Dooders / AnarchyGraph

A lightweight, decentralized, and node-centric graph system
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Benchmarks #3

Open csmangum opened 3 months ago

csmangum commented 3 months ago

Common Benchmarks Graph Traversal Speed:

Breadth-First Search (BFS): Measure the time it takes to perform a BFS from a given node. Depth-First Search (DFS): Measure the time it takes to perform a DFS from a given node. Shortest Path Algorithms: Measure the performance of algorithms like Dijkstra's or A* for finding the shortest path between nodes. Graph Construction and Modification:

Node Insertion: Time taken to insert a large number of nodes. Edge Insertion: Time taken to insert a large number of edges. Node Deletion: Time taken to delete nodes. Edge Deletion: Time taken to delete edges. Memory Usage:

Memory Consumption: Measure the memory usage for storing large graphs with different densities (sparse vs. dense). Graph Algorithms:

Centrality Measures: Measure the time taken to compute centrality measures like betweenness, closeness, and eigenvector centrality. Community Detection: Performance of community detection algorithms like Louvain or Girvan-Newman. Clustering Coefficient: Time taken to compute the clustering coefficient for nodes.