Repeated distance calculations for proximity queries can create a performance bottleneck, especially when there are many agents or resources to check. Optimizing these calculations will help improve overall system efficiency.
Proposed Solution:
Utilize Spatial Indexing Structures: Use KD-trees or spatial grids to efficiently handle proximity queries.
This can significantly reduce the computational load by only querying relevant nearby resources/agents instead of iterating through all possible objects.
Example Implementation:
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
resource_positions = [r.position for r in agent.environment.resources]
tree = KDTree(resource_positions)
# Query for resources within a certain range of the agent
indices = tree.query_ball_point(agent.position, r=agent.config.gathering_range)
nearby_resources = [agent.environment.resources[i] for i in indices]
Vectorization: Ensure all distance and other repetitive calculations are vectorized using NumPy or PyTorch where possible. This leverages hardware acceleration, improving the speed and efficiency of the code.
Reduces processing time for distance calculations.
Optimizes performance, especially in simulations with a large number of agents and resources.
Allows the system to scale more effectively as additional agents/resources are added.
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] Implement KD-tree or similar spatial indexing for proximity queries.
[ ] Ensure vectorized operations for relevant calculations.
[ ] Test and confirm a measurable performance improvement with the new approach.
Additional Context:
This change will improve the agent action system, especially in dense environments with numerous resources or other agents.
Repeated distance calculations for proximity queries can create a performance bottleneck, especially when there are many agents or resources to check. Optimizing these calculations will help improve overall system efficiency.
Proposed Solution:
Utilize Spatial Indexing Structures: Use KD-trees or spatial grids to efficiently handle proximity queries.
Example Implementation:
Vectorization: Ensure all distance and other repetitive calculations are vectorized using NumPy or PyTorch where possible. This leverages hardware acceleration, improving the speed and efficiency of the code.
Acceptance Criteria:
Additional Context: This change will improve the agent action system, especially in dense environments with numerous resources or other agents.