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Implement Async Functionality for `execute_command` Function #25

Open csmangum opened 1 month ago

csmangum commented 1 month ago

Implement Async Functionality for execute_command Function

We need to extend the existing execute_command function to support asynchronous command execution. This will allow the function to handle methods that are coroutines, which can improve performance when working with I/O-bound or time-consuming operations.


  1. Update CommandData class:

    • [ ] Ensure that the CommandData class remains compatible with both synchronous and asynchronous functions.
  2. Create execute_command_async function:

    • [ ] Create a new function named execute_command_async that will:
      • Check if the provided command is a coroutine using asyncio.iscoroutinefunction.
      • Use await to execute the coroutine if it is asynchronous.
      • Execute the command directly if it is not a coroutine.
    • [ ] Ensure that the function logs initial values, final values, and changes in tracked attributes as in the original function.
  3. Modify Logging for Async Support:

    • [ ] Update logging logic to ensure proper handling of asynchronous behavior and context.
    • [ ] Consider using asyncio.create_task for any background logging or validations, if needed.
  4. Add Tests for Async Functionality:

    • [ ] Test 1: Async Command Execution
      • Create a mock object with an asynchronous method (e.g., async def async_method(self):).
      • Verify that execute_command_async properly awaits this method and logs the changes.
      • Ensure that the results reflect the method’s effects on tracked attributes.
    • [ ] Test 2: Mixed Sync and Async Command Handling
      • Create a test where both synchronous and asynchronous methods are used.
      • Verify that execute_command_async correctly handles both types without errors.
      • Check that the tracked attributes and logs are accurate for both cases.
    • [ ] Test 3: Validation with Async Commands
      • Use an asynchronous validation function (e.g., async def validate_async(self):).
      • Verify that the execute_command_async function handles asynchronous validations correctly.
      • Ensure that any failed validations are logged as warnings.
    • [ ] Test 4: Error Handling for Missing Async Command
      • Test the behavior when execute_command_async is provided a non-existent method.
      • Verify that an appropriate error message is logged and returned in the result.
    • [ ] Test 5: Attribute Changes Logging
      • Test that the initial and final values of tracked attributes are accurately logged for an async method.
      • Verify that the changes are computed correctly, even when the command involves a delay (e.g., using asyncio.sleep).
    • [ ] Test 6: Async Command with Arguments
      • Test execute_command_async with an asynchronous command that takes positional and keyword arguments.
      • Verify that the function correctly passes these arguments to the async command and that the method behaves as expected.
    • [ ] Test 7: Handling of Long-Running Async Commands
      • Use a long-running asynchronous command (e.g., async def long_running_task(self): await asyncio.sleep(2)).
      • Verify that execute_command_async properly awaits the method without blocking other tests.
      • Ensure that the final state is consistent with the expected behavior after the long-running task.
  5. Update Documentation:

    • [ ] Update the function’s docstring to reflect async capabilities.
    • [ ] Add a new section in the README or documentation files to explain how to use execute_command_async and when to use it over the synchronous version.

Acceptance Criteria:

Additional Context:
The new async functionality will be beneficial in scenarios where commands involve I/O-bound operations like network requests or disk writes, allowing other tasks to proceed without blocking. This feature aims to make our command execution system more versatile and performant.