Dooders / TimeBandit

An object-oriented simulation framework.
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Consider a decentralized and object-centric graph system #12

Closed csmangum closed 2 months ago

csmangum commented 3 months ago

Where the nodes/objects stored their own edges and the system is not centrally managed.

csmangum commented 3 months ago

Storing edges directly within nodes in a graph structure, rather than maintaining a centralized edge list, is not the most common approach in traditional graph implementations and libraries (like NetworkX, igraph, or Graph-tool). These libraries typically use a centralized structure to manage edges for several reasons:

  1. Simplicity: Centralized edge management simplifies the implementation of graph algorithms, consistency maintenance, and data retrieval.
  2. Efficiency: Many graph operations (like shortest path, connectivity checks, and traversal) are more efficiently implemented when edge data is centrally managed.
  3. Memory Usage: Storing edges in a centralized structure avoids redundancy and reduces memory usage.

However, there are scenarios where storing edges within nodes might be beneficial, especially in specialized or custom graph implementations:

Scenarios for Storing Edges in Nodes

  1. Distributed Systems: In distributed graph databases or systems (e.g., Neo4j, Titan), nodes may store their own edges to reduce the need for centralized coordination and to improve scalability.
  2. Memory-Resident Graphs: When working with memory-resident graphs in environments with tight memory constraints, it might be beneficial to manage edges within nodes to optimize for specific access patterns.
  3. Custom Data Structures: For specific applications or custom data structures where nodes frequently access their own edges and state, storing edges within nodes can reduce access times and improve performance.
  4. Agent-Based Models: In agent-based simulations where each agent (node) maintains its own state and interactions (edges), it can be natural to store edges within nodes.

Examples in Practice

  1. Neo4j: In Neo4j, a popular graph database, nodes maintain pointers to their relationships, which can be seen as an analogy to storing edges within nodes. This design helps optimize traversal operations.
  2. Titan/JanusGraph: These distributed graph databases use similar strategies to manage edges and relationships within nodes to improve scalability and performance in distributed environments.
  3. Custom Graph Implementations: In specialized graph implementations for specific applications (e.g., network simulations, social network analysis), developers might choose to store edges within nodes for performance reasons.


When considering whether to store edges within nodes, weigh the following:

  1. Consistency Management: Ensure robust mechanisms for maintaining consistency when edges are added, removed, or modified.
  2. Algorithm Complexity: Implementing graph algorithms might become more complex without a centralized edge list.
  3. Memory Usage: Be mindful of memory usage, especially if edges are stored redundantly.
  4. Concurrency: Manage concurrent access and updates carefully to avoid race conditions and data corruption.

Example Use Case

Agent-based simulations or models, where each agent (node) maintains its state and interactions (edges), could benefit from storing edges within nodes. Here’s a simple example in an agent-based simulation context:

class Agent:
    def __init__(self, identifier): = identifier
        self.out_edges = {}  # Interactions initiated by this agent
        self.in_edges = {}   # Interactions received by this agent
        self.state = {}      # Agent's state information

    def add_out_edge(self, target, **attributes):
        self.out_edges[target] = attributes

    def add_in_edge(self, source, **attributes):
        self.in_edges[source] = attributes

    def remove_out_edge(self, target):
        if target in self.out_edges:
            del self.out_edges[target]

    def remove_in_edge(self, source):
        if source in self.in_edges:
            del self.in_edges[source]

    def get_out_edges(self):
        return self.out_edges.items()

    def get_in_edges(self):
        return self.in_edges.items()

    def update_state(self, **state_info):

    def get_state(self):
        return self.state

class Simulation:
    def __init__(self):
        self.agents = {}

    def add_agent(self, identifier):
        if identifier not in self.agents:
            self.agents[identifier] = Agent(identifier)

    def add_interaction(self, source, target, **attributes):
        self.agents[source].add_out_edge(target, **attributes)
        self.agents[target].add_in_edge(source, **attributes)

    def remove_interaction(self, source, target):
        if source in self.agents and target in self.agents:

    def get_agent(self, identifier):
        return self.agents.get(identifier)

    def get_agent_state(self, identifier):
        agent = self.get_agent(identifier)
        if agent:
            return agent.get_state()
        return None

    def update_agent_state(self, identifier, **state_info):
        agent = self.get_agent(identifier)
        if agent:

# Example usage
sim = Simulation()
sim.add_interaction('Agent1', 'Agent2', type='communication', timestamp='2024-06-26T12:00:00Z')

# Update state of Agent1
sim.update_agent_state('Agent1', health=100, position=(0, 0))

# Access state and edges of Agent1
agent1 = sim.get_agent('Agent1')
if agent1:
    print("State of Agent1:", agent1.get_state())
    print("Outgoing interactions of Agent1:", list(agent1.get_out_edges()))
    print("Incoming interactions of Agent1:", list(agent1.get_in_edges()))


Storing edges within nodes is not the most common approach but can be appropriate for specific scenarios. Carefully consider the trade-offs and ensure you have robust mechanisms for maintaining consistency and managing complexity.

csmangum commented 3 months ago

Maybe call it NodeWeb

csmangum commented 2 months ago

Finished in AnarchyGraph