Doodle3D / doodle3d-client

The Doodle3D web interface that people can access on computers or tablets to draw doodles and control the Doodle3D WiFi box.
GNU General Public License v2.0
3 stars 8 forks source link

Camera and Image overlay feature #260

Closed xyzworkshop closed 9 years ago

xyzworkshop commented 9 years ago

HI Guys, i've been using doodle 3d for my kids workshops here in melbourne australia. Its a popular program.. but i really wished you could tap into the tablets camera and photolibrary.

I would love to run a program where one kids can take picture of their parents or friends.. and doodle over a watermark image of their faces in the canvas.

Or get kids to go out and take pictures of objects and scenes and get them to doodle them

Or even get kids to download an image of their favourite character from the web and trace them like barbie, my little pony, transformers or sponge bob.

Please please try and add this feature... ...... hopefully before my next workshop next month :)

companje commented 9 years ago

this feature will be part of version 0.10.5 and is now being tested in the beta release.