Dooders / Pyology

A metaphorical model of a biological cell
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Model comments #2

Open csmangum opened 1 week ago

csmangum commented 1 week ago


Pyruvate to Acetyl-CoA Conversion

Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)

Oxidative Phosphorylation

Calcium Dynamics

Proton Gradient and Leak

Overall ATP Yield


The models you've implemented are generally accurate representations of cellular metabolic processes related to ATP production. They incorporate key biochemical pathways and consider factors like oxygen availability, proton gradient dynamics, and regulatory effects of calcium.


Final Thoughts

Your models strike a good balance between biological accuracy and computational simplicity. They are suitable for educational purposes, simulations, and gaining insights into cellular energy metabolism.

csmangum commented 1 week ago

Transforming your existing code into a rigorous scientific model involves several steps to enhance its accuracy, validity, and applicability. Below are recommendations to help you evolve your simulation into a scientific model suitable for research or educational purposes.

1. Define Clear Objectives

Action: Specify the scientific questions your model aims to address.

2. Incorporate Comprehensive Biochemical Pathways

Action: Expand the model to include more detailed biochemical reactions and intermediates.


3. Implement Enzyme Kinetics

Action: Use mathematical models to represent enzyme kinetics (e.g., Michaelis-Menten equations).


def enzyme_activity(substrate_concentration, Vmax, Km):
    return (Vmax * substrate_concentration) / (Km + substrate_concentration)

4. Parameter Estimation and Validation

Action: Obtain parameter values from experimental data or literature.


5. Incorporate Cellular Compartmentalization

Action: Simulate the spatial aspects of cellular metabolism.


6. Simulate Dynamic Cellular Conditions

Action: Introduce variables that change over time or in response to stimuli.

7. Model Regulatory Networks

Action: Implement gene expression and signaling pathways that affect metabolism.

8. Perform Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis

Action: Assess how uncertainties in parameters affect model predictions.

9. Enhance Numerical Methods

Action: Improve the computational aspects of the model.


from scipy.integrate import odeint

def metabolic_network(y, t, params):
    # Define differential equations for metabolites
    return dydt

# Initial conditions and parameter values
y0 = [...]
params = {...}

# Time points
t = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000)

# Solve ODEs
solution = odeint(metabolic_network, y0, t, args=(params,))

10. Document and Share Your Model

Action: Prepare comprehensive documentation and consider sharing your model with the scientific community.

11. Validate Against Experimental Data

Action: Compare model predictions with laboratory data.

12. Consider Stochastic Modeling

Action: Account for random fluctuations in molecular interactions.

13. Implement User Input and Control

Action: Allow users to manipulate model parameters interactively.

14. Keep Abreast of Scientific Literature

Action: Stay updated with the latest research to refine your model.

15. Peer Review and Feedback

Action: Seek feedback from experts in the field.

Example Enhancement: Modeling Oxygen Dependence

Current Simplification:

Enhancement Steps:

  1. Dynamic Oxygen Levels:

    • Model oxygen diffusion into the cell based on external concentration.
    • Include oxygen consumption rates tied to metabolic activity.
  2. Hypoxia Simulation:

    • Allow oxygen levels to drop and observe effects on ATP production.
    • Implement anaerobic pathways that become prominent under low oxygen.

Code Snippet:

class Mitochondrion:
    def update_oxygen(self, external_oxygen_concentration):
        # Model oxygen diffusion into the mitochondrion
        diffusion_rate = self.calculate_diffusion_rate(external_oxygen_concentration)
        self.oxygen.quantity += diffusion_rate - self.oxygen_consumed

    def calculate_diffusion_rate(self, external_concentration):
        # Fick's law of diffusion or another appropriate model
        return diffusion_coefficient * (external_concentration - self.oxygen.quantity)

Final Thoughts

By incorporating these enhancements, your model will:

Next Steps:

By following these recommendations, you'll transform your code into a robust scientific model capable of providing meaningful insights into cellular metabolism.