Dooders / Pyology

A metaphorical model of a biological cell
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Feature Request: Create a `Tracker` Class for Monitoring Simulation Metrics #40

Open csmangum opened 5 hours ago

csmangum commented 5 hours ago

Feature Request: Create a Tracker Class for Monitoring Simulation Metrics


We need a flexible Tracker class that can be inherited by other classes to track specific aspects of the Krebs Cycle simulation. This will enable better organization of tracking logic and allow for modular tracking of different metrics like energy yield, CO₂ production, NAD+/NADH ratios, and more.


Proposed Structure

Acceptance Criteria


csmangum commented 5 hours ago

To evaluate the accuracy of your Krebs Cycle simulation using the metabolites listed, you can perform a systematic analysis of several key factors. This involves comparing your simulation results with known biochemical data, checking for consistency in metabolite concentrations, energy yield, and reaction rates. Here’s a step-by-step approach to using these metabolites for validation:

1. Validate Metabolite Concentrations:

2. Analyze Metabolite Ratios and Redox Balance:

3. Energy Yield Analysis:

4. Track CO₂ Production:

5. Evaluate Reaction Rates and Kinetics:

6. Analyze Proton Gradient and Oxidative Phosphorylation:

7. Examine Anaplerotic and Cataplerotic Reactions:

8. Check for Mass Balance Consistency:

9. Compare the Overall Metabolic Flux:

10. Cross-Validate with Literature Data:

Example Analysis Workflow:

  1. Run your simulation and log the concentrations of all key metabolites (ATP, NADH, citrate, CO₂, etc.).
  2. Compare the ratio of NAD+/NADH before and after a complete cycle with known reference ratios.
  3. Calculate the total ATP yield from the combined outputs of NADH and FADH₂.
  4. Ensure that 2 molecules of CO₂ are produced per cycle of Acetyl-CoA.
  5. Adjust the reaction rates or enzyme activity if metabolites accumulate outside expected ranges.

By following these steps, you can systematically evaluate how accurately your simulation represents the biological processes of the Krebs Cycle. This will allow you to identify any discrepancies and refine your model for more realistic simulations.

csmangum commented 5 hours ago

A tracker can also have validators or checks. Used to analyze the simulation results