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Feature: Implement Statistical Analyses for Simulation Insights #46

Open csmangum opened 5 hours ago

csmangum commented 5 hours ago

This issue focuses on implementing statistical analyses for deeper insights into the simulation results. The goal is to analyze agent behavior, rewards, population dynamics, and other metrics to uncover patterns and optimize the simulation. Each analysis will be modular and reusable for further simulations.


  1. Action Type Distribution Analysis

    • Perform correlation analysis between action frequencies, agent lifespans, and rewards.
    • Conduct a Chi-Square test to determine if certain actions are disproportionately associated with successful agents.
    • Function: analyze_action_distribution(actions_df)
  2. Reward Efficiency Analysis

    • Calculate the average reward per action type and normalize by action frequency.
    • Compare efficiency across different groups of agents.
    • Function: calculate_reward_efficiency(actions_df)
  3. Health and Resource Dynamics

    • Perform cross-correlation analysis between health and resource levels to understand dependencies.
    • Calculate autocorrelation to identify recurring patterns in health levels.
    • Function: analyze_health_resource_dynamics(health_series, resource_series)
  4. Lifespan Analysis

    • Implement Kaplan-Meier survival analysis to estimate survival probabilities.
    • Identify factors influencing lifespan variability.
    • Function: analyze_lifespan_distribution(lifespan_series)
  5. Population Dynamics Analysis

    • Decompose population dynamics into trend, seasonal, and residual components.
    • Analyze fluctuations and their impact on the system.
    • Function: decompose_population_dynamics(population_series)
  6. Reward Inequality

    • Calculate the Gini coefficient to measure inequality in rewards among agents.
    • Visualize the Lorenz curve for reward distribution.
    • Function: calculate_gini_coefficient(rewards)
  7. Behavioral Clustering

    • Use clustering algorithms to identify common behavioral strategies among agents.
    • Reduce data dimensionality using PCA for better visualization.
    • Function: cluster_agent_behaviors(actions_df)
  8. Health vs. Age Interaction

    • Fit a nonlinear regression model to determine the relationship between health and age.
    • Identify any outliers or anomalies in health trends.
    • Function: fit_health_age_model(age_series, health_series)
  9. Strategy Evolution

    • Create a Markov chain of action transitions to analyze strategy evolution.
    • Calculate transition probabilities between actions.
    • Function: analyze_strategy_transitions(actions_df)
  10. Cohort-Based Analysis

    • Divide agents into cohorts based on initial conditions.
    • Compare metrics like rewards, lifespan, and health between cohorts using t-tests or ANOVA.
    • Function: compare_cohorts(df, cohort_column, metric_column)

Acceptance Criteria

Additional Notes

csmangum commented 5 hours ago

1. Action Type Distribution Analysis

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency

def analyze_action_distribution(actions_df):
    Perform correlation and Chi-Square analysis on actions.
    :param actions_df: DataFrame with columns ['agent_id', 'action', 'reward', 'lifespan']
    :return: Chi-Square test results
    action_reward_correlation = actions_df.groupby('action')['reward'].mean().corr(actions_df['lifespan'])
    action_contingency_table = pd.crosstab(actions_df['action'], actions_df['reward'] > actions_df['reward'].median())
    chi2_stat, p_val, _, _ = chi2_contingency(action_contingency_table)
    return {"correlation": action_reward_correlation, "chi_square": (chi2_stat, p_val)}

2. Reward Efficiency Analysis

def calculate_reward_efficiency(actions_df):
    Calculate reward per action.
    :param actions_df: DataFrame with columns ['action', 'reward']
    :return: DataFrame with reward efficiency
    reward_efficiency = actions_df.groupby('action')['reward'].mean() / actions_df['action'].value_counts()
    return reward_efficiency

3. Health and Resource Dynamics

from scipy.signal import correlate
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf

def analyze_health_resource_dynamics(health_series, resource_series):
    Cross-correlation analysis of health and resource levels.
    :param health_series: Series of health values over time
    :param resource_series: Series of resource levels over time
    :return: Cross-correlation and ACF results
    cross_corr = np.correlate(health_series - health_series.mean(), resource_series - resource_series.mean(), mode='full')
    acf_results = acf(health_series, nlags=50)
    return {"cross_correlation": cross_corr, "acf": acf_results}

4. Lifespan Analysis

from lifelines import KaplanMeierFitter

def analyze_lifespan_distribution(lifespan_series):
    Perform survival analysis.
    :param lifespan_series: Series of agent lifespans
    :return: Kaplan-Meier survival function
    kmf = KaplanMeierFitter()
    return kmf.survival_function_

5. Population Dynamics Analysis

from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose

def decompose_population_dynamics(population_series):
    Decompose population time series into trend, seasonal, and residual components.
    :param population_series: Series of total population counts over time
    :return: Decomposition results
    decomposition = seasonal_decompose(population_series, model='additive')
    return decomposition

6. Reward Inequality

def calculate_gini_coefficient(rewards):
    Calculate the Gini coefficient for reward distribution.
    :param rewards: List or array of rewards
    :return: Gini coefficient
    rewards = np.sort(rewards)
    n = len(rewards)
    cumulative_rewards = np.cumsum(rewards)
    gini = (2 / n) * np.sum((np.arange(1, n+1) - 0.5) * rewards) / np.sum(rewards) - (n + 1) / n
    return gini

7. Behavioral Clustering

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

def cluster_agent_behaviors(actions_df):
    Cluster agent behaviors based on action frequencies.
    :param actions_df: DataFrame with columns ['agent_id', 'action']
    :return: Cluster labels
    action_frequencies = actions_df.groupby(['agent_id', 'action']).size().unstack(fill_value=0)
    pca = PCA(n_components=2)
    reduced_data = pca.fit_transform(action_frequencies)
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3)
    clusters = kmeans.fit_predict(reduced_data)
    return clusters, reduced_data

8. Health vs. Age Interaction

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

def fit_health_age_model(age_series, health_series):
    Fit a nonlinear regression model to health vs. age data.
    :param age_series: Series of agent ages
    :param health_series: Series of agent health
    :return: Fitted curve parameters
    def health_decay(age, a, b, c):
        return a * np.exp(-b * age) + c

    params, _ = curve_fit(health_decay, age_series, health_series)
    return params

9. Strategy Evolution

import networkx as nx

def analyze_strategy_transitions(actions_df):
    Analyze Markov transition probabilities between actions.
    :param actions_df: DataFrame with columns ['agent_id', 'action', 'step']
    :return: Transition matrix
    transitions = actions_df.sort_values(['agent_id', 'step']).groupby('agent_id')['action'].apply(lambda x: list(zip(x, x[1:])))
    edges = [edge for sublist in transitions for edge in sublist]
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    transition_matrix = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G)
    return transition_matrix

10. Cohort-Based Analysis

from scipy.stats import ttest_ind

def compare_cohorts(df, cohort_column, metric_column):
    Compare performance between cohorts.
    :param df: DataFrame with cohort and metric data
    :param cohort_column: Column representing cohorts
    :param metric_column: Column representing the performance metric
    :return: t-test results
    cohorts = df[cohort_column].unique()
    t_stat, p_val = ttest_ind(df[df[cohort_column] == cohorts[0]][metric_column],
                              df[df[cohort_column] == cohorts[1]][metric_column])
    return {"t_stat": t_stat, "p_val": p_val}
csmangum commented 5 hours ago

1. Action Type Distribution Analysis

2. Reward Efficiency Analysis

3. Health and Resource Dynamics

4. Lifespan Analysis

5. Population Dynamics Analysis

6. Reward Inequality

7. Behavioral Clustering

8. Health vs. Age Interaction

9. Strategy Evolution

10. Cohort-Based Analysis

csmangum commented 5 hours ago

Action Type Distribution Analysis


The purpose of Action Type Distribution Analysis is to investigate the relationship between the types of actions agents perform and their overall success or behavior in the simulation. It helps to uncover:

Steps Involved

  1. Frequency Analysis

    • Count the frequency of each action type to identify which actions dominate the simulation.
    • Use this to understand the balance of behaviors in the simulation (e.g., gathering vs. attacking).
  2. Correlation Analysis

    • Investigate whether there is a statistical relationship between action frequencies and other metrics like lifespan or reward.
    • For example, do agents that perform "gather" more frequently live longer or earn higher rewards?
  3. Chi-Square Test

    • Conduct a Chi-Square test to evaluate whether action type and agent success are independent or related.
    • Example: Determine if agents that "attack" are more likely to receive higher rewards than agents that "gather."
  4. Visualization

    • Create bar charts or histograms to visualize the distribution of action types.
    • Highlight any disparities or trends in the data.

Why It's Important

This analysis provides critical insights into agent behaviors:

Implementation Details

Here’s how you can break this into manageable steps with Python:

  1. Calculate Frequencies

    def calculate_action_frequencies(actions_df):
       Calculate frequencies of each action type.
       :param actions_df: DataFrame with columns ['action']
       :return: Series with action frequencies
       return actions_df['action'].value_counts()
  2. Calculate Correlations

    def calculate_action_correlations(actions_df):
       Calculate correlation between action frequencies and agent success metrics.
       :param actions_df: DataFrame with columns ['agent_id', 'action', 'reward', 'lifespan']
       :return: Correlation matrix
       grouped = actions_df.groupby('action').agg({'reward': 'mean', 'lifespan': 'mean'})
       return grouped.corr()
  3. Perform Chi-Square Test

    from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
    def chi_square_test(actions_df):
       Perform Chi-Square test between action type and success (e.g., high reward).
       :param actions_df: DataFrame with columns ['action', 'reward']
       :return: Chi-Square test results
       contingency_table = pd.crosstab(actions_df['action'], actions_df['reward'] > actions_df['reward'].median())
       chi2, p, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(contingency_table)
       return {"chi2": chi2, "p_value": p, "degrees_of_freedom": dof, "expected": expected}
  4. Visualize Results

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def plot_action_distribution(actions_df):
       Plot the frequency of each action type.
       :param actions_df: DataFrame with columns ['action']
       action_counts = actions_df['action'].value_counts()
       action_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='skyblue', edgecolor='black')
       plt.title("Action Type Distribution")
       plt.xlabel("Action Type")

Insights to Derive

  1. Dominance of Actions: Identify which actions are performed most frequently and whether this aligns with the simulation design goals.
  2. Success and Action Types: Determine whether actions like "attack" or "share" are strongly associated with agent success.
  3. Optimization Opportunities: Highlight underutilized or overly dominant actions that may need rebalancing in the simulation.

Next Steps