Doodleverse / segmentation_zoo

A collection of geoscientific image segmentation models
MIT License
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Model card design and content #2

Closed dbuscombe-usgs closed 2 years ago

dbuscombe-usgs commented 2 years ago

(this could/should be a Discussion, but that doesn't appear to be an option??)

I favour a simple text description of the models such as Fig 1 in in markdown format

@ebgoldstein could you please help add / edit the info fields below for a Zoo model (I will revisit Fri)

Model Details.

Basic info

  • Person or organization developing model
  • Model date
  • Model version
  • Model type Model files and their meaning / uses
  • json file containing model architecture
  • h5 file containing trained weights
  • model card (markdown format)
  • Information about training algorithms, parameters, fair- ness constraints or other applied approaches, and features

Paper or other resource for more information

  • Citation details
  • License
  • Where to send questions or comments about the model - could be this Issues page

Intended Use.

Use cases that were envisioned during de- velopment.

Factors. Factors could include demographic or phenotypic

groups, environmental conditions, technical attributes, or others listed in Section 4.3.

Relevant factors

  • Evaluation factors

  • IoU, Dice, KLD

Metrics. Metrics should be chosen to reflect potential real-

world impacts of the model.

Model performance measures

  • ? Decision thresholds
  • ? Variation approaches
  • ?

Evaluation Data. Details on the dataset(s) used for the

quantitative analyses in the card.


  • ? Motivation
  • ? Preprocessing
  • ?

Training Data

description of training data

  • how many labeled images
  • how many classes / what classes
  • source of imagery
  • source of labels link to dataset
  • e.g. C/T

• Quantitative Analyses

Unitary results

  • ?? Intersectional results
  • ??

Ethical Considerations

Caveats and Recommendations

ebgoldstein commented 2 years ago

i will give it a think.. and discussions is working now...