If this occurs, I wonder if it is worth implementing a "plan B" option .... I have noticed that the command line options always create the large tiff, so I wonder if the following is worth adopting?
If the mosaic tif creation fails, perhaps the following could be put in a try/except loop? For those users who also have the command line tools (are these installed inside the conda env?)
If this occurs, I wonder if it is worth implementing a "plan B" option .... I have noticed that the command line options always create the large tiff, so I wonder if the following is worth adopting?
If the mosaic tif creation fails, perhaps the following could be put in a try/except loop? For those users who also have the command line tools (are these installed inside the conda env?)
gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "COMPRESS=LZW" -co "TILED=YES" -co "PHOTOMETRIC=RGB" out.vrt out.tif