of all possible data points. Eventually, however, models escape the kernel regime. We show that two-layer quadratic networks that achieve zero training loss with bounded $\ell{\infty}$ norm generalize well with substantially fewer training points, and further show such networks exist and can be found by gradient descent with small $\ell{\infty}$ regularization. We further provide empirical evidence that these networks as well as simple Transformers, leave the kernel regime only after initially overfitting. Taken together, our results strongly support the case for grokking as a consequence of the transition from kernel-like behavior to limiting behavior of gradient descent on deep networks.Title:
Keyword: scene understanding
Keyword: visual reasoning
There is no result