DoozyDoz / PassMath

MathQuiz App with uneb math past papers but in latex
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Create #20

Closed Anzo52 closed 2 years ago

Anzo52 commented 2 years ago

Need to flesh it out a bit but it's a start.

DoozyDoz commented 2 years ago

@Anzo52 thanks for the contribution, its a step 👌👌👌

Anzo52 commented 2 years ago

I don't do android stuff very often because my gateway goes catatonic whenever I run Studio. But I'll try and play around with this a bit and try and document more of the functionality. I feel like I'm behind in my best-practices/documentation knowledge (I'm self-taught), so any advice or criticism is appreciated! 👍

DoozyDoz commented 2 years ago

Sounds good @Anzo52 , nice to have you on board

DoozyDoz commented 2 years ago

addressed issue #5